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1 <br />1 <br />L <br />1 <br />D <br />AX-4 <br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />2872 —Kiopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />thereof on the 16th day of December, 1995; that more than two years have elapsed between her <br />death and the filing of the petition in this cause; that no application or petition has ever <br />been filed for administration upon her estate in the state of Nebraska, nor has her estate ever <br />been administered upon in the state of Nebraska; that she died seized as the owner in fee simple <br />title of an est. -te of inheritance in the real estate hereinbefore described and that upon the <br />death of the said Hannah A.Woodward the same passed and descended, under the intestate laws of <br />the state of Nebraska then in force, by absolute title, to Thomas S.Woodward, George W.Bancroft, <br />Harriett L.Ring, Laura A.Woodward, Emma I.Higgins, and Ellen F.Woodward, sons and daughters of <br />said deceased, subject only to an estate by curtest' therein of Jesse Woodward, surviving husband <br />of said Hannah A.Woodward, deceased, which estate by curtesy has long since terminated by the <br />death of the said Jesse Woodward, and the same is so awarded to them, and to their heirs and <br />assigns forever; that said deceased left surviving her, as her heirs at law and her only heirs <br />at law, said Jesse Woodward, her surviving husband, now dead, and said - Thomas S.Woodward, George <br />W.Bancroft, Harriett L.Ring, Laura A.Woodward, Emma I.Higgins, and Ellen F.Woodward, her sons <br />and daughters; that said petitioner is a qualified person to file said petition and prosecute <br />this cause and is tntitled to the decree as prayed therein establishing the place and date of the <br />death of the said Hannah A.Woodward, deceased, her heirs at law, their degree of kinship to her, <br />and the right of descent of her real estate above described, which decree is hereby found and <br />entered, and that all debts of said deceased, if any such exist, are forever barred and precluded <br />and that further administration of the estate of the said Hannah A.Woodward is hereby dispensed <br />with and said estate is forever settled and closed. <br />J. H. Mullin <br />COUNTY JUDGE <br />State of Nebraska). <br />}ss. In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Hall County ) <br />I, J.H.Mullin, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have com -, <br />pared the foregoing copy of DECREE in the Matter of the Estate of Hannah A.Woodward, deceased. <br />with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct tran <br />cript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record <br />having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has-no Clerk..authorized A <br />to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the <br />Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at <br />Grand Island, this 31 day of May, 1924 <br />J. H. Mullin <br />County Judge <br />( <br />SEAL) <br />By Agnes Matthews <br />Filed for record this 10 day of June 1924 at 3:30 o'clock P.M. Clerk County Court. <br />Register of Deeds. <br />0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0 -0 <br />DECREE <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA p <br />. k <br />In the matter of the estate of <br />DECREE. <br />Anna Finn Sheet's, Deceased. <br />Now, on this 22nd day of April, 1924, this cause came on for hearing upon the final report <br />of William Suhr, Administrator of said estate of Anna Finn Sheets, deceased, and the Court, <br />having examined the final report, together with all other files and the testimony offered in sup. <br />port thereof, finds that said report is true and correct in all things and ought to be allowed <br />and approved as and for the final report of said administrator. <br />The Court further finds that said Anna Finn Sheets departed this life at Wymore, Nebraska, <br />on the 27th day of February, 1923, where she resided temporarily; that immediately prior thereto, <br />and on said date she was an inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, and was the wife of Clifford <br />R.Sheets; that a petition for administration of her estate was, on the 9th day of March, 1923, <br />filed in the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska, by the._husband; Clifford R. Sheets, and ? <br />