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W._ <br />3 1 b�� � <br />No. 3, HALL COUNTY <br />2572 —Klopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />The court further finds that the said Liaxinie L.Allail,as executrix of the estate of the <br />said Jessie A.yJilson, deceased, has paid the bequests in favor of James Allan,iienry Allan,Mrs. <br />Lary U.Duthie,Eunice I.Wilson,and Jeanette 'dilson Chiles,and has delivered to Elsie Allan the <br />?500 Liberty Bond bequeathed to her under the terms a nd provisions of the last will and testa - <br />rent of Jessie A.Wilson,deceased,that said executrix has paid the funeral expense. of said de- <br />ceased,the debts against her estate and the costs of administration and has paid over to John <br />Allan,sole residuary legatee,the balance remaining of the moneys belonging; to said estate,amount- <br />ing to the sum of 340.17.and has delivered to the said John Allan a Note for $175,given by ones <br />John Baker,all that remains of the personal estate of said deceased. <br />The court further finds that the estate of ,the said Jessie A.Wilson,deceased,iiias not of suff- <br />icient value to be subject to an inheritance tax under the laws of the state of Nebraska;that the <br />said Jessie A- Wilson was a widow at the time of her death,and that she died seized as the owner f <br />i <br />in fee simple of the folloivin6 described real estate situated in the county of Hall and state of <br />Nebraska;An undivided one - fourth of Lots sine (9) and Ten (10),in Block One (1),in Burger's <br />Addition to the Village of Doniphan,and the Easterly one -third of Lot Two (2),in Block Fifty- i <br />four (54) , of the Ori, inal Totiz .,now City,of urand Island,and that under the terms and provisions <br />of the last vrill and testaacrit of the said Jessie A.-Wilson, deceased, the title to s aid one - fourth <br />interest in Lots 9 and 10,in :dock l,in Burger's Addition to the village of Doniphan,in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, passed,by absolute title,to Eunice I.Wilson and Jeanette Wilson Chiles,share <br />and share alike,and that the title to the easterly one -third of Lot. 2,in Block 54,of the Orig,- <br />inal Town,now City,of Grand Island,in Hall County, Nebraska, passed, by absolute title,to John <br />Allan,residuary devisee under said last will and testament,it not Having been necessary for <br />said executrix to sell the same to pay the debts and legacies under said will,and she not E <br />having exercised the power to sell the same. <br />The court further finds that the said Jessie A.hiilson departed this life at Doniphan,Nebraskay, <br />on the 9th day of September,1922,and at the time of her death the said Jessie A.Wilson was a re -` <br />sident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska,and t1r.t her last will and testament was duly <br />proven, all owed, and admitted to probate inithis court on the 7th day of October,1922. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE , ORDERED , ADJUDGED, A2TD DEC LM B Y T HE COURT that the final report of the said <br />Fannie L.Allan,as executrix of the last will and testament of the said Jessie A.y4lilson,deceased,f <br />be,and the sarie hereby is ap' )roved and allotired as and for the final report of said executrix, <br />said executrix is discharged,her bond as such rcleased,and said estate is hereby s ettled and <br />closed. <br />i <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDEFJM,ADJUDGED,ArD DECREED BY TM,? COURT that all persons having claims against <br />the estate of the said Jessie A.Wilson,deceased,if any such taere be,are forever barred,enjoined!, <br />R <br />and excluded,from setting up or asserting any ;such clairmsA aid estate. <br />IT IS FURTaR ORDEF&M, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that under the terms and provisions of the last <br />will and testament of the said Jessie A.Wilson,deceased,the undivided one - fourth of Lots 9,and 1p, <br />in Block l,in Burger's Addition to the Village of Doniphan,in Hall County,idebraska,passed,by ab <br />solute title, to Eunice I - Wilson and Jeanette Wilson Chiles, share and share alike. <br />IT IS FURTFER ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that under the terms and provisions <br />of the last will and testament of the said Jessie A.iilson,deceased,the easterly one -third of Lnt <br />2,in Block 54,of the Original Town,now City,of Grand Island,in Hall County,llebraska,not leaving <br />been sold by the executrix Ander said will,passes,by absolute title,to John Allan,as sole resid -1 <br />uary devisee thereunder. <br />J.H.Mullin <br />i <br />County Judge. I <br />State of Nebraska <br />� ) ss. <br />I <br />Hall County j In the County Court of Hall County,ivebraska <br />L <br />