<br />legal representatives but shall revert to my estate.
<br />i
<br />Sixth: To my grand- son,Victor Laurn Guinan,they shall pay for hisuse and benefit,to Anna i
<br />Mathias to be held by her for him,the said Victor Lauren Guinat, the sum of $300.00.This sum
<br />shall be used as the said Anna Matthias shall deem for the his best interest,and she shall not
<br />be required to account for the same to the estate or to the Court.
<br />Seventh:To my daughter,Anna Matthias,they shall pay the sum of $400.00,and in case shal,,►hall
<br />not survive Mary A.Hilderbrandt,the same shall be paid to her legal representatives.
<br />The above legacies shall be paid as provided above at'the demise of Mary A.Hilderbrandt,
<br />and after the will has been duly admitted to probate,and not more than one year after the
<br />demise of Mary A. Hilderbrandt.
<br />The remainder of my property shall be distributed as follows;
<br />2592 —K1oPP Printing Co., Omaha
<br />In case the said Mary Hilderbrandt shall desire to reside in either of the houses on the
<br />aforesaid described lots,the trustees shall permit her to do so free of any change to her
<br />whatsoever,and the taxes,insurance,repairs est shall be paid from the income of the other
<br />i
<br />property as heretofore directed,provided however that,should my grand- son,James Wilson,desire, s
<br />9
<br />he shall have the use of one room in the house in which Mary Hilderbrandt resides and no
<br />charge shall be made for such room to him,nor shall the said James Wilson cause any expense
<br />i
<br />to be made to her by his having possession of the said room.
<br />The trustees shall keep both of the aforesaid places well insured,and should either of
<br />o n tr s h trustee shall use the
<br />them be destroyed by fire or otherwise,while same are held i u t,t e a e t e
<br />proceeds of said insurance,or any other proceeds collected from said destruction,to r ebuiLd the
<br />said houses or either of them in the manner in which they see fit and the said trustees are
<br />hereby authorized mortgage said premises or either of them for the purposes of rebuilding the
<br />same. In case the trustees shall mortgage as aforesaid,the interest thereon shall be paid
<br />out of the income of the properties. Should the trustees see fit and choose to invest the
<br />said proceeds,they may do so in the manner they deem most benefirial,and the income shall be
<br />paid to Mary Hilderbrandt as above stated.
<br />After the death of Mary A.Hilderbrandt,the said property,Lots 5 and 6 Block 14 Original Town`
<br />s
<br />City of Grand Island,Hal1 Count y.Nebraska,I give devise and and bequeath to my sons Frank
<br />Leaden,Joseph Leaden and James Leaden,in equal shares,subject however to the following terms
<br />and conditions and payments by them of the following legacies:
<br />First,To my son John Leaden,they_ shall pay the sum of $25.00,and in caW, he should not
<br />survive My Daughter Mary A.Hilderbrandt,then the said amount shall be paid to his children in ,
<br />equal shares.
<br />Second,To my son Thomas Leaden,they shall paid the sum of $400.00,and in case he should
<br />!°
<br />not survive the said Mary A.Hilderbrandt,then his share shall lapse and the said $400.00 shall
<br />not be paid and shall revert to my estate but instead thereof,the trustees shall pay to his
<br />daughter,Celia,the sum of $200.00 and that shall be considered the entire share of said Thomas
<br />Leaden,ir his wife and children.
<br />Third: To my son Michael,they shall pay the sum of $400.00,and should he not survive the
<br />resentitives
<br />said $400.00 shall not be paid him or his legal re p , but shall revert to my estate. �
<br />E
<br />Fourth: To my Grand -son James Wilson they shall pay the sum of $300.00 and to my Grand -son,
<br />Frank Wilson they shall pay the sum of #100.00,andin case they or either of them should not E
<br />survive Mary A.Hilderbrandt,then the share of the one not surviving shall not be paid to him
<br />or his legal representatives,but shall revert to my estate.
<br />Fifth: To my Grand- son,John Hilderbrandt,they shall pay the sum of $100.00 and in case
<br />he should not survive Mary A.Hilderbrandt,then his $100.00 shall not be paid to him or to his
<br />legal representatives but shall revert to my estate.
<br />i
<br />Sixth: To my grand- son,Victor Laurn Guinan,they shall pay for hisuse and benefit,to Anna i
<br />Mathias to be held by her for him,the said Victor Lauren Guinat, the sum of $300.00.This sum
<br />shall be used as the said Anna Matthias shall deem for the his best interest,and she shall not
<br />be required to account for the same to the estate or to the Court.
<br />Seventh:To my daughter,Anna Matthias,they shall pay the sum of $400.00,and in case shal,,►hall
<br />not survive Mary A.Hilderbrandt,the same shall be paid to her legal representatives.
<br />The above legacies shall be paid as provided above at'the demise of Mary A.Hilderbrandt,
<br />and after the will has been duly admitted to probate,and not more than one year after the
<br />demise of Mary A. Hilderbrandt.
<br />The remainder of my property shall be distributed as follows;
<br />