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<br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY
<br />2572 —Klopp Printing Co., Omaha
<br />532
<br />In the matter of the estate
<br />of FINAL DECREE.
<br />Frank Rabe,DECEASED. Now on this 6th day of December,1924,following due and legal
<br />notice,by publication in the GRAND ISLAND HERALD,this cause came on for hearing upon the final a
<br />report of H.W.Potter,Exeeutor of the last will and testament of FRANK RABE,deceased,no objec-
<br />tion or protest having been filed.
<br />On examination thereof the court finds that said executor has fully accounted for all of thel
<br />estate of said deceased coming into his hands or under his control and that there remains no
<br />money or other personal property in his possession belonging to said estate and that his re-
<br />port is correct and ought to be allowed as and for his final account.
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<br />The court finds that notice as required by law was given to all creditors of said deceased
<br />of the time allowed and place appointed forkiling claims against the estate of said deceased
<br />by publication of such notice four successive weeks in the GRAND ISLAND HERALD;that the time
<br />allowed for filing claims against said estate has fully expired and that all claims outstanding
<br />against said deceased,or his estate,if any such exist,are therefore forever barred and excluded
<br />and that all claims filed and allowed against said estate have been paid and satisfied.
<br />The court finds that the said Frank Rabe departed this life on the 25th day of April,1924,
<br />that he was at the time of his death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska,and
<br />that he left a last will and testament which instrument was,after due notice,proved,allowed
<br />and admitted to probate and entered of record in this office. ,j
<br />The court further finds that the said Frank Rabe died seized in fee of the following des-
<br />cribed real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to -wit:
<br />Lots numbered 2,7 and 8 in Block 34 in the original town,now City of Grand Island.
<br />The court finds that under and by virtue of the terms and provisions of said last will and
<br />testament lot Number 2 in'Block number 34,a.bove described,did pass and descend at the death of
<br />the testator to WILHELMINE RABE,his widow for the term of her natural life,subject,however,to
<br />the right of domicile therein to Henry W.Potter,for life,and that at the death of the said
<br />Wilhelmine Rabe said real estate passes to and becomes the property of Frank Gustave Grosch,
<br />a grand son of the testa -kor,in absolute title,subject only to the right of domicile therein of
<br />Henry W. Potter.
<br />The court finds that under and virtue of th provisions of said last will and testament all
<br />of the right,title and interest of the said Frank Rabe in and to Lots 7 and 9,in Block 3 4,above
<br />described,did pass and descend at the death of the testator to his widow,Wilhelmine Rabe,for
<br />the term of her natural life,subjeet to a half interest therein to Henry W.Pott er for theterm
<br />of his natural life,it being provided,however,that should the said Henry W.Potter die during
<br />the lifetime of the said Wilhelmine Rabe then she to have the full use,rents and income from
<br />said premises during her life time,and that shoud_ the said Wilhelmine Rabe depart this life
<br />during the life time of the said Henry W. Potter,then one -half of the rents and income from said
<br />premises to go to Helene Grosch,a daughter of the testator.
<br />The court finds that at the death of said Wilhelmine Rabe and Henry W. Potter and at the
<br />death of the survivor of them�said above described lots 7 and S,in Block 34,in the original town,
<br />now City of Grand Island,under the,,pro iri$ions of said will as follows:
<br />An undivided one -half interest therein to Helene Grosch,daughter of the testator,and an
<br />undivided one half interest therein to Frank Gustave Grosch,Arthur Grosch and Meta Grosch,his
<br />grand children,in absolute title.
<br />It is therefore considered by the court that the report of the executor be and the same is
<br />approved and allowed as and for his final account.
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