<br />administration of said estate had been about coinDleted by said ''r.H.Lalnin�,ehecutor,in his life
<br />time.And no one appearin-.- to object thereto or contest the same the Court finds that said account
<br />is just and true and should be and is hereby allowed and approved and ordered recorded as his final
<br />acco-aat.
<br />The Court further finds that said Alice T. La.nning,deceased.,left surviving her as her only
<br />heirs at larr,devisees anCi legatees under the will and. only persons interested in sai c'_ estate,the
<br />following named persons towit: 71-H. Lanning,her husba.nd,now decea.sed;Mary T. Lanning,daughter,ha.ving
<br />departed this life prior to the death of said Alice T.Lanning,deceased.
<br />That said Alice T.Lanning,decea.sed,left no father or mother,nor any other child,nor any child
<br />o c:r-� lc-re-n, rer her surviving.
<br />Also Ruth I. 1ilson,a niece and. legatee under the will; and The Mary Lan--,in,,, idier.,orial Hospital,
<br />legatee and beneficiary under tine mill.
<br />The Court further finds that said Alice T.Lann- ino,c:ied. seized, and possessed of certain personal
<br />property consisting of bon:s,notes,and securities,of the value of about $17,100 .00,a.nd that
<br />prior to the c.eath of 7'. H. Lanning , exe cut orIsaid securities haixe been converted into cash; X16,000.00.
<br />of ,.T' ion had been invested in Government Bonds in accordance with the orc.er of the Court hereto-
<br />-1
<br />ore entered in sa-id caul:;; hat- under the provisions of said will said. Ruth I.' +Jilson was to have
<br />the income and use of }der natural life,and that at her death said funds were
<br />to go to the E_ ,ov7.ent Fund of The 1 at.ry Lannin` L1erlorial Hospital,and to be held in Trust during
<br />all of sai6 tine by the Trustees, of said hospital for the uses and purposes set forth in said. will.
<br />That said Alice T. Larnain cried seized of certain other personal property consisting of house -
<br />hold anc_ l „itchen furniture,a.s set forth in the inventory on. file.
<br />The Court further 1"i nds that said R. R. D� ?.raerell,adninisti:etor with the rill cnexed,has duly
<br />assi ,nee said. Govern.ent Bolds azr:ott!.ting to $16,000.00 to the L,.Tary Canning Hospital Trust,tiwrhich
<br />has been established a.nl'_. or a:_nized subsequent to the making of said will for the purpose of re-
<br />ceivinr ant' hold? n,- tiv.st fun,.s of like nature, for the benefit of the IM -ary Lanning uernoria.l Hos.
<br />pital,,,ll in accordance t--ith t .e provisions of said wilt,for the use and benefit of Ruth I.71ilson
<br />Burin her lifetLY'e; ant'. t -L'at a.11 otherfvn6s and assets belongin to said estate had been tran-
<br />ferine to 71I.H. L&n aink a.s the benfioia.ry ton er said "Jill.
<br />The Court further fi.nc. s that said Alice T. Lanr.in�, died seized and possessed. of an undivided
<br />one-half ( I,) interest in fee of the following described real estate to -vrit:
<br />The Northwest Quarter anti. the 'en'est one -half (77.11) of the North East Quarter (N.E.µ)
<br />and the North one -half (N.1) of the South Nest Quarter (S, t11. �:) ,al' in Section Twenty -seven (27)
<br />Township Nine (g) North,Range Ten (10), "'Jest of the 6th P.M. ,Hall County, Nebraska; and that under
<br />the provisions of said. :rill said. real estate should be assigned to W.H.Lanning,(now deceased) as sole
<br />devisee under said. will.
<br />The Court further finds that an inheritance tax has been duly assessed against said estate and
<br />paid to the County Treasurers of Hall and Adams Counties,all in accordance with the files and re-
<br />cords in said. cause;an6 that said estate and the right of succession thereto is not liable for
<br />any further inheritance tax.
<br />Th, -,t sa.id estate is of less value than $50,000.00 and is therefore not liable for a War estate
<br />ta.x.
<br />IT IS THEF71 FORE C0111SID R7D,AEJUDGED 10jRDER7D DY the Court that said real estate to -wit:
<br />An tln7i iCTed one-half" (1) interest in the North -” "rest Quarter (N. J'J. ) and the 'Test one -half
<br />of t,,e North East Quarter (IT. E. J) and the North one -half (ITT. 1) of the South 'rest Quarter (S. 7�r. 4
<br />all in Section Twenty -seven (27) ,Tomaship Nine (g) ,North,R_.nge Ten (10)' ,? "rest of the 6th P.M.
<br />Hall County, Nebraska,be,a,na the sa. ie is hereby assigned an:: set over to "r. H. Lanning, (no,,,., deceased) ,
<br />all in accordance j:rith the, A�rovisions of said Will.
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
<br />1
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