<br />DECREE
<br />In the matter of the Estate
<br />of
<br />Otto Mieth,Decea,sed.
<br />Now on this 18th day of April 1923,this cause came on for hearing
<br />on the final report of Everett S.Illieth,Administrator of the Estate of said Otto Ilieth,Deceased,
<br />and it appearing to the court from the proofs on file,and that notice has been given to all per-
<br />sons interested,as by law required of the filing of said report and it further appearing to the
<br />court after a, full examination that the account exhibited by the said Administrator is correct
<br />in a.11 things and ought to be approved and allowed and it further appearing that said Administrator
<br />has accounted for all of said estate which has come into his hands,it is therefore,
<br />ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the report of said Everett S.Mieth,Administrator of the Estate
<br />of Otto Ilieth,cleceased,be and the same is approved as and for his final report.
<br />The Court further finds that notice has been given to all creditors of said estate in the
<br />manner provided by lativ of the time and place fixed for presenting claims against the estate of the
<br />e.eceesed; that the time a.11o,red for filing claims ha,s fully expired; that all claims filed and
<br />alli_o,-red against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied; that the funeral expenses of said
<br />deceased and. the costs of administering said estate have been fully paid and that all outstandilg
<br />claims against said estate,not filed,if any such there be,are forever barren, and excluded.
<br />It is therefore,CRDEnED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court,that all persons are forever barred
<br />from filing or setting up any cla.i is or de.nands against the estate of the said Otto dieth,deceased,
<br />and that said estate is fully settled and closed.
<br />The Court finds that durin the administration of said estate certain personal property came'
<br />into the possession of the Acministra.tor and that in the sale of certain parts of said personal
<br />property certain cash came into the hands of the Administrator. That after paying the bills
<br />allo,rred against the estate consisting of funeral expenses,court costs and attorney's fees,there'
<br />z ^ras a, balance left for distribut'_on among the heirs -at law. That said balance has been distributed
<br />among said heirs at law in the proportions allo-red by lain a..n:' that said personal property, other
<br />1
<br />1
<br />than cash,has been distributed among said. heirs at law in equal proportions and that each has re-
<br />ceipted to said Administrator in full for all demands due to him or her from the personal property
<br />of said estate and that the entire sums that have come into the hands of said Administrator as such
<br />a.nd :_1'. personal property that have come into his possession or under his control by virtue of
<br />his office as Administrator have been paid out and- distributed and there is nothing left in
<br />his hc,nds for c.istri"cution and he has accounted for all sums and property that has come into his
<br />hands.
<br />The Court finds that said estate is not subject to an Inheritance tax under the laws of the
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />The Court finc_s that the said Otto I.ieth departed this life on the 28th day of June,1922,that
<br />his place of resic.ence at the tide of his death,was in Hall County, Nebraska, and that he died
<br />intestate.
<br />The Court further fin()s that the said Otto 'Mi.eth,deceased,was kno,irn as Otto 'Vieth and also as
<br />Otto H.iieth,.L the Otto =Zieth herein referred to is one and the same person as the Otto H.
<br />Meth,referred to in the Final Decree in the Probate Proceedings,in the County Court of Hall
<br />County,Nebra_.s ' ca,in the estate of Em.a. S.I;Tieth,decea.sed,said. Final Decree being filed in said
<br />Court on the L th da,y of July,1920
<br />That the said Otto ,,ieth,deceased,,.-as a single man and left surviving him as his sole and
<br />only heirs at la17 the follo;-irg na.r�ed_ persons:
<br />Fred ':V._iieth,a brother of Ha =.11 County, Nebraska .Frank A.I;iieth,a brother of Hall Cow t iIebraska.
<br />Mary I.Mieth,a sister of Hall County, ex��tska.
<br />Everett S.Ilieth l a brother ^f Hall County,Ilebr�:.ska. Natha.lie A. Rolofson,a sister of Hall County,Ntbr,aska.
<br />