<br />jJ U N'l
<br />matter came on for hearing on the claims against said estate,and it:'appearing to the Court
<br />that the time heretofore limited by order of this Court for filing and proving claims against
<br />said estate has expired,May 20,1920 that notice of the time and place of filing and proving
<br />claims has been given as required by the said order of this Court,and that no claims have
<br />been filed.
<br />It is therefore ordered and considered by the Court that every person having a claim
<br />against said estate not heretofore filed be and hereby is forever barred from recovering
<br />such demand,and from setting off the same in any action whatever.
<br />(SEAL) E.A.Smith
<br />County Judge.
<br />The State of Nebraska,
<br />County of Sherman, 388.
<br />At a session of the County Court held at the County Court room in Loup City in said county,
<br />on the 26th,day of June A.D.1920 Present E.A.Smith,County Judge.
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of Emil Sehumann,deoeased.
<br />This day having been assigned by the order of said Court for hearing the petition of
<br />Anna Schumann praying among other things for the allowance of his final account,heretofore
<br />filed on the 28th,day of May A.D.19209in this Court,and for a final settlement and discharge
<br />from his trust as such Executrix.
<br />It appearing to the Court,by due proof on file,that the order of this Court,touching the
<br />hearing of said Petition,made on the 29th,day of June last past,has been duly served and
<br />published as therein direoted,whereby all parties interested in the premises were duly noti-
<br />fied of said hearing.
<br />And it further appearing that the said Executrix has not fully completed her duties
<br />as Executrix of this estate.
<br />Thereupon,after careful examination of the said account by the Oourt,and after due con-
<br />sideration thereof,and of the vouchers filed by the said Executrix in support thereof,on mot-
<br />ion of the said Executrix no one appearing to object to or contest the same;
<br />IT IS ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED,That for the purpose of allowing time for executrix
<br />to file vouchers for expenditures,and to ascertain and pay such amount of State of Inherit
<br />tax as may be assessed against this estate the further hearing on this account and settlement
<br />of this estate hereby is continyted to the 27,day of July 1920.
<br />Dated this 26th,day of June 1920.
<br />(SEAL) E.A.Smith
<br />County Judge.
<br />In the County Court of Sherman County,Nebrasla .
<br />In the Matter of the Estate of Emil Schumann,deceased.
<br />And now on this 27th,day of July comes the appointed time for hearing on the final account
<br />of Anna.Schumann,executrix of said estate,the Court finds 84id account correct,with the ex-
<br />ceptions that E.A.Smith County Judge should be paid the sum of $24.70 balance due Coflnty
<br />Court in this case,the sum of $24.10 to the County Treasurer of Sherman County,Nebraska,for
<br />State Inheritance Tax assessed against her and the sum of 50 cents to the Treasurer of Hall
<br />Co.Nebr,for the same purpose,and also to pay what National Inheritance tax that may be assess-
<br />ed against this estate,and present vouchers showing such paymente,to this Court,That said
<br />report as modified and changed by this decdee,is correct and should be allowed,And it is
<br />further ordered and decreed by this court that upon payment of said sums specified in this
<br />decree and presenting to this Court proper vouchers showing said pay ments,that said report
<br />will be and hereby is allowed as and for the final account of said Executrix.
<br />