21 ,
<br />I! finds that the said Executor has accounted for all of the Estate of the said deceased coining
<br />;i into his possession or under his control and that there remains in his hands for distributio
<br />the sum of 16,344.67,and that said report is in all respects correct and ought to be allowe
<br />as and for thc' final account of said Executor.
<br />The Court finds that the m -ney remaining in the hands of the Executor should be distri-
<br />I
<br />buted as follo,ws,a.s provided in the will of the deceased:
<br />a
<br />To Emma. Kroeger,twidow of the deceased,the use and income of said money for and during
<br />her natural life provided she remains unmarried;upon the death of Emma Kroeger or her re-
<br />marriage, said moneys are to be distributed to August Kroeger,Dora Schultz,Bertha; Kroeger,
<br />ii
<br />Alma Kroeger,Martha Kroeger,and Helen Kroeger,share and share alike,they being thechildren
<br />of the deceased.
<br />The Court finds that notice by publication as required by law was given to all persons in-
<br />terested in said Estate as to the time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against
<br />the Estate of said deceased and that the tine so allowed for filing claims has fully expired;
<br />that all claims outstanding against said deceased not so filed,if any such there be,a.re there,
<br />fore,fo-rever'ka.rred and excluded;tha.t all claims filed and allowed against said Estate have
<br />been paid and satisfied.
<br />The Court finds that the Estate of the said George Kroeger,deceased,is of the value of
<br />i.
<br />$39,000.00 and is not subject to Inheritance Tax,and that the devisesand Bequeaths to the
<br />ii
<br />widow and children of said deceased under said will are not subject to Inheritance Tax.
<br />4i
<br />The Court finds that the said George Kroeger,departed this life on the 14th, day of Februar
<br />1925,and that at that time he was a resident and ihhabita.nt of Hall County,Nebra.ska,and that
<br />he left a last will and testament ,which instrument was duly approved, allowed and admitted �I
<br />to probate in this Court on the 28th. day of 11a.rch,1925 and recorded in this office. �I
<br />la ,.
<br />The Court finds that said George Kroeger was at the time of his death,the owner of the !�
<br />following described real estate,situate in the County of Hall,State of Nebreska,to -wit:
<br />j The Northwrest quarter (N v') and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast quarter ( SW NE4)
<br />of Section Thirty -three (33),Toirnship Twelve (12) North,Range Eleven (11) and Lots Five and
<br />Six (5 & 6) in Block Two (2) of Boggs and Hill's Addition to Grand Island,Hall County,Nebrask .
<br />i
<br />The Court finds that under and by virtue of the provisions of the last will and testament
<br />it
<br />of said deceased,all of said. real estate was devised to Emma Kroeger for and during her natur -�
<br />al life,provided she rena,ined unmarried during that time,a.nd that according to the terms of
<br />�I
<br />said last will and.testa.ment,the said Emma Kroeger has the right and is empowered to :011
<br />and c'i pose of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast quarter (97 NEL) of Section Thirty -thrO'
<br />(33) , ToT.,,n ship Twelve (12) North ,Range Eleven (11) , Pest of the 6th. P. M. , and Lots Five and Six
<br />ji
<br />ii
<br />(5 & 6) in Block Two (2) of Bogs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hal1 County,
<br />N ebr ^, sk a.
<br />II
<br />The Court further finds that under the provisions of said last will and testament all of
<br />i
<br />the right,title and interest of the said George Kroeger in and to the Northwest Quarter (NZ.1;
<br />c d the Southivest quarter of 4he Northeast quarter (S1771 NE-L) of Section Thirty - three - (33)x:
<br />Township Twelve (12) North,Range Eleven (11) land Lots Five and Six (5 & 6) in Block Two (2)
<br />in Bogs and Hill's Addition to the City of Grand. Island,Hall County, Nebraska, did pass and
<br />descend at the death of the said George Kroeger,subject to the interest of the said Em --•na Kro
<br />ger therein and subject to th- right of the said Emma Kroeger to dispose of the Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quartrix (SW-4 NE-1) of Section Thirty -three (33) ,Tortinship Twelve (12)
<br />North,
<br />Range Eleven (11) and Lots Five and six (5 & 6) in Block Two (2) in Boggs and Hill's A
<br />ition to the City of Grand Island,Hall County,Nebraska,to August KroeSer,Dora. Schultz, Bertha
<br />