<br />this 30th day of J*puary,A.D.1926.
<br />(SEAL) JOSEPH M.TURBYFILL,County Judge
<br />That an order was duly made and entered herein by the court,fixing and limiting the time
<br />within which claims might be filed against said estate,and ordering that due and proper
<br />notice be given thereof as provided and required by law;that any and all claims not filed
<br />in this matter within said time should be barred;that due and proper notice of said order,
<br />fl and to the creditors of the deceased,has been given as provided by law and the order of
<br />the court,and all claims against said estate should be barred;that all costs of this pro-
<br />ceeding have been barred.
<br />That the deceased left surviving him as his next of kin and heirs at law the following
<br />named and described persons;
<br />Susan Rapp,widow of deceased,residence Hastings,Nebra..ska
<br />Tacy Rapp,daughter of the d eceased,residence Hastings,Nebraska
<br />Effie M.Rapp,daughter of the deceased,residence Hdstings,Nebr.
<br />That the wife and daughters of the deceased are each of legal age;that the deceased
<br />left surviving him no other son or daughter,nor the child or children of any deceased son
<br />or daughter;that William Rapp was married only once,and Susan Rapp is the mother of said
<br />daughters of the deceased.
<br />That the deceased at the time of his death was the owner and in
<br />possession of the foll-
<br />y
<br />owing described real estate,subject to certain encumbrances thereon,to -wit;
<br />The Southwest Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15,
<br />township 9, range .9 ,We-st of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County.,.Nebraska.
<br />The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 14,township 9,north,range 9,west of
<br />the 6th P.M.,in Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />I Lot 1,Penfield's Subdivision of Lot Sand the South Half of Lot 7,in Block 1,Buswell's
<br />Addition to Hastings,Nebraska.
<br />Lots 1.,2 and 3 in Block 3,Haire's Addition to Hastings,Nebraska.
<br />The North Half of Section l,in township 12,range 63,West of the 6th P.M.,in El Paso
<br />County,Colorado.
<br />The South Half of Section 12,in Township 14,in range 21,West of the 2nd P.M.,in the pro-
<br />vince of Saskatchewan,Dominion of Canada.
<br />That the deceased and his wife and daughters for many years prior to and tt the time of
<br />the death of the deceased made their home and resided upon the East 85 feet of Lot hand a
<br />part of Lot 2,in Block 3,Haire's Addition to Hastings,Nebraska,and the same constituted and
<br />was their statutory homestead,and that the present value of the life estate of the widow
<br />of the deceased in and to said premises is the sum of $2000.00;that all of said real estate
<br />should be,in accordance with the terms of the will of the d eceased,assigned to Susan Rapp,
<br />the widow of the deceased.
<br />That the personal property described in the inventory herein is exempt to the widow of the
<br />deceased,and the sane should be distributed to her because of said fact and because of the
<br />provision of the will of the deceased giving her all of the property of the deceased.
<br />That the report and account of the executrix filed herein is full,true and correct;that
<br />the widow of the deceased is the residuary legatee and devisee of the deceased,and she has in
<br />open court waived any claim for the amount expended by her in the administration of said
<br />estate in excess of the amount collectedand received by her.
<br />That notice has been duly given that the court would ascertain,fix and determine the amoun
<br />Of state inheritance tax chargeable against the assets of the estate of the deceased,and
<br />