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339 <br />N <br />MWE 0:� <br />following described real estate situate in Hall County,Nebraska,to -wit: <br />-' An', undivided one fourth interest as tenant in common in fee simple in and to the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty -two (22) and the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty -seven (27),and Lots One (1) and Two (2),on Mainland,and the <br />North Ten acres of Lot Four (4),on Island,in Section Twenty -seven (27),all in Township Eleven (11) <br />North of Range Nine (9),West of the 6th P.M.(said ten acres being bounded on the south by a straight <br />East and West line running across said Lot Four (4) , saving and excepting from the above described) <br />land three tracts as follows: One conveyed to William H.C.Lambader,Sen.,by warranty deed recorded <br />in Book 3,Page 548,containing about three acres and being a part of said Lots One (1)° and Four <br />(4);one conveyed to John C.C.Hann by warranty deed recorded in Book Thirty -four (34) at Pa#e 399; <br />containing about two acres and being a part of said Lot One (1);and a third tract of about 10.9 <br />acres conveyed by Margaret Thavenet to William Thavenet by warranty deed recorded in Book 46, <br />page 197 as modified by the agreements establishing a right of way thereto recorded in Book O,page <br />272,with,and subject to the right right of way leading to said third tract as described and prti- <br />vided for in said agreement recorded in said Book O,Page 272;also the entire interest in fee <br />simple to the third tract last above described containing about ten and nine tenths (10.9) acres <br />conveyed by Margaretha Thavenet to said deceased in his lifetime by warrant deed recorded in said <br />Book 46,Page 197 as modified by said road agreement recorded in said Book O,page 272,with and <br />subject to the right of way leading to said tract as described and provided for therein,the instru- <br />ments above referred to being all recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Hall <br />County. <br />The court further finds that said William Thavenet died intestate,unmarried and without issue, <br />leaving him surviving as his heirs at law and only heirs at law,his brothers Gustav Thavenet,Geoxge <br />Thavenetaand Fritz Thavenet and his 30.1ilters Annie Schimmer,Dora Sander,Lena Springsguth and Mar - <br />gatetha Roby;that Dora Sander is also known as Dora Sanders;that the real estate above described <br />passed and descended in equal shares to the above named heirs as tenants in common in fee simple <br />and that all of said heirs are living and are over the.age of 21 years. <br />It is therefore adjudged,considered and decreed by the Court that the said final report of <br />said administrator be and it is hereby allowed and approved;that all claims and debts not filed <br />against said estate are forever barred;that upon the death of said William Thavenet the above <br />described real estate owned by him passed and descended to the above named heirs in equal shares <br />and is hereby so awarded to them ;that said administrator is hereby discharged1his bond released <br />and said estate closed. <br />J. H. Vull in <br />Judge. <br />State of Nebraska <br />8s. <br />Hall County In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska <br />I,J.H.Mullin,County Judge of Hall County,Nebwaska,do hereby certify that I,have compared the <br />foregoing copy of Final Decree In the Matter of the Estate of William Thavenet,Deceased with, <br />the original record thereof,now remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript <br />thereof,and of the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court of Record having a <br />seal,which seal is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates <br />in his own name,and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of.said Court, <br />and that the fore Bing attestation is in do form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at <br />Grand Island,this 15th day of June 1923 <br />(SEAL) J. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />By Agnes Matthews <br />Clerk County Court. <br />Filed for record this 15 day of June 1923,at 4:40 o'clock P.M. <br />Register of Deed <br />1 <br />1 <br />J <br />n <br />