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<br /> � :��'�., r::, TOGETHQt 1N[7'k�all the imprav�meras now or haeafter e�cte�on the pmperty.and a11 nts.appurtenances. �• ,v.
<br /> , ` •�;' fuctttres now or hereafter a part of the property. All repfaoemer�ts aad additi°ns �hal! also be oovered hy this Sewtity ;�o� ;
<br /> � � '`' �: : . Instn�ment.All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instnunent as the"P1oPenY•� :'.,;,c�
<br /> - ,v'�"'.` . , BORROWER COVF.tVANTS that Boisower is tawfulty seissd of the estate hereby oonveyed and das the rigiu to graat aad ;
<br /> ' � " oonvey the P�nperry aud that the Properiy is unencusnhered.exc�s far encumbrances of record. Borrower a�rrants and will �".
<br /> �•���T.�-`�:`,-r�=� defend generalty the title to the Prope�ty against all ciaiins and demands.subject to any encumbranres of reoord. �.�..� •�
<br /> �,�,.:=-=. THIS SECURITY INSTitUMENT oombines uniform cov�ants for aational use and non-uniform coveaaciis u�h limite� � t
<br /> .•� .�-r:� variauons by jurisdiction to wnstitate a unifomi sewrity insstn�aient cover+ng real praP�Y•
<br /> UMFORM COVEI`1AN'PS.Borrawer and 1.ender covenant and agree as folIaws: _ �
<br /> � . l. Payment of�tindp3l and [uteres� FrsPa3'm�t aad Iate �es. Bomower shaA promptlY PaY when due the �,...
<br /> � ' �.� principal af and iaterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymem and late charges due nnder tde Note.
<br /> ' .,'�s E.Funds tor Tax¢s aad It�sorauce.Subject to applicable law or to a wtitten waiver by l.ender. Bomower�aU Pa}'�°
<br /> ;k; i.ender on the day monthly payraents are dne under the Note,until the Note is paid in fu11,a sum("Funds")for.(a�yeariy taxes
<br /> ,;�.. early leasehoid
<br /> and assessmenu whic�may attain priority over this Saa►rity inswmerrt as a Iien on the Property:t�)Y F��
<br /> :','�.• or gound rentq on the Property.if a�►Y:(c)yearly ha7ard or property insuzanoe praniums:(d)Year1Y flaod msntance pre�muuES.
<br /> u
<br /> " ,.7' , ��►Y:(e)YearlY martgage insaranoe pnemiums.if any:and(�anY sums.FaYabte by Barrower w I.endea.in ac�c,ordance witb ,., . •
<br /> �,, n
<br /> -. ,,. ::�;:: �'�
<br /> �...•--,
<br /> ':":� �� ��'''. the pravisions of paragraph 8.in liw of the payment of mongage insuranoe premiums.These ite�as ate called°Fssrow Items_° ,•:.rl .
<br /> ,:.;_� �; . Lender may. at any time.collect and hotd Funds in aa amonnt not to execed the maximuat asnovnt a leader for a fedecaUy %-s'�
<br /> _.� _..,.;.
<br /> ..:��:;:<���+�:�,`.".�•.�`- ire for Borrower's estraw arcount under the fedeial Real Ettate S�tlement Pracedutes Act of - '�'
<br /> reia[ed mortgage loan may requ >.��°-
<br /> � • . l7i4 as ameaded from fime to time. 12 U.S.C.SeMion 2601 et seq.("RFSPA"),anless another law thai applies w the Fuarls < . ,
<br /> .,.�„�`-...� ` sets a lesser amount. If s�. I.ender may.at any time. collect and hoIa Funds in an amoum not to exceed she lesser amoura. -r •.:`.
<br /> v;:`:'�x��,_-,: W`� Lender may estimate the amvnnt of Funds due on the basis of curren4 d�ia;and r�unable estimates of expeaditures of fatur�e f�`.•.;''
<br /> ti,;�_ " w, �.
<br /> ,'':. ' • , � Escmw Items or otherwise in accordanse with licable law. `"`�:�r
<br />..,`„L..� .,_ . �.
<br />;>S�kS':: .• :•`�'�';:. 17ie Funds shall be held in an insrimaon arhose deposits are insured by a fr�deral agency. instrumentality. or enuty ..,�n�k...
<br /> -,••T;
<br /> . '�•;;<�b (including Lea�.if l.ender is such an iastitution)or in any Federal Hvmz Loan Bank.Lender shail apply the Ftmds W pay t�e
<br /> � . 4 ' Fscrow items.Lender may not chargc Borra«�er for holding and applyir.��e Funds.annualIy anaiyzing the escrow acconnt.or
<br /> �-':r°`:� verifytng the Escrow Itezns.untess Lender pa�s Borrawer interest on ttie�unds anA applicabte law permits Lender to make such =
<br /> . �;`.•}: a ch�rge.However.I.ender c�y ca{uire Borrower to pay aone-tune ci�arge for an�endent real estate tax ieporting service
<br />_ _ _ � by Lender in connection with this loan. unless a�lf�abl� law gtovides ctirfa�vise. Untess an agrcement is c�ade or �..:
<br /> � applicabte!aw r�equires interest to be paid.LenGer shall not be requic�t�pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fmnds, <f �,
<br />- ` ^ '..,, . :.�: Bprnnwer and I.�cr nnay agr�in writing.hawever.that interest�£1�i�,e paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borm�e:r., a
<br /> '" ' ' ' �=' without ch �annua!a�:ounti of the Funds.showin credits:�di�ebiu to the Fnnds and the purpose for wh�dt� :
<br /> �,�,4.„.� �,�. ng S . 1 0 ..
<br /> ��',.,;�:, �. ����; debit to the Funds.�wds m:�-The Funds aze ptedged as additional sec,.�:r�:rn a�!wms secured by this Saauity Insuament.:. . ����
<br /> _ .'' :`:l If the Fu..^ds�eld lry L�der exceed ehe amounts permiu e d to be h e t d L•y a�+;a t i e l a w.l.e n d e r s h a l l a ce o a i u t o S o r r o w e r �i���:
<br /> '�`�' for the excess.Futc�s in accordaace with th:reQuiremenu of appticablY i�. If sh��aunt of the Funds 6eId by LeMer at.a�� � �_�
<br /> ., � .'�::�i;� time is aot su��t to pay the Fscrow Ites�when due.L,ender may sa a�stify Borrower in wridng,and,in sueh rase Eor�oa�Rar. ' __—
<br /> _�.,:`�_.� _ � . :''� ��y to gxa�er the amount necessary to makc up the deficiency. I3�amower sha!!make up the deficiency in no more t�c F-=_ ,
<br /> �:'
<br /> �,,F,�tse monthly paymencs.at i.cnder's sole discrerion. � -_
<br /> , `. Upon gayTnent in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen� I.ender shall ptomptly refnnd to Bo�a+er any �
<br />�' _ � .••�:;;� Funds held by k�:ider.If.ander paragraph 21.Lender shall aoquire or se11 the Propetty.Leader.prior to the acqui��or�ate r'���
<br /> -° ' �' of the Prapertx.s�all apply any Fwids held by Lender at the ame of�;isitton or sale as a credit against the soms s��t�yy �,_=__
<br /> � ' .
<br /> . ,'�'� this SeCUrity Insuument. -
<br /> � �, ::.'��� 3.�ppHcatton of Pay�s�ta Onless apPticable law pmvides ot�ez��,.a21 pa.yments received by Lender under par�tt _,, ...
<br /> 4'#�'`�" r ;f`,:: 1 and 2 shaU be applied:fi�st.to atry Prepaymeat charges due under thc:'k:.���aerd.to amounts payable under pata��i 2;.
<br /> a ��.
<br /> a. C. ,
<br /> ,S� ,. .•:••�;iji'�:. third.to intettst due:fourtb.to principal due;and last.to arry late chat�x�ae t:.���Note. " ' � �
<br /> ��;t �.Chas�,es;i.leav.Borrower shall� all taxes.assessmc�its.d�.fines and imposirians awibutable ta�he L�m�
<br /> '��.,'„� which may at�n priority over this Security Instrument. and leasehcr��payments or ground rems,.if any.Botro�er�'w.11:��g�. ,,;;
<br />,:��' ::>..� . • :�t,.�;� these obligations in the manner pmvided'm P�b'�Dh 2.ra if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay tkem an¢�ae�l�y �,�_;�
<br /> - • to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promp►iy fi¢�nish to Lender all notices of amnuats to be paid under ririis�atagraph. �y�S�.
<br />= '. • :�.�`'•},'.•���' If Borcower makes these payments directly.Botrower shall pramptly fumish to Lertder receipts evidencing the payr,_es�ts. F�.:^_,
<br /> : �xc:,
<br /> • { ��' 'F Borra�ver shall prompdy dlscharge any lien which has priority over this Secvrity Insurument unfess Bonower:(a)agre+�Fp � -
<br /> ' :'.t, . _ �:..: :'�-�'?4�!?' .writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner aoceptable to Lender.(b)contests in gaad faith the IS+s�
<br />-=_ . by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. tegal prace�dings which In the Lender's opinion operate to pre�+er.s �n .-"
<br /> - �� � enforcertrent of the lien:ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement s�`factory w 1.ender subordin3ting the liea co !•`
<br /> `tii,
<br />_-° � � ' this Security lnstnunent.If Lender determines that any part o f t he P r�ape rt y is s u bl�x t o a l i e n w h i c h m a y a t�v�s p r iort ry av�r t,,..
<br /> .. Ll,�,
<br />:- '.� � " �_..;i this Security lnstrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyittg the lien.Sorrower shall satisfy the lien or takeon�a� �_:
<br /> •• more of the actions set forth abave within 10 days of the giving of noti�e. �7�-
<br />- � :; ��ao2e ��90 p��
<br />-= -:. � . �., ,:. .
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