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174 <br />71-1-al AWID DEJUMM-12-1i 22-aluvM-011 <br />74861 TATE JOURNAL COMPANY, LINCOLN, NEB. <br />Luebs,the sum of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars each. <br />The payment of the above bequests shill <br />constitute a lien upon the property bequeathed in this paragraph and the payment thereof shall <br />be made within thirty days after the death of my wife,Anna Luebs.I further direct t)iat the said <br />Rudolph H.Luebs shall pay interest on the sums bequeathed to Alma and Alfred at the rate of fbur <br />per cent per annum beginning at the date of my death and continuing until the death of my be <br />loved wife,Anna Luebs,at which time the bequests shall be paid in full. Said interest to be <br />payable annually. <br />SEVENTH: I give,devise and bequeath to my beloved son,John.Luebs the East Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (E.1 NWj) of Section Thirty -six (36),Township Ten (10),Range Eleven (11), <br />West of the 6th Hall County,Nebraska,and I hereby direct that he shall pay to my be- <br />loved daughter,Rosa Luebs,the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars and to my beloved son, <br />Henry Luebs,Jr.,the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars,the same to be paid within thirty <br />days after my death and to constitute a lien on the above described premises. <br />i <br />EIGHTH: I give,devise and bequeath to my beloved son,Albert Luebs Lots Three (3),Four (4),' <br />and Five (5) in the Northwest Quarter (NWJ) of Section Thirty -one (31),Township Ten (10),RangO <br />Ten (10),West of the 6th Hall County,Nebraska,also Lot Six (6) in the Northwest Quartet <br />of the Southwest Quarter (NWJ SEJ) and the Northeast Quarter of the North -west Quarter (NEJ <br />NWj) of Section Thirty -one (31),Township Ten (10),Range Ten (10),in Hall County,Nebraska,and <br />I hereby direct that the said Albert Luebs shall pay to my beloved son,Henry Luebs,Jr.,the sub <br />of Three Thousan d Five Hundred ($3,500.00) Dollars,and the sane shall constitute a lien upon <br />the above described premises and shall be paid within thirty days after my death. <br />NINTH: I give,devise and bequeath to my beloved son,Nicholas Luebs,Lots Seven (7),Eight (, <br />Nine (9),Ten (10),Eleven (11),Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) and the Northeast Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (NE� SE *) all in Section Thirty -One (31),Township Ten (10),Range Ten (10) <br />in Hall County,Nebraska,and I hereby direct that the said Nicholas Luebs shall pay unto my <br />beloved son,August Luebs,the sum of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars,and the same shall con <br />stitute a lien upon the above described premises and shall be paid within thirty days after my <br />death. <br />Page No.2 <br />TENTH: I give,devise and bequeath to my beloved daughter Marie Luebs,all of my house -hold <br />furniture and fixtures,except the piano,subject,however,to the life estate of my beloved wife, <br />Anna Luebs,in and to said property. <br />ELEVENTH: I give,devise and bequeath unto my beloved daughter,Alma Luebs,my piano,she 10 <br />have the same,absolutely and forever. <br />TWELFTH: I direct that a suitable monument be erected in o ol,the same to cost-not more <br />than Four Hundred Fifty ($450.00) Dollars. <br />THIRTEENTH :All of the rest,residue and remainder of my estate,whether real,personal or mixed <br />and by me owned at the time of my death,I give,devise and bequeath to my children,Herman <br />Luebs,Emma Luebs Tamms,Rosa Luebs,Rudolph H.Luebs,Alma Luebs,Alfred Luebs,Marie Luebs,John <br />Luebs,Albert Luebs,Henry Luebs,Nicholas Luebs and August Luebs,in equal shares to each. <br />FOURTEENTH :I hereby direct that in the event of my children should precede me in death <br />leaving heirs surviving,then and in that event,the share of said deceased child or children, <br />shall be divided equally among his or her surviving heirs,but in the event that any of my <br />children should precede me in death without issue,and leaving no surviving husband or wife, <br />I direct that his or her share shall revert to,my estate. <br />FIFTEENTH:I hereby name,nominate and appoint my beloved sons,Herman Luebs and John Luebs <br />as Executors of this my Last Will and Testament,and I hereby authorize them to sell and convey <br />- - <br />-- which- I may - <br />i; <br />