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344 <br />I <br />2572 —Mope Printing Co., Omaha <br />there been any administration upon her estate in the State of Nebraska,that she died seized <br />in fee simple of the real estate,as here nbefore described in the State of Nebraska,that she <br />left surviving as her only heirs at law: <br />Albert H.Burger,survi ing husband, <br />Zelma Willis,daughter, <br />Emma Trauner,daughter, <br />Meta Bisheld,daughter, <br />Hattie Von Rembow,daughter. <br />Helen Black,daughter, <br />William Burger,son, <br />Hazel Burger,grand -daughter. <br />that the above described real estate descends as follows: Albert H.Burger,surviving husband of <br />said deceased,an undivided one -third of said real estate and to the following,Zelma Willis,Emma <br />Trauner,Meta Bisheld,Hattie Von Rembow,H°1d. B1ack,William Burger and Hazel Burger,as tenants in <br />common,a two - twenty first (2/21) part to each,and to their heirs and a ssigns,and the same is <br />hereby awarded to them as provided by th laws of descent of the State of Nebraska,that all of <br />the debts of the deceased and her estate are paid and are forever barred and precluded and fur - <br />ther administration of her estate is hereby dispensed with and said estate is settled and for- <br />ever closed. <br />J.H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska, <br />ss. <br />Hall County In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska <br />I,J.H.Mullin,County Judge of Hall Co ty,Nebraska,do hereby certify that I have compared the <br />foregoing copy of Decree in-the matter of the estate of Anna M.Burger,deceased,with the original <br />record thereof,now remaining in said Cou t,that the same is a correct transcript thereraf,and of <br />the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,whieh seal <br />is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, <br />and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the <br />foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal od the County Court, <br />at Grand Island,this 13th day of July,19 3 <br />J.H.Mullin <br />( S AL) County Judge. <br />Filed for record this 10 day of August 1 23,at 11:15 o'clock A.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0 -0 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0 -0 -0 <br />WILL AND CERTIFICATE AND FINAL DECREE <br />THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF FRITZ NIETFELDT <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I.Irritz Nietfeldt,of Hall County,Nebraska,being of sound <br />mind and disposing memory do make,publi h and declare this to be my last will and testament,in <br />the manner and form following. <br />FIRST. <br />It is my desire,and I direct that all of my just debts,the expenses of my last sickness ,fun <br />- <br />era.l expenses and expenses of administering my estate be first paid and deducted from the per - <br />sonal property of which I may die posse sed,and if said personal property be insufficient,I <br />direct that my Executor shall sell so much of my real estate as will be necessary for the pay - <br />ment thereof. <br />SECOND <br />I give,devise and bequeath unto my w: <br />personal effects and all other personal <br />death. <br />THIRD <br />'e,Minnie Nietfeldt,all,my household furniture,jewelry, <br />>roperty which I may own or possess at the time of my <br />