<br />In the Matter of the Estate of
<br />3J,�
<br />Josiah Brown,Veceased.
<br />a Now on this 25th day of September,1925,this cause came on for hearing upon the petition
<br />i
<br />I of Lizzie Brown,widow and one of the heirs at law of the above named Josiah Brown,deoeased,
<br />praying for settlement of the estate of said deoeased,a determination of his heirs and the
<br />right of descent of his real estate and the degree of kinship of said heirs at law and it
<br />'. appearing from the proof on file herein that due and legal notice by publication for three
<br />�1 successive weeks,as by law and the order of this Court required,has been given to all oredr
<br />i itors,heirs at law and persons interested in said estate,of the filing of said petition and of
<br />the time and place for hearing same,whioh time was more than 30 days and less than 60 days ,
<br />after the filing of said petition,and there being no objection. thereto,the cause was duly
<br />i� submitted to the Court upon said petition,and the evidenoe,and the Court being duly advised
<br />i
<br />in the premises finds that the allegations in the petition are t rue,tnat the said Josiah
<br />'I
<br />Brown,died intestate on the 5th day of Deoember,1921,in Hall Oounty,Nebraska,and that at the
<br />time of his death he was a resident of Hall County,Nebraska,that at the time of his death
<br />he was the owner of certain real estate in Hall Oounty,Nebraska,that more than two years
<br />have elapsed since his death,that no application has been made in the State of Nebraska for
<br />i
<br />the appointment of an administrator of his estate and no administration has been had of said
<br />i estate.
<br />The Court finds that the deceased left him surviving the following named heirs at law;
<br />Lizzie Brown,widow,age 55 yeats,Carl Brown,son,age 35 years,Olive Rowe,daughter,age 33
<br />years,Rhoda Kilpatriok,daughter,age 27,William Brown,son,age 29 years,Flossie Pawliski,
<br />daughter,age 24 years,Homer Brown,son,age 21 ye ars,and Jesse Brown,now deoeased,said Jesse
<br />Brown died on the 16th day of Deoember,1924,in Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />The Court finds that the said Josiah Brown died seized in fee simple of the following
<br />described real estate situated in Hall County,Nebraska,to -wit:
<br />South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 in Township
<br />11,North,Range 9,West of the 6th P.M.,in Hall Oounty,Nebraska,
<br />whioh real estate did,upon the date of the death of Josiah Brown,pass and desoend,by operation
<br />a
<br />of law to the above named heirs at law as follows:
<br />To Lizzie Brown,widow,an undivided } interest and to each of the following: Carl Brown,Olive
<br />"i Rowe,Rhoda Kilpatriok,William Brown-Flossie Pawliski,Homer Brown,and Jesse Brown,an undivided)
<br />2 /21st interest eaeh,subjeet to the right of homestead therein which passed to the said
<br />1
<br />j Lizzie Brown surviving widow of said deceased.
<br />i
<br />The Court further finds that no petition or application has been filed in the State of
<br />Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of the estate of said deceased and that no
<br />administration has been had upon his estate in the State of Nebraska and that more than two
<br />years have elapsed since his death and that he died intestate and that his funeral expenses
<br />have been paid and that all the debts of said deceased and his estate have been paid and are
<br />forever marred and precluded and that the costs of this proceeding has been paid.
<br />j It is therefore,by the Court ADJUDGED,CONSIDERED AND D ECREED,that the said Josiah Brown,
<br />died intestate more than two years prior to the filing of. the petition herein,that no applioa-
<br />tion for the appointment of an administrator of his estate has been made in the State of Neb-
<br />raska nor has there been any administration upon his estate in the State of Nebraska,that he
<br />died seized in fee simple of the following described real estate situated in Hall County,Neb.
<br />