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<br />and in her presence and in the presence of each other have set our names hereto as attest-
<br />ing witnesses.
<br />F.J.Oleary of Grand Island,Nebraska.
<br />J.L.Cleary of Grand Island,Nebraska.
<br />es.
<br />KEITH COUNTY, At a session of the.County Court held at the County Court Room in
<br />Ogallala,in said County,on the 9th day of April,A.D.,1926,presence C.Arrow*mith County Judge.
<br />In the matter of the estate of Emma Limbaugh,deceased,I O.Arrowsmith County Judge in and
<br />for said Oounty,do hereby certify that on the 15th day of March,A.D.,1926,the instrument pur-
<br />porting to be the last will m d testament of Emma Limbaugh,deoeased,was filed for probate in I
<br />this Court. That on the 9th day of April,A.D.,1926,said instrument to which this is attached
<br />was duly proved,probated,and allowed,as the last will and testament of the said Emma Li
<br />deceased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Oourt aforesaid,
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said County Oourt,this
<br />9th day of Apri1,A.D.,1926.
<br />(SEAL) O.Arrowsmith
<br />County Judge.
<br />(9).The Court further finds that on the 9th day of April,19262the said J.G.Limbaugh,
<br />filed his Bond as required by the Order of this Court,which said Bond was duly approved by
<br />the County Judge of said Oourt,and took the oath required by Law.
<br />(9).The Court further finds that on the 9th day of Apri1,1926,Letters Testamentary were
<br />duly issued on said Estate to said J.G.Kimbaugh.
<br />(14).The Court further finds that on the 9th day of Apri1,1926,this Court entered an 0
<br />fixing the 14th day of May,1926,and the 16th day of August,1926,as the dates for presenting
<br />claims against said Estate and limited the time for the filing of claims against said Estate
<br />to three months from the 14th day of May,1926,and the time for settling said Estate as one
<br />year from the 14th day of May,1926.
<br />(11).The Court further finds from the proof of Publication filed in this Court bn the
<br />14th day of May,1926,that due and legal Notice of said Order was given to creditors as pro-
<br />vided by Law and by the Order of this Court,by publishing a Notice thereof for four oonse-
<br />outive weeks immediately preceeding the 14th day of May,1926,in the Paxton Times,a legal
<br />newspaper printed and published at'Paxton,Keith County,Nebraska. The first publication havin
<br />been made on the 16th day of April,1926,and the last publication on the 7th day of May,1926.
<br />(12).The Court further finds that on the 17th day of June,1926,an Inventory of said Estat
<br />was duly filed and that an appraisement of the property belonging to 'said Estate was duly
<br />filed.
<br />(13).The Court further finds that on the 16th day of August,1926,this Court entered an
<br />Order allowing the claims on file against said Estate and forever barring the further filing
<br />of claims against said Estate.
<br />(14) . The Court further finds that on the 17th day of Maroh,1927,the Executor,of said
<br />Estate filed a Report of his acts and doings in said Estate from the 9th day of April,1926,
<br />to the 15th day of March. ,1927.
<br />(15) ,The Court further finds that on the 17th day of Maroh,1927,the Executor of said
<br />filed a Petition for a Final Settlement of his accounts as such Executor and for a Final
<br />determination of heirship -and distribution of said Estate.
<br />(16)'. The Court further finds that on the 17th day of Maroh,1927,this Court entered
<br />