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A <br />iilm WEI <br />I give,devise and bequeath unto my wife,Minnie Nietfeldt,all of my real estate,wherever the <br />same may be,for and during her natural life;at her death the remainder in said real estate shall', <br />vest in my children acp hereinafter particularly set forth. <br />FOURTH <br />I give,devise and bequeath unto my son,Fritz Nietfeldt,the sun of Forty -five Hundred ($4500.00) <br />Dollars to be paid as provided in Paragraph Five (5) hereof. <br />FIFTH <br />I give,devise and bequeath unto my son,William Nietfeldt,the `Nest Half (17) of the Northwest <br />_ <br />Quarter (NW4) of Section 36,Township 11,Range 9,(80 acres) in Hall County,Nebraska,subject <br />-2- <br />however to the payment of a part of the legacy mentioned in Paragraph Four (4) hereof to my son <br />EIOHTH <br />Fritz Nietfeldt in the amount of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars,said amount to constitute a <br />lien against said premises. I further give,devise and bequeath unto my son William Nietfeldt,the, <br />~_nd remainder,after the <br />East Half (Ez) of the Northeast Quarter (NE-0 of Section 22,Township 15,Range 9, (80 acres) in <br />Howard County,Nebraska,subject however to the payment of the balance of the legacy hereinbefore <br />follows: Fritz Nietfeldt,'a9illiam Nietfeldt,A1- <br />provided for in Paragraph Four (4) in the amount of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars to be paid <br />vina Schmale and Harry <br />to my son Fritz Nietfeldt,said legacy to constitute a lien against said real estate.The said <br />deceased child taking by right of representation, <br />William Nietfeldt to pay the taxes upon said premises and repair the buildings thereon from and <br />the share thereof which <br />after the date of my death. <br />have taken if living. <br />SIXTH <br />I give,devise and bequeath unto my daughter Alvina Schmale the sum of Forty -five Hundred (44500-00) <br />Dollars to be paid as provided in Paragraph Seven O hereof. <br />I hereby constitute <br />SEVENTH <br />Nietfeldt,Executor of this my last Will and <br />I give,devise and bequeath unto my son Harry Nietfeldt,the West Half (WI) of the Southwest <br />v <br />Quarter (S7-1)-of Section 25,Township 11,Range 9 ( 90 acres) in Hall County,Nebraska, subject to <br />In witness whereof I <br />the payment of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars to my daughter Alvina Schmale,being part of the <br />this 25 day of April,1922. <br />legacy mentioned in Paragraph Six (6) hereof. Said - legacy to constitute A lien upon said real <br />Witnesses <br />estate and I further give and bequeath unto my son Harry Nietfeldt the West Half (7�1-) of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE-1) of Section 22,Township 15,Range 9 (80 acres) in Howard County,Nebraska, <br />subject however to the payment of the balance of the legacy provided for in Paragraph Six (6) <br />hereof in the amount of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars to be paid to my daughter Alvina Schmale, <br />said legacy to constitute a lien upon said real esta,te.The said Harry Nietfeldt to pay the taxes <br />upon said premises and repair the buildings thereon from and after the date of my death. <br />Wrp.'Suhr. <br />We whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby certify that Fritz Nietfeldt,the Testator, <br />subscribed his name to the above instrument in our presence,and in the presence of each of us,an "d.a t <br />the same time in our presence and hearing declared the same to be his last Will and Testament, <br />r <br />P <br />-3 - <br />EIOHTH <br />All of the rest,residue <br />~_nd remainder,after the <br />death of my wife, I give,devise and bequeath <br />share and share alike among all of my children as <br />follows: Fritz Nietfeldt,'a9illiam Nietfeldt,A1- <br />vina Schmale and Harry <br />Nietfeldt,the issue of any <br />deceased child taking by right of representation, <br />the share thereof which <br />his,her or their parent would <br />have taken if living. <br />NINTH <br />I hereby constitute <br />and appoint my wife Minnie <br />Nietfeldt,Executor of this my last Will and <br />testament. <br />In witness whereof I <br />have hereunto set my hand <br />this 25 day of April,1922. <br />Witnesses <br />Jx.ergen Rief <br />- <br />Fritz Nietfeldt <br />Wrp.'Suhr. <br />We whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby certify that Fritz Nietfeldt,the Testator, <br />subscribed his name to the above instrument in our presence,and in the presence of each of us,an "d.a t <br />the same time in our presence and hearing declared the same to be his last Will and Testament, <br />r <br />P <br />