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1 <br />f] <br />No. 3, HALL <br />2572 —Klopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />Fifth.I give to the Nebraska Childrens Koine Society Three Hundred Dollars I give and bequeath <br />to Mrs Aug.Hoffmann dear Dora's fur coat. <br />to the English Lutheran jid Scoiety one hundred Dollars. <br />to Chapter 41 Order of the Eastern Star one hundred Dollars <br />to the Good Shepherd Home,Allentown Fenn. one hundred Dollars. <br />to the Mason's Home of Nebraska one Hundred Dollars,to the Nachusa Lutheran Orphanage (Nach- <br />usa Ills.) one Hundred Dollars. <br />Sixth. I appoint my Husband.Gustavus Kolls executer of this my last Will and Testament. <br />In Witness whereof,I hove hereunto subscribed my name this nineteenth day of November in the <br />year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred eighteen. <br />Matilda J.Kolls. <br />We,wtiose. names are here unto subscribed, do hereby certify. that Matilda J.Kolls, the Testator, sub -± <br />f <br />scribed her name to this Instrument in our presence,and in the presence of each of us,and declar *d <br />at the time in our presence and hearing that this Instrument was her last will and testament <br />and we at her request sign our names hereto in her presence as attesting witnesses. <br />James E. Dill of Grand Is land. Hall Co. Nebr r <br />E <br />Edith Berg of Grand Island Hall Co.Nebr. <br />CFRTIFICATF OF PROBAT F OF 'FILL <br />State of Nebraska, ) <br />ss. <br />I.a11 County. ) At a session of the County Court held at the County Court 'doom in Grand <br />Island in said County,on the 16th day of September A.D.1922,present T.H.Mulli.n.County Judge. <br />i <br />In the matter of the estate of Matilda. J.Kolls deceased.l,,T.H.Mullin County Nudge in and for sai� <br />County,do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of August A.D•1922.the instrument purporting to z. <br />t <br />be the lust will and test,=ent of Matilda J.Kolls deceased.was filed for probate in this Court. I <br />That on the 16th day of September A.D.1922,said instrument to which this is attached was duly <br />i <br />proved,p robated, and allowed as the last will and test;,ment of the said Matilda ,T.Kolls deceased, <br />and the same was orderedto be record�:d in the records of the court aforesaid. <br />In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said County Court this <br />16th day of September A. D.1922. <br />(SEAL) J- H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />IN TIIF COUNTY C OURT OF HALL COUNTY , NEBRASKA. <br />In the matter of the estate of ) <br />FINAL DECREE'- <br />Matilda. tl.Kolls, ) <br />Deceased. ) Now.,on this 13th day of February. 1923, this cause came on f <br />hearing upon the final report of Gustavus Kolls.executor of the last will and testament of Matil <br />J.Kolls.deceased.and the petition of said executor for the allowance of said r -port,the settlemen <br />of said estate, and his final discharge herein, :&nd the court having examined the records and files <br />finds that due and legal notice has been given of the time and place fixed fir the hearing upon <br />said report and F etition, as heretofore order 3i by the court. <br />And the court,having examined said report.together with the vouchers on file,finds that said <br />report is true and correct in "li things and that the same ought to be approved and allowed as <br />and for the final report of said executor. <br />The court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time <br />place fixed for <br />filing <br />claims <br />against <br />said <br />estate.wnd <br />thgt the <br />time <br />so fixed has fully expired. <br />and all persons <br />having <br />claims <br />against <br />said <br />esta.te.if <br />any such <br />there <br />be.are forever barred and ex -' <br />eluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />The court further finds that said executor has paid the funeral expenses of said deceased, <br />the inheritance tax due upon said eatate,and the costs of this proceeding; has paid all the <br />