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I <br />1 <br />1 <br />�l <br />2572 —Klopp Printing Co., Omaha <br />manner following: <br />To Lora C. Hanna, hi s widow, One -half thereof; <br />c <br />r__ <br />To Helen C -Hrn na, his daughter, One- fourth thereof; and <br />To Donald C.Hunna,his son,pne- fourth thereof, <br />to have and to hold to themand their heirs and assigns forever. <br />The Court further finds that the said Executrix still has in her possession the following <br />described property belonging to said estate:: <br />One Electric Automobile,valued at $1700.00 <br />One Hundred Seventy -five Shares Greeley State Bank Stock,, $24000.00 <br />40 Shares Nebraska State Bank Stock 7000.00 <br />40 Shares Nebr iska Loan & Trust Company,Stock 4500.00 <br />26 Shares Brayton State Bank Stock 3400.00 <br />50 Shares Omaha State Bank Stock 7250.00 <br />10 Shares Lakewood Land Company Stock 000_ <br />Total 47850.00 <br />The Court finds that said Electric Automobile passed to and became the property of Lora C. <br />Hanna at the death of James R- Hanna,under the provisions of his Last Will and Testament and that <br />all of the above mentioned and described Bank Stock,and Loan & Trust Company Stock passed,under! <br />the provisions of said Will in the manner following: <br />One -half thereof to Lord C. Hanna, <br />s <br />One- fourth part thereof to Helen C.Mnna,and <br />t <br />One- fourth part thereof to Donald C.iia.nna.,and should be assigned by the Executrix accordingly. s <br />The Court finds that all of the household goods,librury and musical instruments have been <br />delivered to Lora C.Ha.nna�legratee,as provided for in said Last Will and Testament. <br />The Court further finds that the Inheritance Tax assessed against the estate of the said <br />James R.Hanna and against the beneficiaries under the Last Will and Testament of said deceased <br />has been paid. <br />IT IS THFR741FORF CONSIDPRFD BY THE COURT that the report of the Executrix of the estate of <br />James R- Hanna.,deceased,be and the same is hereby approved and allowed as and for her final <br />account and she is discharged of her trust and her bond released. <br />IT IS FURTHER COTIF71 DFRFD AND ADJUDGED B THE COURT that all persons are forever barred,pre- <br />eluded and excluded from filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of James <br />R. Hanna, a ec eus ed. <br />IT IS FURTHER CONSII7FRF'D, APn'T)GFD AND nF.CRFFD BY THE COURT that Lot Six (6) in Block One-hun- <br />dred Twenty -two (122) in Koenig a.nd Wiebe's Addition to Grand Island,in Hall County,Nebruska di4 <br />pass and descend at the death of James R. Han na,under the provisions of the Last Will and Testa- <br />ment to Lora, C.Hranna, in absolute title and the Court awards it to her;that the North -east <br />Quarter of Section 18, in Township 19 in Range Ten, the South -west Quarter of Section 7, in Towns <br />18 in Range 10, the East Half of Section 29 in Township 10 in Range 12, the East Half of the <br />South -west Quarter of Section 29 in Township 18,in Range 12 and a Four -Fifth interest in the <br />South -west Quarter of Section 35 in Township 19 in Runge 10,all in Greeley County , Nebraska, <br />and all of the Bank Stock and Loan & Trust Company Stock belonging to said James R.Hanna did <br />pass and descend at his death under the provisions of his Last Will and Testament in the manner <br />following: <br />To Lora C.Hannu One -half thereof, <br />To Helen C.Hanna One- fourth part thereof and <br />To Donald C - Hanna One-fourth part thereof <br />amsiit is awarded to them accordingly. <br />THR COURT FINDS FURTHER that the said James R.Hanna possessed at the time of his death <br />school 14,nd leases on the South -east Quarter of Section Thirty -six (36) in Township Nineteen <br />(19) in Range Twelve (12) in Greeley County, Nebraska and that said leases passed and descervdo-d <br />under the terms of his Last Will and Testament to the above named legatees in the manner foll- <br />