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1 1 ' <br />cash bequests as provided by Vhe terms of the last =:ill and testament of said deceased,and has <br />made due distribution of the other bequests as provided by the terms of said will. <br />The court further finds that the said Matilda J.Kolls departed this life at her homein Grandr <br />Island +Nebraska, on the 15th day of August, 1922, and that at the time of her death she was a resident <br />and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebru,ska;that said Matilda J.Kolls left 4 last will end testament, <br />which was, or. the 16th day of September, 1922. duly proven, allowed, and admitted to probate in this', <br />court."nd that by the terms .nd provisions of said last will and testament,Gustavus Kolls,surv- <br />iving husband of said Mtatilda, J.Kolls,deceased,is the residuary legatee.end:devisee thereunder. <br />The court further finds that the said Matilda J.Kolls died seized as the owner in fee simple <br />of the following described real estate situated in the county of Hall and state of Nebraska., o -wit: <br />Lute Six (6) and Seven (7 ), in Mock lwenty -two (22), in Charles Wasrner'si Addition tothe city of <br />Gr�,,nd Isla.nd,and Lot Six (6),in block Eleven (11),in Charles WV ,srner's Addition to the city of <br />Grand Island. <br />The court further finds that the said Matilda T.Kolls died the owner of certain notes and <br />mortgages u,s shown by the inventory of the executor fi.led herein. <br />The court further finds that under the terms and provisions of the last will and testament <br />of said Matilda- J.Kolls.aeceased,the title to the real estate hereinbefore described, together <br />with the title to the residue of the personal estate of said deceased,passed absolutely to the said <br />Gustavus Kolls,survi.ving husband' of the said Matilda J.Kolls,deceased. <br />IT 7 S, T1.ERFFORF, ORPF?17 , APJUDGn. AY -D PECRFFT? BY THE COURT that the final report of the said <br />Gustavus Kolls,"s executor of the last will and testament of the said Matilda J.Kolls..deceased, <br />be,and the sanje hereby is allowed and approved in all things,said estate is settled and closed, <br />;and said executor disch"rged.. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORIF+'Rn, AD?7- tTDGFA, AND DFCRFF;D BY THE COURT that all persons having claims against <br />the estate of the said Matilda J.Kolls,deceased,if wV such there be,are forever enjoined and <br />excluded from setting up or asserting, any such claims against said estate. <br />IT IS .q+ TRTIiT'R ORDFRTM,AD-TUDGFD, -AXP DECRM BY THr COURT that under the terms and provisions <br />of the last will and testL:ment of the said BLati.lda J.Kolls.dece"sed.the real estate hereinbefore <br />described, tog ether with the residue of the personal estate of said deceased,passed,by absolute <br />ti.tle,to the said, Gustavus Kolls,surviving husband,of said Matilda J.Kolls,deceased,and distri- <br />bution thereof is hereby accordingly made. <br />J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska,) <br />) ss. <br />Hall County ) In the County Court of 'mall County,Nebreska <br />I,J.H.Mullin,Coun.ty Judge of Hall Coun-ty,Nebraska,do hereby certify that I have compared <br />the foregoing copy of LAST TILL AND TFSTAMENT, C r RTIFICATF' OF PROBATE OF 'TILL AND-FINAL DF.CRRF <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE TMSTATF OF YATILPA KOLLS pFCFy Ste. wl th the original record thereof .now re <br />mining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,a,nd of the whole of such <br />original record; that said Court is a Court of Record h4vi ng L, seal,which seal is hereto attached; <br />that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certifaca,tes in his own nt ne,&nd that I am the <br />legal custodian of saa.d Seal and of the Records of said Court,and that the foregoing; attestation <br />is in due form of law. <br />IN T +,STIYOT+Y VrH,;n --OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County- Court, at' <br />Grand Island. this 13th day of February 1923 <br />(gay) J. H. liul li n <br />County Judge. <br />By Agnes Matthews <br />Clerk of the County Court.. <br />Filed for record this 13 day of February 1923, 4t 2:45 o'clock P.M. <br />(4_�._, <br />Register of Deeds <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />