Frank E. Castle,a son,residing in Grand Island,Nebraska; that- the wife of the said Henry W.
<br />Castle preceded him in death and that he therefore left no wife surviving him.
<br />THE COURT FINDS that the said Henry W.Castle was at the time of his death the owner in
<br />fee of the following described real estate,to- wit:
<br />The South -east Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty -six (36),Township Eleven (11),North,Range
<br />Seventeen (17),West of the 6th P.M.,in Buffalo County,Nebraska,containing One- hundred -s ity
<br />(160) acres; The North -Best Quarter (NW-41) of Section Thirteen (13),Township Seventeen (17),
<br />North,Range Sixteen (16),West of the 6th P.M.,in Valley County,Nebraska containing One- hundred
<br />sixty (160) acres; The South -blest Quarter (SW4) of Section Eighteen (19) ,Township Seventeen (17)
<br />Range Eight (8),and also the West -half (WJ) of the North -west Quarter (NW4) of Section
<br />Eighteen (18),Township Seventeen (17), Range Eight (9),Weet of the 6th P.M.,in Nance County,Neb.
<br />raska;The North -east Quarter and the North -east Quarter (NE4 & NE4) of the South -east Quarter
<br />(SE-1) and all of that part of Lot Three (3) lying North of the South line of the North -half (NJ)
<br />of the South -east Quarter (SE-1) of Section Thirty -five (35) in Township Seventeen (17),North,
<br />Ran a Twely (12 W s f tth ft�OP.A6in Gx ey Co tt Nebraska• The North -half (N of the
<br />Sou -east uart�r �SE4� of 9enven 1� � Towns i 'Sevent a Ki,,Range Nine W ,Wet f
<br />tie th P. -M. , in Greeley :County,Nebraska, The •North -eaet uarter (NE4Sec. on- .Eighteen .1$3,
<br />Township Nine (9) ,North,Range Six (6)`,West of the 6th P. M, in Hamilton County, iVraska; , ,
<br />The North -west Quarter (NW4) of Section Thirty -five (35),Township Nine_(9),North,Range Nine
<br />(9 ) West of the 6th P.M.,in Hall County,Nebraska;
<br />The North -east Quarter (NE4) of Section Twelve (12),Township Seventy-four (74),Range Eighteen
<br />(1S) ,West of the Fifth P. M. containing One - hundred sixty ( 160) acres, subject to the right -of -way
<br />of A. K. & D. and D. M. and St. L R. R. Co l s, in Marion County , Iowa;
<br />The West -half of the South -east Quarter (WJ SE4) of the South -east Quarter (SE4) and the South-
<br />east Quarter (SE4) of the South -east Quarter (SE4) of the South -east Quarter (SE4)
<br />of Section One (1),Township Seventy -four (74),Range Eighteen (18),
<br />West of the 5th P.M.,in Marion County,Iowa, containing Thirty (30) acres, and the South -west
<br />Quarter (SW4) of the South -west Quarter (SIV4) of Section Six (6),Townehip Seventy -four (74),
<br />North,Range Seventeen (17) Nest of the 5th P.M.,in Mahaska County,Iowa,containin g Forty (40)
<br />Acres more or less.
<br />THE�COURT FINDS that under and by virtue of the provisions of the law of descent of real
<br />estate in the State of Nebraska,all of the above mentioned and described real estate situate
<br />in the State of Nebra.ska,did pass and descend,at the death of the said Henry W.Castlib,in the
<br />manner following,to -wit:
<br />To Laura Hageman,his daughter,one -third (J) part thereof;
<br />To Ida Brickey,his daughter,one -third (J) part thereof;and
<br />To Frank E. Castle,his son,one -third ( J) part thereof,to them and their heirs and assigns forever.
<br />IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED BY THE COURT that the report of Frank E.Castle,Administrator,be
<br />and the same hereby is approved and allowed, as and for his final account.
<br />IT IS FURTHER CONSIDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT that all persons are forever barred from
<br />filing or setting up any claims or demands of whatsoever nature against the estate of said
<br />Henry W.Castle,deceased.
<br />interest of the said Henry W-0 astle,in and to all of the above mentioned and described real
<br />estate belonging to the said Henry W.Castle at the time of his death,and situate in the State
<br />of Nebraska,did pass and descend,at his d eath,to Laura Hageman,Ida Brickey,and Frank E.Castle,,
<br />in equal shares and in absolute title,and the Court awards it to them.
<br />The Court further finds that the Estate of Henry W.Castle was subject to inheritance t4x
<br />under the laws of the State of Nebraska;that the same has been appraised for said tax and
<br />