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, <br /> � 98- 1«4�ss <br /> . �ibit NaM <br /> Legal Deecription <br /> A a�t of land comprisiqg cettain lots lying 3n tbe Soutbtwest Quarter of 9ect.ioa 14. <br />� Town�hi lI Narth, 9 We vf the Gth P.M. T�ll. Cou <br /> P Ra�ge st, ► aty, Nebraska. all being in the <br /> �ncluetrfal Addit�on to the City af Grstxl Islat�d, Nebrask�a, a:ad snore partiGilarly described as <br /> follows: <br /> A tract of land comprieing all of T.ats Sixty-Five (65�, Sixty-Six (66). <br /> Siaty�Seven (67}� SixtY-B�gbt (65�, Sixty-Nin� (69), Scvr.ntY-Serren (77), <br /> SaventY-Eigbt(78), Sevarty-Nimre C19�, ���► (sa). Eighty-One(81), Ninety-Six <br /> (96), Ninery-Seven(9?), Atioety-Slgb�t (9S) �d One Hunctrcd Three (103) and a <br /> part of Lots Porty-Six{4b), Forty-Seven(4'�, Forty-Ei�ght(A�$), Y�orty-Ninc (49), <br /> Pifty (50), FifCy-Ot�e (51)� Sixty��ou�r (64), P_ight3'-�iva {82}, Ninety-Five (95) <br /> and Ot� Hunds�ed Foux (lU�) all in Indus�ial Addition w the City of C�rar�d <br /> I�lsnd, Nebraska, a�d lyin�g in the Southwest Quarter (SW�4) af Section Pourt,een <br /> (14), Township �evea (11) North, Range Nine (9) VOeet of the 6th�., �3a�1. <br /> County� Nebraaka s�d more part�ic�ilarly desr.ribed as follows: <br /> Beginn�ng at a point Seventy (70.0) feet sautb� and Thirty-T'lu�ee (33) feet <br /> east of tive no�rtbwe�t cvrner af said 5outhwest C,�uarter (SW'�); then�ce ru�nni�ng <br /> easterly �nd parallel to the nart]a line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 3ri} a d�stsnce <br /> of C�1ae Thousaz�d N�ne Htmdr�od Thirty-Sevtn and Five Tenths (�.,�37.5} feet; <br /> tt�ence rtwoiug southerly and para11e1 to ttre west litu of said Svuthwest +�uarter <br /> (SW�) a datstanoe of Un�s Th�asand Siz Hundred Tbia-ty and 'Thirty-'I�wo <br /> Hun�ds�edt�s (l,b3d.32) feet to a paint oa the northexly right-of-way li� of ths <br /> C.B.�Q. Railroad Company; thence t�uming �oxthwest�erly a1or� said R.O,W, <br /> a distance of Seven Huadt+ed Tb�rty-Pour and Ninety-Eight Hw�t�edtbs (734.98) <br /> feet to a point on the east lin,e af the SW�4SW�; the� runriiYtg northerly al�ong <br /> thc caet line of the SW',44 Sw�!i a distence of Thi�ty-Ni�e and Si,�ty-Eigbt <br /> Huc�drzdths(39.68)feet to t�e z�crxt�ieast corn�r of the SW'�SW'�i; t�ace runnin� <br /> westerly alang the north lln�e of ttae SV{T�SW��4 a distance of Seva�nty-S�c and <br /> Thicty-Sevcn.Hundc�edths (76.37)feet to a point on tt�nortt�rly ri,ght-o�way line <br /> of t1� C.B.BiQ. R.ailroad Couapany; thence running northwestex�y alon� said <br /> R.O.'G�. a distan+c� of Q�e Thousand Three Hundred. Seveaaty and Pifity-Six <br /> Hun�d.redths (1,37Q.Sb) feet to a �oint Thii'ty-1'lu+ee (33.Q) feet east of the west <br /> line of said Southwest Quarter (SW�►); thenc� nu�niqg n�o�rth and parallel to the <br /> �x►est line of sa�d Sout�hweat Quarte� (SW�4) a distancx of Si� Hundred Nineteen <br /> and Three Tcnths (619.3) feet to thc po�xC of beginning and c�ntaining SU.Q <br /> ac�+es, more or leas, and d+escribed ia a survey dated October b. 1963, pt�epa�r�d <br /> by Thomas L. Jordan, Register�d Lan�d Surveyor, (3�rsnd Islan�d, Nebra�la�. <br />