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<br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY
<br />2572 —Slopp Printing Co., Omaha
<br />by certify that on the 26th day of May 1924,the instrument purporting to be the last will and
<br />testament of Peter Elliott,deceased,was filed for probate in this Court.That on the 23" day
<br />of June,1924,said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated
<br />and allowed as the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said Peter Ell -
<br />iott,deceased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court
<br />this 23" day of June 1924.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />J. H. Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />In the matter of the estate of
<br />Peter Elliott,
<br />Deceased. )
<br />Now,on this 22nd day of November, 1924, this cause came
<br />on for hearing upon the final report of Grover C. Raven, executor under the last will and testa-
<br />ment of Peter llliott,dedtased,and upon his petition for the settlement of said estate and his
<br />discharge herein,and the Court having examined the records and files,together with the evidence
<br />introduced,in support thereof,the Court finds that due and legal notice has been given to all
<br />persons interested in said estate of the time and place fixed by the Court for a hearing upon
<br />said cause,and no one appearing to object to same,the Court further finds that said report
<br />is true and correct in all things and that the same ought to be approved and allowed as and
<br />for the final report of said executor,$aid estate settled and closed and said executor dis-
<br />charged.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Peter Elliott depa3ftted this life, intestate, in Hall
<br />County,Nebraska,on the 17th day of May,1924,and that at the time of his death the said Peter
<br />Elliott was a rebident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska,and that on the 23rd day of June,
<br />1924,the last will and testament of the said Peter Elliott,deceased, was duly proven,allowed,
<br />and admitted to probate in this court,and letters testa mentgry,issued thereon to the said
<br />Grover C. Raven.
<br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time
<br />and place -fixed for filing claims against the estate of said deceased,and that the time so fi
<br />has fully expired,and all persons having claims against said estate,if any such there be,are
<br />forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate.
<br />The Court further finds that the inheritance tax due upon the estate of the deceased amount
<br />to the sum of $91. 40 and that same has been paid by said executor,that the funeral expenses of
<br />said deceased,the debts against said estate, and the costs of this proceeding,have been paid in
<br />full,and that the remainder of the personal estate of said deceased has been duly distributed
<br />in equal shares to Nelson M.E1liott,Sylvia D.Burry,Minnie M.Sherlock,and Florence M.Dickerson,
<br />residuary legatees under the will of said deceased,and that nothing further remains in the poss -I
<br />ession of said executor belonging to said estate.
<br />The Court further finds from the evidence introduced in this action that prior to the marr-
<br />iage of the said Peter Elliott,now deceased,and his wife,Mary White Elliott,they entered into an
<br />ante - nuptial agreement with each other executed in due form,and by the terms of which the said
<br />Mary White Elliott was to receive from the estate of the said Peter Elliott,d.eceased,in the even
<br />she survived hire as his widow,Lots Four (4),Five (5),and Six (6),in Block Two (2)pin First
<br />Addition to the Village of Cairo,in Hall Count y,Nebraska,in full satisfdction of all her rights
<br />of whatsoever nature in and to the estate of the said Peter Elliott, deceased, and in pursuance
<br />to the terms of said ante - nuptial agreement,the residuary devisees under the will of said de-
<br />ceased have executed a deed of conveyance to the last above described premises to the said Mary
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