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I14 <br />power to sell,alienate or incumber in any way said real estate,but with power by agreement <br />j to partition said land between themselves,and that upon the death of either of said sons <br />his share passes and descends to his children in equal shares and in absolute title. <br />IT IS THEREFORE CONSDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREEE that at the death of Richard Mankin all <br />of the above mentioned and described real estate did pass and descend,under the provisions of <br />his Last Will and Testament,to William P.Mankin and John A.Mankin,his sons,in equal shares <br />and as tenants in common,pOR THE TERM OF THEIR NATURAL LIVES but without power to sell,alie- <br />nate or incumber same in any wayfand that ihpon the death of either of said sons his share <br />I of said real estate passes and descends, under the terms of said last will and testament,to <br />his children in equal shares to be theirsabsolutely. <br />The court finds that the said Richard Mankin was at the time of his death the owner in <br />fee,of the following described real estate situate in the County of Hall.and State of Neb- <br />raska,to -wit: <br />The Easterly 115 feet of Lot Nineteen (19 ) in Block Twenty -six ( 26) , in the Village of <br />Wood River and <br />Lot No.191 in Section "G" in the Grand Island Cemetery,and that by virtue of the provi- <br />sions of the residuary clause of said last will and testament said real estate did pass and <br />. I <br />descend at the death of the said Richard Mankin to his said sons,William P.Mankin and John <br />A.Mankin in equal shares and in absolute title. <br />IT,IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED AND DECREED by the court that all of the right,title and inter- <br />, � <br />est of the said Richard Mankin in and to the Easterly 115 feet of Lot 19 in Block 26 in the <br />I <br />Village of Wood River and lot No.191 in Section "G" in the Grand Island Cemetery did pass <br />I <br />and descend at his death,under the provisions of his Last Will and Testament, to William P. I <br />Mankin and John A.Mankin and to their'--heirs and assigns forever. <br />The court further finds that the INHERITANCE TAX assessed against the benefifiaries under <br />the Will,William P.Mankin and John A.Mankin,has been paid and that that part of said estate <br />going to the other beneficiaries is not subject to Inheritance Tax. <br />i <br />The Court further finds that the Federal Inheritance Tax has been paid as shown by the re- <br />ceipt of the Collector of Internal Revenue,now on file in this office. <br />J.H.Mullin,County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska, <br />as. II <br />Hall County In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska I` <br />j <br />I,J.H.Mullin,County Judge of H@.11 County,Nebraska,do hereby certify that I have compared II <br />the foregoing copy of LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT,CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE THEREOF AND FINAL DECREE, <br />i <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD MANKIN,DECEAS.ED,with the original record thereof, <br />now remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of <br />such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto I <br />attached;that said Court has no Clerk authorised to sign certificates in his own name,and ?I <br />i <br />that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the <br />ii <br />foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court)I <br />at Grand Island,this 11th day of May 1926 II' <br />(SEAL) J.H.Mullin I <br />County Judge. �I <br />i <br />�i <br />By Agnes Matthews <br />Clerk County Court. <br />ii <br />Filed for record this 25 day of June 1926,at 2 o'clock P.M. <br />h <br />Register of Deeds <br />