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The South west quarter of the North east quarter of Section five (5) in Township eighteen,north <br />Range 18 West of Indian Meridian (40 acres) , in Dewey County Oklahoma. <br />Lots one (1) and two (2) of Section five (5) in Township eighteen (19) North of range 18 and <br />the South -half of the south -east quarter of section thirty -two (32) in Township nineteen (19) <br />North of Range 18 Nest of Indian Lseridian,(156 acres) Dewey County,Oklahoma. <br />The court further finds that the said Fritz Nietfeldt,left him surviving,his widow Minnie <br />Nietfeldt,and his children,towit;Fritz Nietfeldt,Harry Nietfeldt,Alvina Schmale and William Nietfeldt. <br />The court further finds that said Fritz Nietfeldt,left all of his personal property and house- <br />hold furniture,orna:ents and nearing apparel to his widow,11innie Nietfeldt,an d that distribution <br />of said personal property has been made accordingly. <br />The court further finds that under and by virtue of said last will and testament of the said <br />Fritz Nietfeldt, all of said real estate herein described,passed and descended to Min -4ie,Nietfeldt, <br />his widow,for and during her natural life,and after death the remainder tests in his saidchildren <br />as follows; <br />To William Nietfeldt,the West -half of the north west quarter of section 36,Township 11 Range <br />9 West of 6th P.M.Hall County,Nebraska,subject to the payment of a legacy of four thousand ($4,Op0.00) <br />Dollars to be paid Fritz Nietfeldt,which said legacy constitutes a lien against said premises <br />until naid.also to the said William Nietfeldt,the East Half of the North East Quarter of Section! <br />22 Township 15 Range 9 West of 6th Howard County,Nebraska,subject to the payment of ic;acy <br />in the amount of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars to be paid Fritz Nietfeldt,said legacy to con- <br />stitute a lien upon said premises. <br />To Harry Nietfeldt,the West half of the south -west quarter of Section 25 Township 11 Range <br />9 West of 6th Hall County,Nebraska,subject however to the payment of a legacy in the sum <br />of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) to be paid by the said Harry Nietfeldt to Alvina Schmale, <br />said legacy to constitute a lien upon said premises. <br />To said Harry Nietfeldt the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 22 Township 15 <br />Range 9 west of 6th Howard County, Nebraska, subject to the payment,to Alvina Schmale of a <br />legacy of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars,said legacy to constitute a lien upon said premises. <br />After the death of the said Minnie Nietfeldt all of the following described real esta.te,passe'fs <br />and descend.s,share end share alike,to his children,Fritz Nietfeldt,William Nietfeldt,Alvina <br />Schmale and Harry Nietfeldt,the issue of any deceased child taking by right of representation,the <br />share thereof which his,or her or their parent would have taken if living. <br />The court further finds that the estate of the said estate of the said Fritz Nietfeldt,ans not <br />subject to inheritance tax under the laws of the state of Nebraska,that said executrix has paid -all <br />of the funeral expenses of said deceased,all of the debts of said deceased and the costs of admin- <br />istering said e6tate,a.nd that said estate ought to be closed and said executrix discharged. <br />The court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time <br />and place fixed for filing claims against the estate of the said Fritz Nietfeldt,deceased,and <br />that the time so fixed has fully expired,a.nd that all persons having claims against the estate of <br />the said Fritz Nietfeldt,deceased,if any such there be,a.nd not filed herein are forever barred and <br />excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />IT IS,THEREFORE,ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT, that the final report ofthe said <br />Minnie Nietfeldt,executrix of the last will and testament of Fritz Nietfeldt,deceased be,and the <br />same hereby is approved and allowed as and for her final report,said executrix is hereby discharged <br />and her bond released,and said estate is hereby settled and closed. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that all persons having claims against <br />the estate of the said Fritz Nietfeldt,deceased,if any such there be,are forever barred,enjoined and <br />excluded from setting up or asserting any subYclaims against said estate. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />I I <br />