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WRLL AND DECREE RECORD <br />St"ta of Nebraska,) <br />?:x;;11. County ) <br />In the County Court of Hi Ldl County.Nebraska. <br />I,J.H.Mullin,County Judge of Hall County. Nebr,�, hereby certify that I have compared the <br />foregoing copy of .Final Decree In the T.u.tter of the Estate of Catherine Davis.Deceased with the <br />original record remaining in said Court,that the z i,e is a correct transcript there- <br />of, and of the of such origi nul record; that said Court is a Court of 'sec crd having a seal, <br />which seal is hereto att:.c .lea; that S,. .,d Court has no Cierk authorized to sign certificates in his <br />own nanie,and that I am the 1%a1 ustudiwn of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and thlt <br />the foregoing "tt,-station is in due form of li4w. <br />ITT T-. ^TIIJtOIY 1.11TT ,,R^OF I slave hereunto sec, my hand and affixed the seal of the County C oust, "t, <br />Grand Island, this 26th du,Z of Fsoruary 1923 <br />(SRAL) J. H. Mul11n <br />Count;: Judge. <br />By 1&-nes Matthews <br />Clerk of County Court. <br />Filed for record this 26 day of February 3 o'clock P.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />--0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -O -0 -O -O -G -U -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -U -O -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 - <br />""ILL & CFPTIFICATF ATTn ?+IN1,L ??FCRFF <br />The Last Will of Henry Rief.. <br />I, Henry Rief. being of sound mind and di sposi.n6 memory , but knowing the uncertainties of this <br />mortal life,do hereby make this my last will and do hereby revoke "ill former wills by me made. <br />I "l)-point rV wife,_v=,a Rief,executrix of thi3 will and request that she be permitted to rer- <br />form the duties of that ofii.c e �7ithout givingAvnds whatsoever. <br />To my said wife I give all of the moneys. cerdits. notes, bonds, and u.11 other personal property <br />of arm, '_,ind whatsoever, which I may hove or to which I may be entitled ht Vn- time of my,to <br />be hers fcrever. <br />In addition thereto I give my said wife «l1 of my real estate for and during the period of her <br />natural life. <br />To my son,Arthur Rief, I give and devise all the real estate which I may own at the time of my <br />decease to him and to his heirs forever, subject only to the life estate which I have grunted to his <br />riotner.w,id aubject to the l %aci es herein provided for. Whim legacies I make a chu.rge upon said <br />real estate Lind the s,,,me shall be a lien thereon until they have been {f1pily satisfied. <br />I give and oequeath unto Tief,now in the State of ra.shirg,ton Five Dollars ($5.00) I give <br />to my sor�,Edward Rief.Five hundred Dollars, $500. 00),I give to my daughter,Lillie Sampsun.Five <br />Dollars. (;;:x.00)•. I give Centennial Wehr Five Dollars; (fib -00),I give TAL,thilda Siwrers 'Three <br />Hundred Dollurs,!($300. CU ), in the. event that she survive.-her husband. Should she, however.prec Pde <br />him in death then this leg"cy shall l:Aps,e. To my daughter,Nellle Ericksen,I given Five Hundred <br />Dollars „( 500.00) Lnd to r,�, scn Herbert Rief,I give Five Hundred Dollars (4b00.0C) I have here- <br />tofore amply provided fur the children of my fir6t n ,,a.rri�:ge according to their ?ust deserts.hence <br />the nominal sums given them in this will. The aforesaid legacies shall be paid within eighteen <br />months after the d ec pus e of my wife. <br />Should my life time.give any of the aforesaid legat9es the legacies herein provided, <br />then such leg icy shall not be paid and shall lapse. <br />The provisions made for my wife are to be taken by her instead of the rights which she would <br />have in rky estate. <br />Signed this 9th day of Se;_)tember,A. D..1912. <br />Henry Rief. <br />The foregoing was at the date thereof sign ed. sA— ulAd.nublished, :nd d by said testator as <br />1 <br />1 <br />