<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of -the last will and testament
<br />of the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,and of the laws of the state of Nebraska in such cases
<br />made and provided,Lot 15 in Section 31 that part of Lot 6 hereinbefore specifically described,
<br />Lots 5,7,9,11,12,andl3,in Section 32)and Lots 1,214,5,9,and 92in Section 332and that part of
<br />Lot l.on Mainland in Section 25,hereinbefore specifically desoribed,all in Township 10,North,
<br />Range 10 West,and Lots 1,2,and 3,and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter,of Section
<br />5,(erroneously described in said will as the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said
<br />Section 5),all in Township 9,North,Range 10 Westin Hall County,Nebraska,passed,by absolute
<br />title,to Lena Scheel Galyean and Dora Shipton,daughters of said deceased and Martin Sohimmer,
<br />Jr. ,and Walter Schimmer,grandsons of said deceased,in the following proportions; An undivide4
<br />one -third each to the said Lena Scheel Galyean and Dora Shipton and an undivided one -sixth ea74
<br />to the said Martin Schimmer,Jr.,and Walter Schimmer.
<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of the last wul and testament
<br />and of the laws of the state of Nebraska in such cases made and provided,and by virtue of the
<br />residuary clause of said will,the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter
<br />of Section 22,in Township 12,North,Range 10 West,the east half of the southeast quarter of Sec-
<br />tion 25,in Township ll.Korth,Range 10 West,that partof the southwest quarter hereinbefore more
<br />particularly described,and that part of the southeast quarter hereinbefore more particularly
<br />y
<br />described,all in Section 29,Lot 2 in Section 30,Lot 1 in Section 31,Lot 3,Mainland,Section 321,
<br />Lots 1 and 2,Island,Seetion 32,the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 32,all
<br />in Township 11,North,Range 9 West`,of the 6th P.M.,Lot 10 in Section 29,and the southwest quarters
<br />of the southeast quarter of Section 32,both in Township 10,North,Range 10,West,Lot 11 in River-
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<br />of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section l,in Township 10,North,Range 10
<br />West being the land conveyed to Martin Schimmer by Hans Wrange by deed recorded in Book 3 of
<br />Deeds at Page 15 of the deed records of Hall County,Nebra.ska^Passed, absolute title,to Lena
<br />Scheel,now Lena Scheel Galyean,a daughter of said deceased,and Martin Schimmer,Jr.,and Walter
<br />Schimmer,grandsons of.Martin Schimmer;deceased,being sons of John Schimmer,deceased,a son'of
<br />Martin Schimmer,deceased,Aopreeeded him in death,in the following proportions: To said Lena
<br />Scheel Galyean an undivided one -half ,and to said Martin Schimmer,Jr.and Walter Schimmer,each an
<br />undivided one- fourth,subject,however,to a life estate devised to Emma Schimmer,widow of the said
<br />Martin Schimmer,deceased,in_ and to that part of Section 32,in Township 11 North,Range 9 West,
<br />in Hall County,Nebraska,deseribed as follows: Commencing aJr a point where the west line of the
<br />right of way of the St. Joseph $ Grand Island Railroad Company intersects the south boundary
<br />line of the southwest quarter of said Section 32,running thence north along the west boundary
<br />line of said right of way 903 feet,thence southwesterly in a straight line 1740 feet to a
<br />point 213 feet north of the south boundary line of said Section 32,thence south 213 feet to the
<br />south boundary line of said Section 32,thence east along the south boundary line of said Sec-
<br />' tion 32 to the place of beginning,and being an irregular tract of ground containing 20 acres,
<br />a little more or less,in the southwest quarter of said Section 32,and including the dwelling
<br />house,improvements,pasture land,orchard,and garden,where deceased lived at the time of his
<br />death,and subject to the easement of the public road on the south side thereof and of the St.
<br />Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company,for switch purposes on the north side thereof.
<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament
<br />of the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,and of the laws of the state of Nebraska in such cases
<br />made and provided,Lots 1,2,and 9,on Island,in Section 6,Township 9,North,Range 10,West,in Hall
<br />County,Nebraska,and containing 97 acres,.a little more or less,passed,by absolute title,to said
<br />Martin Schimmer,Jr.,and Walter Schimmer,grandchildren of said Martin Schimmer,share and share
<br />alike.
<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of -the last will and testament
<br />of the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,and of the laws of the state of Nebraska in such cases
<br />made and provided,Lot 15 in Section 31 that part of Lot 6 hereinbefore specifically described,
<br />Lots 5,7,9,11,12,andl3,in Section 32)and Lots 1,214,5,9,and 92in Section 332and that part of
<br />Lot l.on Mainland in Section 25,hereinbefore specifically desoribed,all in Township 10,North,
<br />Range 10 West,and Lots 1,2,and 3,and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter,of Section
<br />5,(erroneously described in said will as the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said
<br />Section 5),all in Township 9,North,Range 10 Westin Hall County,Nebraska,passed,by absolute
<br />title,to Lena Scheel Galyean and Dora Shipton,daughters of said deceased and Martin Sohimmer,
<br />Jr. ,and Walter Schimmer,grandsons of said deceased,in the following proportions; An undivide4
<br />one -third each to the said Lena Scheel Galyean and Dora Shipton and an undivided one -sixth ea74
<br />to the said Martin Schimmer,Jr.,and Walter Schimmer.
<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of the last wul and testament
<br />and of the laws of the state of Nebraska in such cases made and provided,and by virtue of the
<br />residuary clause of said will,the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter
<br />of Section 22,in Township 12,North,Range 10 West,the east half of the southeast quarter of Sec-
<br />tion 25,in Township ll.Korth,Range 10 West,that partof the southwest quarter hereinbefore more
<br />particularly described,and that part of the southeast quarter hereinbefore more particularly
<br />y
<br />described,all in Section 29,Lot 2 in Section 30,Lot 1 in Section 31,Lot 3,Mainland,Section 321,
<br />Lots 1 and 2,Island,Seetion 32,the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 32,all
<br />in Township 11,North,Range 9 West`,of the 6th P.M.,Lot 10 in Section 29,and the southwest quarters
<br />of the southeast quarter of Section 32,both in Township 10,North,Range 10,West,Lot 11 in River-
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