<br />cient to pay his funeral expenses, and debts and that such funeral expenses and debts haute been
<br />fully paid;that if any debts existed against the Estate of the said Alexander Barr,deceased, !
<br />2572 —Klopp Printing Co., Omaha .��
<br />deceased, together with Certificates of Probate and all the endorsements thereon,in the matter
<br />of the estate of Eugene Beland, deceased, for,rerly pending in this Court as shown by the files
<br />in this office and now in my charge.
<br />IN '7ITNESS 7HEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the County Court of said
<br />County,-,).t Lincoln,Nebraska,this 23 day of April 1925.
<br />( SEAL) Robin R. Reid
<br />County Judge.
<br />By J. L. Pierce
<br />Clerk of the County Court.
<br />Filed for record this 2 day of April 1925 i
<br />7 y � ,at 9 a� clock A. iii.
<br />egister of Deeds
<br />i
<br />- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0- 0..6-1
<br />DECREE
<br />DECREE. !
<br />Now on this 24th day of November,1924,this cause came on: I
<br />for hearing upon the petition of Dora Denman, heretofore filed herein,praying that the court
<br />determine and find'.the date of the death of Alexander Barr,deceased;that the said Alexander
<br />Barr died intestate;that the heirs -at =law of the said Alexander Barr be determined by the court!
<br />and their respective degree of kinship fixed and that the right of descent of the real estate
<br />of the said Alexander Barr be determined,a.nd it appearing to the court from the proofs on file
<br />that due and legal notice,by publication,has been given,as by law and the order of this court
<br />I
<br />required to all creditors,heirs and persons interested in the estate of said deceased,of the
<br />time of the filing of said petition,and of the time and place fixed for hearing thereon,which
<br />time was for more than thirty days and less than sixty da.ys,after the filing of said petition,
<br />and there being no objections thereto,said cause was duly submitted to the court upon the pe-
<br />tition and evidence and testimony of Dora Denman produced by the petitioner in support there -
<br />of,and the c ^urt being fully advised in the premises,finds that the said Alexander Barr died
<br />intestate;that he was at the time of his death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebrask
<br />that the said Alexander Barr died seized of an estate of inheritance in real estate located
<br />in Hall County,Nebraska,consisting of the ownershipin fee simple of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10)
<br />in Block Nine (9 of Clarkson's First Addition to the Village of Alda,in Hall County,Nebra.ska;
<br />} g
<br />tYsat more than two yearsPela.psed since the death of the said Alexander Barr,deceased,and that
<br />i
<br />no application has ever been made in the State of Nebraska for the appointment of an Administra -1
<br />for of her Estate,nor has administration upon the Estate of the said Alexander Barr,deceased,
<br />ever been had in the State of Nebraska;that the petitioner herein is now theowner of an estate
<br />of inheritance in the real estate hereinbefore described,and is a competent and proper person
<br />r
<br />to ina #lttte' and prosecute this proceeding.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Alexander Barr left surviving him,Anne Jane Barr,sur-
<br />' viving widow,a.nd left surviving him as his heirs -law -law and only heir- at- law,the following
<br />i
<br />named persons,to- wit :117illiam Barr,Carolin e Richard,Eliza Jane Sanders and Dora Denman,a.11 of
<br />whom are of legal age;that upon the death of the said Alexander Barr,under the laws of the State
<br />of Nebra.ska,then in force,the real estate hereinbefore described passed and. descended to Anne
<br />i
<br />Jane Ba.rr,an undivided one -third interest therein,and to William Barr,Caroline Rickard,Eliza
<br />f
<br />Jane Sanders and Dora Denman, the remaining two - thirds interest therein,share and share alike,
<br />subject to the homestead right therein of the said Anne Jane Barr.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Alexan�_er Barr,deceased,left a personal estate suffi�,11
<br />cient to pay his funeral expenses, and debts and that such funeral expenses and debts haute been
<br />fully paid;that if any debts existed against the Estate of the said Alexander Barr,deceased, !
<br />