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U2 I <br />Noe 39 HALL COUNTY <br />2572 —Kiopp Printing Co., -Omaha -1 _.... <br />PlP1Ah DECREE <br />r <br />i <br />IN THE COUNTY C OUIRT OF HALL COUNTI , NnRi Fs A. <br />ITT THT MATT17R OF TH7 FSTATF ) <br />OF ) FITIAL nFCRFF. <br />CATHFRINF DAVIS, n. CrAS r).. ) Now on this 26th day of February.1923. this cause came on to be <br />heard upon the final report of J chn W.Davis.Administr,;,tor of the Estate of Catherine Davis. <br />decewsed,following due notice to all persons interested, of the filing of said report 4nd of the <br />time and I;lace appointed for final settlement of said estate and no one having; appeared to object <br />to or protest against the allow"i -nee of said report.. <br />On examination of said report the court finds that the said administrator received no persona <br />property and has paid out nothing save the expense of administration and t "14t there remains no <br />money or oth.r property in his hands belonging to said estate; that his report is correct and <br />ought to be allowed. <br />The court finds that due notice was given to creditors as to the time allowed arld place appoint- <br />ed for filing claims against the estate of the said Catherine Davis and that the time so allowed; <br />for filing claims has fully expired;that ail claims outstardiniz; Ligainat the said deceased or her' <br />estate.if any such there be.are therefore forever barred 4nd excluded;that no claims of any <br />nature were filed or allowed against the estate of said deceased. <br />The Court fi.rAs that the said Catherine Davis departed this life on the 31st day of August, <br />i <br />192,2, that she died int4stute and that she was wt the time of her death a resident and inhabit; nt f <br />of Hull County. Nebraska.; <br />The Court finds t xt the uaid Catherine Davis left survi.vir-C her us her heirs at law and her <br />on1�- h<�ars at law the follodvinE rw-med aracr_5: John W.Duvis,her husband,Niary Davis Corcilius,Een y <br />Lri.D&vik3,Lr?niL. Pavi.s Kur-phy,,Tchn W.Duvis..Tr.,Curoline Davis Jacobs,111,dwin .T.Davis and George A. <br />Davis,her children. <br />The co ,1z.rt fi rds that said CL theri ne Davis died seized in fee of the f ollowing desc ri bed real <br />estate situated in the County of Hull and State of Nebraska . to -wit: Lot Number Ten (10) in <br />Block Number Sixtl- (60) in Wheeler and Bennett's Addition to the City- of Grand Island. <br />The court finds that under the law of descent of real estate in the State of Nebraska said <br />property did pass and descend at her death in the ma.nrer following: to John W- D4vis.her husband, <br />art thereof in absolute title; to Ma Davis Cercilius Henry vis I enia Davis Mur .TOhn W. <br />p' � r3' Phi' . <br />Davis ,Tr- .Q,,roline Davis Sacobs.Edwin J.Davis and George A. Tlr-vis,her children 2/3 part thereof i <br />equal shares,subject however to the home stead rig=ht of the s..i.d ,Tuhn W-Aivis in and to said <br />real estate. <br />Dwvi.s Mutphy..TOhn W. Davis Jr. , Caroline Davis Tacobs,Edwin J. Davis and George A. Davis in equal <br />shares as tenants in comrnor, subject however to the homestead right of the said .Tohn W- Davis in <br />and to s"i l r �!z.l Pstate. c;.nd the court awards it to thorn "ccording,ly. <br />.T. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />IT IS <br />THFR FORT CONSIDFRRn BY TH-7, COURT that the :c^eport of <br />the wdninistr, --tor of the estate of <br />Catherine <br />d�ceased� <br />Davis,^be and the same is hereby approved and allowed <br />w3 aria for Lis final accourt and he <br />is discharged <br />of his trust and his 'bond is released. <br />It is <br />further coro_c'ex?d and ad, udged by the court that 411 <br />persons are forever barred from <br />filing or <br />setting up any ol"ima or demands against tha estate <br />of Catherine Davis,Deceased. <br />IT IS <br />FURTHER COTrSIPFR , ADJtiDGEJ?, Al7D D.rCRNFD RC THE COURT <br />that all of the right, ti tle and <br />interest <br />of Catherine Davis in and to Lot 10 in Block 60 in Wheeler <br />& Bennett's Addition to the <br />City of Grand <br />Island did pass and descend at her death in the <br />manner following: <br />J part <br />thereof to John W.Davis;2 /3 part thereof to Lary Davin <br />Corcilius.Hen3!y A.De,vis.Lenia <br />Dwvi.s Mutphy..TOhn W. Davis Jr. , Caroline Davis Tacobs,Edwin J. Davis and George A. Davis in equal <br />shares as tenants in comrnor, subject however to the homestead right of the said .Tohn W- Davis in <br />and to s"i l r �!z.l Pstate. c;.nd the court awards it to thorn "ccording,ly. <br />.T. H. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />