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<br /> 2 F� . l. ` �%!'..Prt ..
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<br /> .'."-'.�:� - � . - - - — �j • - -c° = �' '.'st+v4`S, - �
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<br /> �i-:ra�.:, e4. _. _ . .( � -�J-. _ - _ ~ S� .Y- .'u]}.. v�.. _v tV •C
<br /> .,4 r . � . �`� / � • . § ty i�.. .I' . E. i,� .r -� r=� t i�t�-
<br /> . . .i �.a,ol• � q E . _ ,
<br /> <- r , �� s ,-� - i �< ,, �� i � .f. ;� r �< ,,• 4 ,� t . r. ti �:
<br /> � k �1� ..�_ �.. __`.__ _ r � __.C. - . - Yr ...E-. � : � . �y4.,. .
<br /> � �' __ _ . . a�C`' _ �.�,�.. .r aT �, ` .--�y ar . , a4 .
<br /> Q<-•�_ t � r, ,- ; 5 .4- _r, ,� .?� . ...
<br /> c. . _� ., �,. � .'EY� i-< �s� -- - t' .
<br /> `L`�', . �- -,i�. �9 — .,
<br /> .--�t.''f� "'�� 4..`''� PaYments may no tonger be required.at the optioa of Leader.if mortgag•,in�wanne oover�in t�� far the periad ,
<br /> � � that Leader requires)provided by an insuter approved by Lendes again bocomes available aiuf is obtained. Bormwer shall pay i ';.
<br /> `4'��' �p����n ma;n a�e moKgage insur�noe in effect.or to provide a toss resenre.until the cequi:ement for mortgage f�.,
<br /> n
<br /> ia5u:ance e�Ws in axoNance with siny written agreement 6etwcea Bar�ower and Lender or appiicable law. �- `�,
<br /> .` t,`: � ��. ��� 9. �nsga�Ioa. [.ertder ar its a�ent maY make ceasonaBle entries upon and inspe�tions of the Property.Ixrtder s6aU give •��`v.
<br /> .. �'.t. .;.�. ,�.
<br /> . , 6or�ower notioe at the time of or prior to an inspection specifyiag�asombie cause for the inspeMian. ,
<br /> . r��:` _ 10. Condemnatioe.Thc pracecds of sny a�vard or ctaim for damages. direct or oonsequential. in oo�oa with aay :.�
<br /> _-�'. candpnnatian or otteer takeng of ury pazt of the Praperty.or for aonveyanoe in lieu of condemmation.are hereDy assigned and .
<br /> ..;f;�:=,�.�;.':,, ;'. shal!be paid to Lender.
<br /> �' - In the ev�t of a tota!talsing of the Property.the prooeeds s�all be appGed to t6e sums secured by this�ecurity Insmuneut. �
<br /> • - whether ar not then due.with any exoess paid to Barrower.In the event of a partia�tat�ng of the Pmperty+in which tlte fair
<br /> , • mark�walue of the Pcnperty im„►�arg!y before the taking is equal to or gre3ter than the amaunt of the sums secu�ed by this :�,:�
<br /> . •� ' -�`.�` Security���_*�+A^�immediately before the taking,unless Botroaer ami Ixnder otherwise agr�e ia writiag,ti�e siuns se+cured by --
<br /> `'t,5��.�'•�;�i`� this S�uriry Inswmeat shall 6e reduo�by �1te amount of the pmceeds multiplied by the foUowing fraction: (a?the total -_
<br /> � � aznnum of the sums seuued immediately befors the taging,divided by(b)the fair maiicet value of the Prope�ty irmne�iat�iy =
<br /> . .`'.;. ��;' .,`, before the talring. Any balance shaU be paid to Bamav►�er. [a the eveRt of a partial taking of the Property+ m whid� the fair
<br /> , ;�.:"w.;� marget eaI¢e of the Property imm�diatd9 before the taking is less than the amaunt of the sums secnred immediatelY before ti�e -
<br />.�;, : - . . - tz►dng.u�ess Burrower aad Lender otherwise agree in writing or untess aFplicable law otheswise provides.tke prooeeds s6all __
<br /> " •. '�� be�g�ed sm the sums secuce�by this Security Instrument w6�her or not the sams are thea dae. . .
<br /> �`- ,'A.�'�! I€�2 gropertY is abandoaed by Borrower.or if.afser aotice by Lender to Surrower that the condemuor offe�s to��
<br /> � a�t�a�tle a claim for damages.Borrower fals to respoaid to I�ender witfiin 30 days after t�e date t�notia is P�+� ,.
<br /> : ` - ���;,�o�d�oolle�and apply die pmcads,at its oprion.eittt�t to restoration or tepair of the Prapercy or to dte ssu�s �-_
<br /> '��:` �. s�red isr t�is Se�vriry Iasdnm�ent.c+rfaether or not theu due. [
<br /> - �•,'"'•"� Ur�.i.ender and Borrower otherarise in writin I�catioa of prooeeds eo principal shall not extend or �� � :
<br /> aSree 8• �ry aPP � �
<br /> " , �os�poa�ttse due date of the monWly payments refeaed to in patagiaphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of sach paym�►is. ��y_,,
<br /> �. '�:� tl.Borrawer Not Released;Forbearauce�yy E.ender Not a Wa1v�.Exteasion of the time for paymt�e►i or madiftcation �+r�.
<br />-- -+: .�.."`:�,, of atna 'r�.t*on of the sams seared by this Security Instrument granted by I�nder to aay succes�or in urteresi of Bormwer sl�atl g �
<br />_ ; � ,
<br /> • not oper*�:co releass the liability of the original Borrower or Bonawer's successoss in inteiest.I,eader sha11 irot be t�q�red to �,, --.
<br />_ :�°'.�'� ;-- � �..;� cammenoe Pcuc�din8s aP,si�st azsY sucoes.wr in interest or refi�se to extend time for payment veotheca+ise madify amortimtion
<br /> ,�... . � _
<br /> _,;,,,�,...•; , �� `` of"the suas secaued by this Security Iastntmeat b� reason of any demaad made by the eriginai Borrower or Borroaer's
<br /> �''` ~� '`• suocessois in interest.My forbearance by l.eades in eaercising anY riSht or remedy shali n�t 6e a waiver of or pceclude the _
<br /> exercise e�say right or remedy. -
<br /> ��� . tE:.'S+a�sors ana Assi�ns Ba�;aoiat aad severa� �.abQitg;Co-s9P,aers. The ar,�aants and agceements of this � :,
<br /> : j+""� ,,;�: . _ --
<br /> ``1 ;�',��.`"�.°•; .Seruri� I�a�meut shall bind and b�fit the succes�o:s and a��ns of Lender and Borroa�ec. subject to the provi��s of � _�s_:
<br /> 4��:::�. , ''g�a�ap'fl.i9. Boaower's covenant� and agreemenis shall be j�int and several. Any Botrower who co�signs thic 5c�ity
<br /> ` � �r`. . �eat Dat does not exe�ute the Note: (a)�s�s�ing this Secauity Iasuament only to mortgage,grant and wmey that �"
<br /> :tr� - ..,
<br /> �.',`.r i.�i ;%r.r,.�� -- -
<br /> _. . � �•:"s•il:�?:•': Borrower's interest in the Property under the tem�s af ttus Seturity Instnunent;(b)is nat personally obligated W pay the snms ��_-
<br /> , .. .�a��':;'/„�� secured by this Serurity Instrument;aa�(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bornnwer may agree to extend,modify.forbear or d= .,,,,
<br />- • `, �= rna&e any acoommod�adons witb regard to the tem�.s of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's oonsent. o..::-
<br /> __ � . • E.3,I.aaa Chatges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan charges. __ ._
<br /> -=°_ • " and thai law is finally interpm,ted so t1�at the interest or otl�er loan charges w1le�xed or to be oolleq�d in connecxion with Ne �----��
<br />-
<br />