<br />Ems
<br />manner or to any extent for the obligations or liabilities,voiuntary or involuntary,of said
<br />beneficiaries,or for any claims against them or any of them.
<br />(13): Two- fifths (2/5) of the principal of the trust estate,shall be considered as held for
<br />i
<br />I
<br />the benefit of my two children,EDMOND D.K.EARNEY,and MARIE KEARNEY,children by my deceased
<br />wife,upon the following condidions:(a) The net income from this portion of the trust estate
<br />shall be paid unto my said son and my said daughter equally in quarter annual installments,
<br />such payments of net income to so continue to be made unto my said son and unto my said
<br />I
<br />daughter until the trust as to each of them shall cease and deternine-as hereinafter provided.
<br />(b)When my son,Edmond D.Kearney,attains the age of thirty -five (35) years,this portion of
<br />the trust estate shall be divided into two (2) parts equal in value and thereafter one (1)
<br />! of said parts shall be considered as held for the benefit of each of my said children. Upon
<br />k�
<br />{ the attainment of the age of thirty-five g y- (35) years by my said son and my said daughter,his
<br />or her portion of the principal of the trust estate then held for his or her benefit shall
<br />be divided into two (2) parts equal in value and at said time there shall be paid,trans-
<br />ferPed and delivered over unto such child so attain ing the age of thirty -five (35) years,
<br />one of said parts,and when such child shall attain the age of forty (40) years,the remainder
<br />of.the principal of the trust estate then held for his or her benefit shall be paid,trans-
<br />ferred and delivered over unto his or her and the trust as to such child shall cease and
<br />determine.
<br />(o) Should either my said son or my said daughter die before receiving all of his or her
<br />share of the principal of the trust estate as hereinbefore provided,leaving issue h1m or her
<br />surviving,then,and in such event,the share or portion of the trust estate then held for the
<br />PAGE SIX William Kearney (SEAL)
<br />benefit of my child so dying shall be paid,transferred and delivered over unto his or her
<br />issue and be divided equally among such issue if there be more than one,and the trust alto
<br />such child shall cease and determine,provided,however,that should either my said son or my
<br />said daughter die before the termination of the trust as hereinbefore provided,leaving no
<br />issue him or her surviving,then,and in such event,the share or portion of the tryst estate
<br />so held for the benefit of such,` - child of mine so dying, shall be held for the benefit of the
<br />survivor of my aforesaid son and daughter and shall be paid,transferred and delivered
<br />over unto him or her or uhtm his or her issue upon the conditions hereinbefore set forth.
<br />(d) The provisions herein made for my son,EDMOND D.KEARNEY,and my daughter,MARIE KEARNEY,
<br />9
<br />children of my deceased wife,are made to the exclusion of any child or children born to my by
<br />j
<br />,
<br />my second wife,whether nor living or born after the execution of this,my last Will and Testa-
<br />ment.
<br />(14); The remaining three fifths (3/5) of the principal of the trust estate shall be held
<br />II for the benefit of my present wife,MARY GAHAN KEARNEY,AND children of mine by her,whether
<br />now living or born after the execution of this,my last Willand Testament,upon the following
<br />conditions:(a) The net income from this portion of the trust 'esfole shall be paid unto my
<br />wife,Mary Gahan Kearney,in quarter annual installments,such payments of net income to so con -
<br />i
<br />i1 tinue to be made unto my said wife as long as she may live or remain my widow.
<br />i� (b)From and after the death of my said wife,or should my said wife remarry,then from the time
<br />of such remarriage,her interest in the trust estate shall cease and determine and thereafter
<br />= the remaining three - fifths (3/5) of all such rest,residue and remainder of my estate shall
<br />�i be considered as held for the equal benefit and advantage of my children born to mr by
<br />j my second wife,and the net income therefrom shall be paid to my said children equally in
<br />quarter annual installments,until the trust as to
<br />T- - -- - - -- - _. __- - - -a.1
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<br />