<br />V 111 AIN D 21VLE32 M 1'VD2D
<br />IN THE MATTER OF THE Estate of )
<br />() DECREE.
<br />WILLIAM E,DENNING,deceased.
<br />On this 7th day of March,1927,this cause came on for hearing on the final deport and petit
<br />for discharge of James A.Donahue,the duly appointed,qualified and acting administrator of the
<br />estate of William E.Denning,deceased,said administrator appearing in person and by Courtright
<br />Sidner,Lee & Gunderson,his attorneys. The court being fully advised in the,premises finds t
<br />notice of this hearing has been given as required by law and the order of this court;that s
<br />administrator has fully administered said estate,paid all court costs,attorneys, fees,claims
<br />filed and allowances made by the court;that notice to creditors has been given;that time
<br />for filing claims has expired,and that a decree has been entered barring all claims not file
<br />and that this estate is not subject to federal estate not state inheritance tax.
<br />The court further finds that said deceased departed this life intestate on May 19,1926,
<br />while a resident of Dodge County,Nebraska. Said deceased left surviving him no widow,nor chi
<br />nor children,but left surviving him as his sole and only heir at law his mother,Telva Matley,,
<br />now residing at Burkett,Nebraska.
<br />The court further finds that the residue_of said estate consists of an unpaid balance due
<br />deceased from the receiver of Fidelity Trust Company on account of guardianship funds held
<br />by said company,cash in the sum of #.1865.04,and lot four,block three,College addition to
<br />Grand Island,Nebraska,which should be assigned to Telva Matley.
<br />The court further finds that the final report filed herein is true,correct and complete
<br />and should be approved and allowed.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that the final report filed
<br />herein is hereby approved and allowed,that the residue of said estate, including lot four,
<br />block three,College addition to Grand Island,Nebraska,and any other real estate of which
<br />deceased died seized be assigned to Telva Matley,and that upon the filing of receipts for the`
<br />distributive share said administrator be discharged and his bond cancelled.
<br />By the Court,
<br />(Seal) Waldo Wintersteen
<br />Judge.
<br />State of Nebraska,
<br />ss.
<br />I,Waldo Wintersteen,County Judge of Dodge 0ounty,1'ebraska,D0 HEREBY CERTIFY that I have
<br />compared the foregoing copy of Decree in the Matter of the Estate of William E.Denning,Deeeaspd.
<br />with the original record thereof,now remaining in the said court;that the same is a correct
<br />transcript thereof,and of the while of said original record;and that I have the legal custody;,
<br />and control of said original record;that said court is a court of record,has a seal,and that
<br />the seal is hereunto affixed ;and that the foregoing attestation is in due form,adcording to 4
<br />the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court at Fremont,
<br />this 16th day of March,1927.
<br />(SEAL) Waldo Wintersteen
<br />County Judge.
<br />Filed for record this 18 day of March 1927,at 9 :30 o'clock A.M.
<br />Register of eeds
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