It is further considered by the court that all persons are forever barred from filing or
<br />setting up and claims or demands against the estate of the said Frank Rabe,deceased.
<br />It is further CONSIDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that all of the right,title and in-
<br />terest of the said Frank Rabe in and to the above mentioned and described real estate did pass
<br />and descend at his dea,th,under and by virtue of the provisions of his last will and testament,
<br />in the manner following:
<br />To Wilhelmine Rabe,Lot2,in Block 3 4,in the original town,now City of Grand Island,in the
<br />County of Hall and state of Nebraska,for her use and benefit during the term of her natural life,
<br />subject to a right of domicile in Henry Potter during his life time,and at the death of the said
<br />Wilhelmine Rabe said real estate passes to Frank Gustave Grosch and to his heirs and assigns
<br />forever subject the right of the said Henry Potter to make his home on said premises as lang
<br />as he shall live:
<br />To the said Wilhelmine Rabe and Henry Potter lots 7 and 8 in Block 34,in the original town,
<br />now city of Grand Island,in Hall county, Nebraska, each of them taking a life estate in an un-
<br />divided half interest therein, provided, however, that should the said Henry Potter precede the said
<br />Wilhelmine Rabe in death then the said Wilhelmine Rabe takes all of the rents,issues and profits
<br />therefrom while she lives;provided moreover that should the said Wilhelmine Rabe depert this
<br />life prior to the death of the said Henry Potter,then one half of the rents of the._rents,issues
<br />and profits from said real estate go,under the terms of said will,to Helene Grosch,a daughter
<br />of the t estator,and that when both of said legatees,Wilhelmine Rabe and Henry Potter shall have
<br />departed this life said real estate,to -wit: Lots 7 and 9 in Block 34 in the original town,now city
<br />of Grand Island,Hall County,Nebraska,pass and descend as follows: To Helen Grosch an undivided
<br />one -half thereof in absolute title;To Frank Gustave Grosch,Arthur Grosch and Meta Grosch,an un-
<br />divided One -half interest therein in absolute title,and all of said real estate is accordingly
<br />awarded to said legatees.
<br />The court finds the estate of Frank Rabe,deceased,is not subject to inheritance tax,either
<br />State or Federal.
<br />J. H. Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />ss.
<br />County of Hall I, J. H. Mullin, sole presiding Judge of the County Court in and. for said
<br />County,do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT
<br />DECEASED with the original record thereof now remaining in said Court,that the same is a
<br />correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of such original record,an d I further certify that
<br />the foregoing attestation ia in due for of law.
<br />In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br />this 13" day of December 1924
<br />J. H. Mullin
<br />Judge of the County Court.
<br />State of Nebraska By Agnes Matthews
<br />Clerk of the County Court.
<br />ss.
<br />Hall County I,J.H. Mullin,sole presiding Judge of the adkunty Court of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska,do hereby certify that J.H.Mullin,whose genuine signature is affixed to the foregoing
<br />certificate is,under the laws of the State of Nebraska,by virtue of his office as Judge of said
<br />Court,also the Clerk of said Court,and was such Clerk at the time of making and subscribing the
<br />same;that his attestation is in due form of law and by the proper officer,and that the seal there -
<br />unto affixed is the seal of the said County Court,and I further certify that said Court is a Court
<br />of record,hhving exclusive original jurisdiction in the settlement of estates.
<br />Witness my hand and official seal this 13th day of December 1924
<br />( SEAL) J. M. Mullin
<br />Judge of the County Court
<br />Filed for record this 16 day of December 1924,at 11 :30 o'clock A.M.
<br />Register oT DeedsX
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