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337 <br />WRLL AND DECREE RECORD <br />deceased, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that notice has been given to all persona <br />interested as to the filing of said report and of the time appointed for final settle -nient of <br />said estate,by publication in the 7,j'00D RIVER SUNBEAPA,as required by order of court and that no <br />one has appeared to object to the allo ,4-ranee of said report. <br />On examination thereof the court finds that said executor has accounted for all of thee-state <br />of said deceased which came into his hands or under his control;that he has received from all <br />sources the surd of $2738.710,and has paid out for funeral expenses,costs of administration,and <br />debts and legacy to George 'BoVnnan,the sum of $272.34,leaving in his hands for distribution the <br />sum of $16.06,and that his report is correct in all respects and. ought to be allowed. <br />It is therefore considered by the court that the report of Elsner Coates,executor be and the <br />same is hereby approved and allowed as and.- for his final account and that upon his filing in <br />this court the receipts of the legatees for their distributive shares in the balance due from said <br />executor as shown by said_ report,he be discharged of his trust. <br />The court finds that notice was given to all creditors of said deceased of the time allowed <br />and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said deceased,that the time so allowed <br />for filing claims has fully expired,that all claims outstanding against said deceased not so <br />filed,if any such exist,are therefore forever barred and excluded,a.nd teat all claims filed <br />and allowed against said estate have beenpaid and satisfied. <br />It is therefore considered. by the court that all persons areforever barred fro;i filing or <br />setting up any clai.rns or demands against the estate of Hannah Botinman, deceased. <br />The Court finds that the said Hannah Bowman departed this life on the ?9th day of August, <br />1922,that she was at the time of her death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebsaska, <br />and- that she left a, last will and testament,which instrument was duly proved,allowed,and admitted <br />to probate in this court on the 7th day of October,1922,and recorded in this office. <br />The Court further finds that said Hannah Bowman died seized it fee of the Westerly Forty -six <br />(46) feet of Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3),in Cha.mberla. n's Addition to the Village of Wood <br />River,in Hall County,Nebraske.,as surveyed,platted,and recorded. <br />The court finds that under the provisions of said., last will and testament 0.11 of the above <br />.:entionela and described real estate did pass and descend,a:t the death of the said Hannah Bozeman' <br />in t -ie manner following to -wit: One Sixth (116) part thereof to William P. Bo7m- ,an,her son; One <br />Sixth (1/6) part thereof to Jessie M.Buzza,her daughter;One Sixth (116) part thereof to Mary A. <br />Coates,her daughter;One Sixth (1/6) part thereof to Nellie E.Puthoff,her daughter;One Sixth <br />(1/6) part thereof,subject to a legacy of $50.00 in favor of Ida L.Dunlap,to Harvey F.Ylorgan,her <br />grandson,and One Sixt'- (116) part thereof,subject to a bequest of $50.00 to Ida L.Dunlap,to Nellie <br />Morgan,her granddaughter. <br />IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDFRED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all of the right,title and <br />interest of Hannah Bozm':ian, in and to the Westerly Forty -six feet of Lot Two, in Block Three, in <br />Chamberlain's Addition to the Village of Mood River,in Hall County,Nebraska,did pass and dL.escend <br />at her death under and by virtue of the provisions of her last will and testament in the manner' <br />following: <br />To 71-1illiain P.Bo�7 ian,her son,1 /6 part thereof; to Jessie 11.Buzza,her daughter 116 part thereof,to <br />Mary A.Coates,her daughter,1/6 part thereof,to Nellie E.Puthoff,her daughter,1/6.part thereof, <br />to Harvey L- Morgan,a grandson,1 /6 part thereof,subject to a bequest of $50.00,in favor of Ida <br />L.Dunlap,a.nd to Nellie Morgan,a, granddaughter,1/6 part thereof,subject to a bequest of $50.00 <br />in favor of Ida L.Dunlap. <br />J.H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />Auril 24,1923-The Court finds that the claim of Paine- Fishburn Company is just and ought to <br />be allowed against the estate of Hannah Boomia.n, in the sum of x`30.00. It is therefore <br />