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N 22 <br />-STATE JOU <br />Vj11 A Pff I D 2V2 M__ - I-qu-1 MP0UTM,D <br />INCOLN, NEB. <br />Kroeger,Alma Kroeger,Martha Kroeger and Helen Kroeger,children of the said George Kroeger, <br />in °equal yoa.rts. <br />The Court further finds that said E ^:_a Kroeger,widow of the deceased,ha.s elected to take <br />u.nucr the provisions cf this will. <br />IT IS,THEREFORE,CO,SIDERED BY THE COURT that the report of the said Executor be and the s <br />hereby is approved and allowed as and for his final account. <br />IT IS FURTHER COiTSIDERED Aivl� ADJUDGED BY THE COURT that all persons are forever barred f <br />fillnL or setting up any claims or demands against the Estate of the said George Kroeger,de- <br />cee.sed. <br />IT I S FURTHER CO IT °IDE.�t �L , ADJUDGED A' :I DECREED BY THE' COURT that all of the personal property <br />possessed by the deceased after the payment of all just debts and expenses of adlinistering <br />said Estate,passed and descended to August Kroeger,Dora. Schultz, Bertha Kroeger,Alma Kroeger, <br />Yartha Kroeger and Helen Kroeger,in equal shares,subject to the use and incoi?le of said property <br />by Em:.u. %roeger,vvidow of said deceasedt)z2 and during her natural life,or so long as she re- <br />r a� dns a. �- idow uncaer and by virtue of the provisions of the last will and testament of George <br />Kroeger,deceased,and it is so awarded and, <br />IT FURTHER COX3IDERED,ADJUDGED AND DEORTTD BY THE COURT that the Northwest quarter (NN4) <br />and the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (577.1 NE4) of Section Thirty -three (33) <br />in Tovnship Twelve (12) North,Range Eleven (11) ,West of the 6th. P.11. , and Lots Five and Six <br />(5 & 6) in Block Two (2) in Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hall Count, <br />Nebraska,did pass and descend at the death of the said George Kroeger,under and by virtue of <br />the provisions of his last will and testament to August Kroeger,Dora Schultz Bertha Kroeger, <br />Alma Kroeger,lartha Kroeger,and Helen Kroeger,children of the deceased,subject to the use an <br />income frorri said property in favor of Emr,,a. Kroeger,widow of said deceased during her °: rtatur <br />life or so long as she remains a. widow and subject also to the right granted to said Emma <br />Kroeg'er to sell and dispose of the So -tthwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SWI NEµ) of <br />Section Thirty -three (33)Jolmaship Twelve (12) North,Range Eleven (11),7est of the Sixth P. <br />and Lots Five and Six ( 5 & 6) in Block Two (2) in Boggs and Hill's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island,Ha11 County,17,ebra.ska,and the same is hereby awarded to them and their heirs forever. <br />J. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska, <br />s s. <br />Hall County In the County Court of Hell County,Nebro.ska <br />I,J.H. Mullin, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have compared <br />foregoin ; copy of LAST ' "IL', AND TESTAMENT, CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE THERTOF,AluD FINAL DECREE IN <br />THE TATTER OF Tin' ESTATE OF GEORGE KROEGER,DECEASED. with the original record thereof,now r ,; <br />maining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,nnd of the whole of such <br />he <br />original record; that said Court is a, Court of Record having a s eal.,which seal is hereto atta.4,hed; <br />that said Court has - ^:o Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,and that I am <br />the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the foregoing <br />attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, <br />at Grand Island,this 8th day of August 1925 <br />( SEAL) <br />J. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />By Agnes Matthews <br />Clerk County Court. <br />Filed for record this 12 day of Lecember 1925,at 11 o'clock A.1. <br />