<br />1
<br />2572—K 10 pp i
<br />sours
<br />Noo 3, HALL COUNT4
<br />zting Co., Omaha
<br />t
<br />of title and unity of rights and common descent of said lands and the interests of said
<br />deced nts therein,as hereinabove found,that the said causes herein are properly joined,and a
<br />dete ination of facts as set forth in said petition in both of said estates can be made jointlT
<br />herein,and that said estates are properly joined in one action for said finds and determination *.
<br />The court further finds that more than two years have elapsed since the death of said Nellie;
<br />L.Blair and that more than two years have elapsed since the death of the said Everett Blair,
<br />and that no application has been made or petition filed in the state of Nebraska,or elsewhere,
<br />for t e appointment of an administrator upon either of said estates,nor have there been any
<br />prose dings for administration of either of said estates,not has either of same eirer been admin-
<br />istered upon. That both of said decedents have been dead for more than eighteen years,and
<br />a
<br />that either of them left any debts,or if any debts exist against the said estates,or either
<br />of th m,they have long since been barred by statute of limitation,and this court finds that if
<br />any s ch debts exist they are so barred and precluded.
<br />(form rly Nellie L.Rundlett) died intestate at Ellis,Kansas,and while a resident thereof,at a
<br />date rior to April 9,1904,and that more than two years have elapsed since her death,and that
<br />no ap lication for administration of her estate has ever been filed in Nebraska,nor has her
<br />estat ever been administered in said state,or elsewhere. That she died seized in fee simple
<br />title and of an estate of inheritance in the lands and real estate hereinabove described,bding
<br />an un ivided one -third interest therein,and that upon her death the same passed and descended,
<br />under the law of descent then in force in Nebraska,to her surviving son,Everett Blair,subject
<br />to th curtesy rights,for life,of a one -third interest therein to her surviving husband,William
<br />S.Bla r,and is so awarded as of said date,and that said heirs at law bore the degree of kin-
<br />ship Of surviving son and husband to said deceased. That afterwards the said Everett Blair
<br />died intestate at Ellis,Kansas,and while a resident thereof,at a date prior to April9,1904;
<br />that more than two years have elapsed since the date of his said death and that no application
<br />for al inistration of his estate has ever been filed in Nebraska,nor has his estate ever been
<br />admin stered upon in said state,or elsewhere;that he died seized in fee simple title of an es-
<br />tate f inheritance in the lands and real estate hereinabove described,being an undivided one -
<br />third interest therein,and that the same passed and descended,under the law of descent then -in
<br />force in Nebraska,to his surviving father,William S.Blair,who bore the relation and degree of
<br />kinsh p of surviving father to him,and same is hereby so awarded in absolute title to the said
<br />Willi m S.Blair as of said date;that said petitioner is a qualified person to file said peti-
<br />tion nd prosecute this cause and is entitled to a decree as prayed herein,establishing the
<br />place and dates of the death of said decedents,and both of them,their.heirs at law,and their
<br />degre of kinship to said decedents,and both of them,and the right of descent of said real es-
<br />tate Bove described,which decree is hereby entered and found;that all debts of said decedents
<br />and o their estates,and both of them,if any exist,are forever barred and precluded,and that
<br />furth r administration of said estates,and both of them,is hereby dispensed with,and said estat e
<br />are f rever closed.
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />State of Nebraska,
<br />ss.
<br />Hall County In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska
<br />J.H- Mullin,County Judge of Hall County,Nebraska,do hereby certify that I have compared the
<br />foregoing copy of Decree, in the batter of the Estatesof Nellie L.Blair and Everett Blair,
<br />i
<br />Decea ed,with the original record thereof,now remaining in said Court,that the same is a
<br />corre t transcript thereof,and of the whole of such original record;that said Court is a Court j
<br />of Re ord having a seal which seal is hereto attached;that said Court has no Clerk authorized
<br />to si certificates in his own name and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of
<br />