The southeast quarter of section five,township eight,north,rangs ten west of the sixth
<br />305
<br />'i principal mexi di,an,in Adams Oounty,Nebraska.
<br />Lot six,Island,in section nineteen,township nine,north,range eleven west of the sixth
<br />Principal meridian,in Hall county,Nebraska.
<br />The northwest quarter of section eighteen,township three,north,tange nineteen west of the
<br />sixth principal meridian,in Harlan county,Nebraska.
<br />The northeast quarter of section twenty seven,township five,north,range eighteen west
<br />of the sixth principal meridian,in Phelps count y, Nebraska.
<br />The northeast quarter of section eleven and the undivided one half of the southeast
<br />quarter of seotion t wo,townmhip five,north,range twenty nine igest of the sixth principal
<br />meridian,and the northwest quarter of section nineteen,township six,north,sange twenty nine
<br />r
<br />ii west of the sixth principal meridian,and the southwest quarter of section three,township
<br />i!
<br />seven,north,range twenty six west of the sixth principal meridian,all in Frontier oount y,
<br />j
<br />Sebraska.
<br />The east half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
<br />r'
<br />anU the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty one,township thirteen,
<br />range ninety five,in Delta county,Oolorado.
<br />The east half of the southwest
<br />quarter and the north three quarters of the northwest
<br />quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty five,township forty five,north,range
<br />ten east of the New Mexico Meridian,in Saguaohe oounty,Aolorado;
<br />that the executor has filed a supplement to his Final Report herein showing that the balance
<br />Of $121.36,in his hands as set forth in his Final Report,has been used,together with $220.55
<br />i advanced to him by said Martin W.Conroy,in payment of the inheritance tax assessed herein-
<br />that all other personal property of said estate has been turned over to the legatees entitled
<br />thereto under said will,and that there remai#z no personal property in the hands of said
<br />executor.
<br />11-The Court further finds that by the terms of"said will the said Louisa Ooaroy,widow,
<br />and Martin W.Oonroy,son,are entitled to all of the personal property of said estate,in equal
<br />shares,and that the same should accordingly be asdigned to them.
<br />12.The Court further finds that by the terms of said will the said Louisa Conroy is en-
<br />titled,in fee,to the said
<br />l The north half of section sixteen;the north half of the northeast quarter of seotion
<br />li
<br />iififteen ;the north half of the northwest quarter of section twelve ;and the northeast quarter
<br />!of the northeast quarter of section eleven,all in township eight,north,tange eleven west of
<br />the sixth principal meridian,in Adams County,Nebraska,
<br />and that the said Martin W.Conroy is entitled,in f ee,to the said
<br />The southeast quarter of section five,township eight,north,range ten west of the sixth
<br />!principal Meridian -in Adams Oounty,Nebraska;
<br />Lot six,Island,in seotioa�;,4ineteen,township nine,north,r.,ange eleven west of the sixth
<br />Iprinoipal meridian,in Hall Oounty,Nebraska;
<br />The northwest quarter of section eighteen,township three,north,range nineteen west of
<br />!the sixth principal meridian,in Harlan oounty,Nebraske;
<br />The northeast quarter of section twenty seven,township five,north,range eighteen west
<br />lof the sixth principal meridian,in Phelps oounty,Nebraska
<br />The northeast quarter of section eleven and the undivided one half of the southeast quarter
<br />of section two,township five,north,range twenty nine west of the sixth principal meridian,and
<br />The northwest quarter of section nirtteen,township six,north,range twenty nine west of the sixth
<br />