31. 1
<br />1
<br />The Court finds that notice was given to all creditors of the time allowed and place appointed
<br />for filing claims against the estate of said deceased, and that the time limited for filing
<br />claims has fully expired; that all claims filed and allowed against said estate have been paid and
<br />satisfied and that all claims outstanding against said deceased, and not so filed, if any such
<br />exist, are therefore, forever barred and excluded.
<br />The Court finds that the said Frederick H.Michelson departed this life on the 17th day of Oct-
<br />ober,1919, that he was at the time of his death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and that he died intestate, leaving surviving him as his heirs at law and his only heirs at law,
<br />the following named persons: James A- Michelson, a son; Lucile A.Scott, a daughter; Cathryn A.
<br />Michelson, a daughter, and Ruth L.Michelson, a daughter.
<br />The Court finds that the said Frederick H.Yichelson died seized in fee of the following describ-
<br />ed real estate situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />The .Easterly Twenty -two (22) feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block Fifty -five (55) in the Original Town,
<br />now City of Grand Island;
<br />The Northerly Forty -four Feet (44ft) of the Southerly Sixty -six (66) feet of Lot One (1) in
<br />Block Fifty -five (55) of the Original Town, now City of Grand Island; The Easterly Two and Eight
<br />tenths feet of Lot .Nine and all of
<br />Lot Ten (10) in Block Nineteen (19) in Wallich's Addition to the City of Grand Island, and Lots''
<br />One
<br />(1),
<br />Two (2),
<br />Three (3) and Four (4) in Block V elve (12) of John VI.Lambert's Addition to
<br />the
<br />City
<br />of Grand
<br />Island,
<br />The Court further finds that the said Frederick H.Michelson died seized in fee of the following,
<br />described real estate situate in the County of Blaine and State of Nebraska, to -wit: The North
<br />Half (Nz) of the North -east quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty (40) and the North -Half of the North
<br />West quarter (Nz of NVA,4') of Section Twenty -one ( 21) all in Township Twenty -three ( 23 ) in Flange
<br />Twenty -two (22).
<br />The Court finds teat under the lair of descent of real estate in the State of Nebraska, all of the
<br />above mentioned and described real estate did pass and descend at the death of the said Frederick
<br />H.Michelson, in the manner following: To James A.Michelson, Lucile A.Scott, Cathryn A.Michelson
<br />and Ruth L.Michelson, in equal shares, an undivided one - fourth interest therein to,each of them.''
<br />It is therefore considered by the Court that the report of James A.Michelson, Administrator, be
<br />and the same is hereby approved and allowed as and for.his final account and that upon his filing
<br />in this office the receipts of.the several heirs at law for their distributive shares of the
<br />personal property remaining in his hands as shown by his final report, he be discharged of his trust
<br />and his bond released.
<br />It is further considered and adjudged by the Court that all persons are forever barred from
<br />filing or setting up any claims or demands of whatsoever nature against the estate of Frederick
<br />H.Xichelson, deceased.
<br />It is further considered, adjudged and decreed by tie Court that all of the right, title and
<br />interest of Frederick H.Michelson, in and to the Easterly 22 feet of Lot 8 in Block 55 in the
<br />Original Totem, nov; City of Grand Island, The Nort_erly 44 feet of the Southerly 66 feet of Lot
<br />1,in Block 55, -in the Original Tovni,,novr City of Grand Island The Easterly Two and Eight Tenths fe0t
<br />of Lot sine � " and all of Lot 10 -Un Block 19,in �Jallieh'Vs
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island and Lots 1,2,3,and 4 in Block 12 of John -Lambert's Addit-
<br />ion to the City of Grand Island, all in Hall County, Nebraska, and the.North half of the North-
<br />east quarter of Section 20, and the North -half of the North,,+zvest quarter of Section 21, all in
<br />Township 23, in Range 22, in Blaine County, Nebraska, did pass and descend, at the death of the
<br />said Frederick H.Michelson, intestate, in the manner following: To James A.Michelson, an undividr
<br />ed one fourth part thereof; To Lucile A.Scott, an undivided one fourth mart thereof; To Cathryn
<br />A.Michelson, an undivided one fourth part thereof and'To Ruth L.Michelson, an undivided bne
<br />fourth part thereof and the Court awards it to them.
<br />The court further finds that the Estate of 1rederick Ii.Michelson, deceased, is not subject to
<br />