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i <br />DECREE <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />DECREE <br />Hannah A.Woodward, deceased. ) <br />Now, on this 31st day of May, 1424, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Ellen <br />F.Woodward, a daughter of said deceased, heretofore filed herein, praying for a settlement of the <br />estate of the said Hannah A.Woodward, deceased, a finding that she died intestate, for the de- <br />termination of her heirs at law, their degree of kinship to said deceased, and the right of descent <br />of the real estate owned by her at the time of her death, said petitioner being represented by <br />Horth, Rican, Cleary & Suhr, her attorneys, and the Court, having examined the records and files <br />and having listened to the testimony in support of said petition and being fully advised in the <br />premises, finds that due and legal notice by publication in the "Grand Island Independent," a <br />semi - weekly newspaper published in said county, for three successive weeks prior to the date of <br />this finding has been duly given to all persons interested in said estate, including heirs at law <br />and credit &rs of said deceased, of the filing of said petition and of the time and place fixed <br />for hearing thereon, which time was more than thirty days and less than sixty days after the <br />filing of said petition, and no one appearing to object thereto, the Court further finds that <br />the allegations of said petition are true; that said Hannah A.Woodward died intestate at her <br />home in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, on the 16th day of December, 1995, and that at the <br />time of her death she was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, that more than two <br />years have elapsed since her death and no application or petition has ever been filed in the sate <br />of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of her estate, and no administration of her <br />estate has ever been had. <br />The Court further finds that said Hannah A.Toodward, deceased, left surviving her, as her <br />heirs at law and only heirs at law and next of kin, the following named persons: Jesse Woodward, <br />her surviving husband, Thomas S.Woodward, a son, of lawful age, George W.Baneroft, a son, of <br />lawful age, Harriett L. Ring, a daughter, of lawful age, Laura A.Woodward, a daughter, of lawful <br />age, Emma I.Higgins, a daughter, of lawful age, and Ellen F.Woodward, your petitioner herein, <br />a daughter, of lawful age, and.that their degree of kinship to her was that of surviving husband' <br />and sons and daughters. <br />The Court further finds that said deceased died seized as the owner, in fee simple title, of <br />an estate of inheritance of Lots Five (5) and Six (6), in Block Eight (8), in George Loan's <br />Subdivision in the city of Grand Island, as surveyed, platted, and recorded, and that said real <br />estate, upon the death of the said Hannah A.Woodward, passed and descended, by operation of law, <br />under the laws of descent then in force in the state of Nebraska, as follows: an estate by <br />curtesy therein to Jesse Woodward, surviving husband of said deceased, and in fee simple title, <br />subject to said estate by curtesy of tre said Jesse Woodward therein, to Thomas S.Woodward, <br />George W.Bancroft, HarriettL.Ring, Laura A.Woodward, Emma I.Aiggins, and Ellen F.Woodward, sons <br />and daughters of said deceased, in fee simple title, share and share alike; that the said Jesse <br />Woodward, surviving husband of the said Hannah A.Woodward, deceased, departed this life in the <br />month of September, 1996, and his estate by curtesy in said real estate was thereupon ended and <br />terminated. <br />The Court further finds that the petitioner Ellen F.Woodward is the present owner of the <br />real estate herein and in said petition described and is a proper person to prosecute these pro- <br />ceeding; that the funeral expenses of said deceased and the costs of these proceedings have been <br />fully paid, that deceased left no debts so far as known, and that all debts or claims against her <br />said estate, if any such exist, have long since been barred by the statute of limitation of the <br />state of Nebraska and that petitioner is entitled to a decree as prayed in said petition. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said Hannah A.Woodward <br />died intestate at her home in Grand Island, Hall County Nebraska, while a resident and inhabitant <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />