proper:, person to make this application.
<br />2 5 ;3
<br />The Court further finds that said deceased left surviv$ng him the following named heirs
<br />at law:
<br />Rebecca E.Ellington,his widow,
<br />Isaac Ellington,a son,
<br />Christeana Ellington$rock,a daughter,
<br />David Ellington,a son,
<br />Sarah Ellington,Johnson,a daughter,
<br />Nancy Ellington,Skelton,a daughter,
<br />Daniel Ellington,a son.
<br />j The court _duTther finds that said Michael Ellington died seized in fee simple of the
<br />!j following described real estate situated in Hall County,Nebra.ska,to -wit;
<br />`I
<br />North half of northeast auarter,southwest quarter of northeast quarter,and Lot One (1),
<br />all in Section Eight (8),southwest quarter of southeast quarter of Section Five (5),all in
<br />Township Nine (9),Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M.,in Hall County,Nebraska,
<br />which real estate did,upon the date of the death of said Michael Ellington,pass and descend
<br />by operation of law to the above named heirs at law as follows: to Isaac Ellington,Christeana
<br />Ellington Brock,David Ellington,Sarah Ellington Johnson,Nancy Ellington S4elton,and Daniel
<br />Ellington,an undivided one -sixth part to each,subject,however,to the estate of dower therein
<br />which passed and descended by operation of law to the said Rebecca E.Ellington,surviving
<br />jw widow of said deceased,for and during her natural life time.
<br />i
<br />The Court further finds that no petition or application has'-been filed in'the state of
<br />Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of the estate of said d eceased,and that
<br />no administration has been had upon his estate in the state of Nebraska;that more than two
<br />years have elapsed since his death and that he died intestate,and that his funeral expenses
<br />have been paid,and that all the debts of said deceased and his estate have been paid and
<br />are forever barred and precluded,and that the costs of this proceeding have been paid.
<br />Ellington died intestate,more than two years prior to the filing of the petition herein;
<br />that no application for the appointment of an administrator of his estate has been made in
<br />i
<br />the state of Nebraska,nor has there been any administration upon his estate in the state of
<br />Nebraska;that he died seized in fee simple of the following described real estate situate
<br />in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br />North half of northeast quarter,sout:reast quarter of northeast quarter,and Lot One (1),
<br />all in Section Eight (8),southwest quarter of southeast quarter in Section Five (5),all in
<br />Township Nine (9),Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M.;that he left him surviving,as his
<br />only heits at law,Rebecca E.Ellington,surviving widow,Isaac Ellington,a son,Christeana Elling
<br />ton Brock,a daughter,David Ellington,a son,Sarah Ellington Johnson,a daughter,Nancy Ellington
<br />Skelton,a son,and Daniel Ellington,a son;that the above described real estate passed and des -
<br />cended,apon the death of said Michael Ellington,deceased,as follows:to Isaac Ellington,Christ
<br />eana Ellington Brock,David Ellington,Sarah Illington Johnson ,Nancy Ellington Skelton,and
<br />Daniel Ellington,an undivided one -sixth part to each,subject,however,to the estate of dower
<br />therein which passed and descended by operation of law to the said Rebecca E.Ellington,survi-
<br />ving widow of said deceased,for and during; her natural life time,and the same is hereby award
<br />to them as provided by the laws of descent of the state of Nebraska,and that all of the debts
<br />of said estate are paid or forever barred and precluded,and that .-Iurther',administration of
<br />his estate is hereby dispensed with and said estate is settled and forever closed.
<br />State of Nebraska,)
<br />) ss.
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />n e ounty Court of Hall County,Nebraska
<br />