<br />ty rods,thence south 91j rods to the south line of said Section 29,thence west along the south
<br />line of said Section 29,60 rods to the place of beginning,subject,however,to the tight of way
<br />of the St.Joseph & Grand Island Railway Company;Lot Eleven (11) of Riverside Farm Subdivision of
<br />part of the southeast quarter of Section Twentynine (29),Lot Two (2) in Section Thirty (30),Lot
<br />One (1) in Section Thirty -one (31),Lots One (1),Two (2),and Three (3),Ma.inland,the northwest
<br />quarter of the northwest quarter,Lots One (1),Two (2),and Three (3),Island,the southwest quarter
<br />of the northeast quarter,Lot Four (4),Island,the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter,the
<br />south half of the southwest quarter,and the west half of the southeast quarter,of Section Thirty -two
<br />(32),all in Township Eleven (11),Fo rth,Range Nine (9),West,and the northeast quarter and east half
<br />of northwest quarter of Section Twenty. -two (22),Township Twelve (12),Range Ten (10) ;also the fo11-
<br />ewing described real estate situated in the county of Buffalo and state of Nebraska,to -wit: All of
<br />Section Twenty -three (23),in Township Ten (10),North,Range Eighteen (19),West of the 6th P.M.;
<br />also the following described real estate situated in the county of Lincoln and state of Nebraska,
<br />to -wit: The southwest quarter of Section Twenty -nine (29),in Township Twelve (12),North,Rang e
<br />Thirty -two (32) Nest of the 6th P.M.;also the following described real estate situated in the
<br />city of Grand Islandlin Hall County,Nebraska,to -wit: Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Eight
<br />(9),in Arnold & Abbott's Addition to the city of Grand Island,as surveyed,platted,and recorded.`
<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of
<br />the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 32,in Township
<br />11,North,Range 9 Nest,and the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 5,in Township 10 North,
<br />Range 9,West,in Hall County,Nebraska,passes,by absolute title,to Emma Schimmer,surviving widow
<br />of said deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that under tote terms and provisions of the last will and testament
<br />of the said Martin Schimmerodeceased,the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and Lot 1,
<br />all in Section 9,Township lO,North,Range 9 West,in Hall County,Nebrasia,A by absolute title,to
<br />Bertha Schaupdack,daughter of Emma Schimmer,surviving Ydi.dow of said Martin Schimmer,deceased,by
<br />absolute title,subject only to a life estate therein devised to the said Emma Schimmer.
<br />The Court further finds that Linder the terms and provisions of the last will and testament
<br />of the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,the northwest quarter of Section Thirty -two (32),in Township
<br />Ten (10) North,Range Nine (9) West,the east half of the northeast quarter,the northwest quarter
<br />of the northeast quarter,sometimes known as Lot 2,all in Section 36,in Township 10,North,Range 10 We$t,
<br />�
<br />�9
<br />and Lot 4 on Island in Section ,in To ship orth,'Range 10 West,all in Hall Counlry.Nebraska,
<br />passed,by absolute title,to Emma Sanders,a daughter of said deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament
<br />of the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter,Lots 2 and
<br />3 on Mainland,the east half of the southeast quarter,and Lots 1,2,and 3,on Island,all in Section
<br />10,Township 10,North,Range 1O,West,in Hall County,Nebraska,the southwest quarter of the southwest
<br />quarter of Section ll,the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 15,and Lot 4 in
<br />Section 23,all in said Township 10,North of Range 10 Nest in Hall County,Nebraska,passed,by ab-
<br />solute title,to Dora Shipton,a daughter of said deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that Linder the terms and provisions of the last will and testament of
<br />the said Martin Schimmer,deceased,and under the laws of the state of Nebraska in such cases made
<br />and provided,the north half of the southeast quarter,the north half of the southwest quarter,and
<br />the northwest qua.rter,of Section 5,in Township 10 North,Range 9 West,all of the west half of
<br />Section Thirty -two (32),in Township Eleven (11),North,Ra.nge Nine (9) West,the southeast quarter
<br />of Section 36,in Township 11 North,Range 10 West,except about 20 acres thereof heretofore deeded
<br />s,
<br />to Cay E�toldt by deed recorded in Book F of Deeds at Page 579 of the deed records of Hall 8ountg,
<br />Nebraska,and a tract of land containing 2j acres,a little more or less,in the northeast corner
<br />1_lL
<br />