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testament of the said John A. Ruff,deceased,a.nd that no money remains in his hands as such exec <br />cutor and that the estate should be closed and the executor discharged. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDTRED,ADJU.DCED AND DECREED by the Court that the final report of said John <br />Quandt,as executor of said last Will and Testament of the said John A. Ruff,deceased,be end the <br />same is hereby approved and allowed as and for his final report and said estate is hereby settled <br />and closed and the executor is discharged and 'pis bond as such is .hereby released <br />IT IS THERE'FORT 7URTHE'R ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that Paul W.K.Ruff is the <br />o�:ner in fee simple of Lot Ten (10);that John F.Ruff is theolmrner in fee simple of Lot Eleven <br />(11); that Kla_ra. L. Qua.ndt is the o-mer in fee simple of Lot Ti7elve (12); that Errnna J. C. Rottmann <br />is the o- .,Tner in fee simple of Lot Thirteen (13); that Ida '.'l. A. Stein,ilso knoTzm as Ida. Stein, <br />is the o77ner in fee sim--,le of Lot sixteen (16 };,nd that 1Zaria L. Sielaff is the or.mer in fee <br />simple of Lot Seventeen (17) ,8.11 of �,hich lots are, in Hone Sub - division of that part of the <br />Northwest Quarter (N 1114) of Section Nine (9) , in Tosmnship Eleven (11) ,North of Range Nine (9-) <br />"lest of the 6th P. M. ,which lies west of 17heeler Avenue,Hall County, Nebraska. <br />That Rosa L.H. Nau is the owner in' fee simple of Lot Four (41 and that Heinrich '7. Ruff is the <br />oT-rner in fee simple of Lot Five (5) ,both lots in Norwood Sub - division of part of the 74est Half <br />7 of the Northwest Quarter 17.1) of Section Teh (10) in Township Eleven (11) North of Range <br />Nine (9) Vest of the 6 P. M ,Hall County, Nebraska. <br />That Friederich D. J. Ruff is the o,rner in fee simple of Lot Five (5) of Garden Place, � all County, <br />Nebraska. <br />That Fried,erich D'. J. Ruff is the o77ner in fee simple of the East Half (E -I) of the So thwest <br />Quarter (S' *T4) of Section Sixteen (16) Township Ti�relve (12) Range Nine (9) ?lest of the P. M. <br />Hall County,Nebrc.ska.. <br />Th�-'t Albert D.Ruff is the 017ner in fee simple of the Southeast Quarter ( SE, -L); the Southwest <br />Quarter (S "V,-�) of the No-rt_aeast Quarter (NE-1) of the `rest Half (771) of the Northwest Quarter <br />the Northe. ^.st Quarter (T`TE.),all in Section Seventeen (17) Township Twelve (12) Range <br />Nine_ (9),Hall County,' ?ebre.ska. <br />That 77alther E'.Ru.ff is the o ,,wmer in fee simple of the undivic_ed one -half interest in the <br />North Half (NI) of the Northeest Quarter (NE4) of Section Ttirrenty -eight (28),Township Twelve <br />t12),North of Range ?,line (9) `'lest of the 6th P. i;!I. ,Hall 'County,Nebraska, <br />That Charles L.Ruff is the ot-,ner in fee simple of the North Half of that part of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NW-1) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE4) of Section Tinrenty -four (24) Township Twelve (12) <br />North Range Tzrelve (12) '! "I"est of the 6 P. ,. , ,rhich lies south of the right -of -way of the Chicago, <br />Batrlington and Quincy Railroad Company and Vest of the Second Addition to the To7m of Cairo, <br />subject to legal high;ira.ys anc'. -also excepting the "lest Half of the "lest Half (W2 W ) of the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Northe, Quarter (N714 NE4) of said section Twenty -four (24) and also <br />excepting the South (S) 5 acres heretofore conveyed to Evangelical Lutheran Christ Church <br />Congregation by wa.rra.nty �feed from John A.Ruff,in Book 57,Page 582 of the Deed Records of Hall <br />County,Nebraska,more particularly Described as follows:Beginning° at a poi4t in the West line of <br />the Alley opposite -the west end of the center of 114edina. Street,as shoirrn on the plait of the Second <br />Addition to Cairo,Hall County,Nebraska,running thence South along said west line of alley, <br />Fourteen rods ancs. six inches,to. the Southeast corner of the John A.Ruff tra.ct,thence 'lest Fifty- <br />six rods 2n6, twelve feet to the Southwest corner of the John A.Ruff 'tract,thence north,Fourteen <br />rods anf-_ six inches and thence east Fifty -six rods and t1.7elve feet to the place of begins ing,con- <br />ta,ining five acres more or less,the North line of the tract hereby conveyed being what would <br />be a west extension of the center line of the said ,ied.ina Street. <br />And that Wilhelm F. J.Ruff is the oimer in fee simple of the South Half of the last above described <br />Premises excepting a strip of ground_ 70 feet ic_e running the full length on the south line of <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />