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6`41 <br />k <br />No. 3, HALL COUNTt <br />2572 —Klopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />of the said RSa,ry Lanning 11emorial Hospital to take chase of this fund holding it for the <br />benefit of my said niece during her lifetime. I appoint my husband 'V. H. Lanning as my executor <br />S,,ithout bond. <br />At a session of the County Court,held in and for said County,at the <br />County Court Room,in Hastings,on this 5th day of February A.D.,1918. <br />Present John Snider, <br />Judge of the County Court. <br />In the matter of the estate <br />of <br />Alice T. Lanning, deceased. <br />I,John Snider,Judge of the County Court,in and for said County do hereby <br />certify that on this 5th Jay of February,191o,the instrument purporting to be the last will and <br />testament of the said Alice T.Lanning,decea,sed,which was filed in this Court,on the 9th day of <br />January,A.D.,1918,and_ being the instrument to irhich this is nnnexed,was duly proved,aporoved, <br />probated and, alloi^ted,as the last will and testament of the said Alice T. Lan,-ing, deceased, in and <br />for the State, of Nebraska; and was ordered to be recorded in the records of the County Court <br />aforesaid. <br />IN 7,,71TNESS 77HEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of said Court to be affixed! <br />zt Hastings,this 5th day of February A.D.1918. <br />Alice <br />T. Lanning. <br />We,whose names are hereunto <br />subscribed do hereby certify that <br />Alice T.Lanning subscribed her <br />name in our presence and in <br />the presence of each other and of <br />each of us ar.(I declared- at the <br />same tine in our presence and hearing that this instrument was <br />her last will and testament and <br />Tith the will a.nnexed,and on said day he duly qualified as such administrator by taking oath <br />we at her -request sign our n�:.:�es Li.~n our names hereto in her <br />presence Qs attesting witnesses. <br />October 8th,1913. <br />T <br />l �Za o -= �.j�, - u�.. , of February, order ,t .s duly entered i <br />the -th fay � by the Court ixin�, the 9th <br />Thomas Frahai, Hast ings , Neb. <br />R. R. Damerell,Hastings,Nebr. <br />y of �,!ithin three rlonths thereafter as the the for filing; clE_i:`ns and that all <br />claims not filed. -;ithfDn the ti-le so limited shoul' be forever barred an�i directing tha.t notice <br />t- hereof be given by -Dublica.tion in the Adams Counter Del�ocr .t for f,:,ur successive �•Teeks; that <br />thereupon notice to cre;5.itors was duly given --,.)ublished as re uireU by law, in compliance with <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE <br />the order of the Court, <br />The Court further finczs that the time for filing claims has expired and that all claims filed <br />, <br />THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />ADAMS COUNTY, SS. <br />At a session of the County Court,held in and for said County,at the <br />County Court Room,in Hastings,on this 5th day of February A.D.,1918. <br />Present John Snider, <br />Judge of the County Court. <br />In the matter of the estate <br />of <br />Alice T. Lanning, deceased. <br />I,John Snider,Judge of the County Court,in and for said County do hereby <br />certify that on this 5th Jay of February,191o,the instrument purporting to be the last will and <br />testament of the said Alice T.Lanning,decea,sed,which was filed in this Court,on the 9th day of <br />January,A.D.,1918,and_ being the instrument to irhich this is nnnexed,was duly proved,aporoved, <br />probated and, alloi^ted,as the last will and testament of the said Alice T. Lan,-ing, deceased, in and <br />for the State, of Nebraska; and was ordered to be recorded in the records of the County Court <br />aforesaid. <br />IN 7,,71TNESS 77HEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of said Court to be affixed! <br />and allowed against said Estate and the costs of administration have been fully paid;and IT IS <br />HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGEu that all clairis not filed against said estate are forever barred. <br />That said administrator „ith the -Till annexed subnitted his account. It appeoring that the <br />zt Hastings,this 5th day of February A.D.1918. <br />(SEAL) John Snider, <br />Judge of the County Court. <br />That on said day said ',U. H. Lanning,duly qualified as such executor by taking and filing oath <br />and filing bond as directed by the Court and then became and continued to be executor of said <br />estate until the date of his death to -wit: the 9th day of April,1919;that afterwards to -wit: <br />on the 19th day of April11919, sai d_ R. R. Da.merell was duly appoi4ted administrator of said estate <br />Tith the will a.nnexed,and on said day he duly qualified as such administrator by taking oath <br />:.nd. filing bond,`�.-s directed by the Court and then become,has eter since,and is now,the fuly <br />a.p Jointed, qualif-i ed and aotinl; adninistra.tor t=rith the ,-rill annexed bf said estate. <br />T <br />l �Za o -= �.j�, - u�.. , of February, order ,t .s duly entered i <br />the -th fay � by the Court ixin�, the 9th <br />y of �,!ithin three rlonths thereafter as the the for filing; clE_i:`ns and that all <br />claims not filed. -;ithfDn the ti-le so limited shoul' be forever barred an�i directing tha.t notice <br />t- hereof be given by -Dublica.tion in the Adams Counter Del�ocr .t for f,:,ur successive �•Teeks; that <br />thereupon notice to cre;5.itors was duly given --,.)ublished as re uireU by law, in compliance with <br />the order of the Court, <br />The Court further finczs that the time for filing claims has expired and that all claims filed <br />and allowed against said Estate and the costs of administration have been fully paid;and IT IS <br />HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGEu that all clairis not filed against said estate are forever barred. <br />That said administrator „ith the -Till annexed subnitted his account. It appeoring that the <br />