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297 <br />WRLL AND DECREE RECORD <br />and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IPL "ITNESS 7HY-R -TTOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />7th day of July,1920. <br />('SEAL) J. ii. Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,ITRBRASKA_ <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE F:33TATF <br />} <br />OF FINAL DECRFF. <br />) <br />J r R. HANTTA, DECFASF1). Now on this loth day of January ,1923, this cause hav ing been duly <br />continued from the 30th day of December,1922.ceme on for hearing upon the`finai report of Lora <br />C.Hunnw.Ex4butrix of the Last Will and Testament of James satisfactorily <br />appearing; <br />to the Court <br />from the proof now <br />on file in <br />this office <br />that <br />notice of <br />the filing c' said <br />report and <br />of the time <br />and place appointed <br />for final <br />settlement <br />of the <br />estate of <br />said deceased <br />has been given to all persons interested therein by publication as required by law and by order <br />of the Court,and that no one has appeared to object to or protest against the allowance of said <br />.report. <br />On consi.d erution of the files and the testimony, and on examination of said report, the Court <br />finds that the said Lora, C. Hanna, Executrix. has accounted for all of the estate of said deceased <br />coming into her hands or under her control,and. that her report is correct in all respects and <br />ought to be allowed;thizt she has received from all sources the gum of 14,986.79.a,nd that. she has <br />paid out and di4tributed for debts. taxes. insurance, expenses of the last sickness.fu neral expenses, <br />repu.irs, interest. income ti:x.inheritunce tax,and expenses of administration the sum of $23,557.59.. <br />The Court finds that the disbursements by the Executrix exceed the receipts in the sum of <br />$8,570.80,and that this excess is due the said Lora C.Hanna from the estate,but that she expressly <br />waives any claim against said estate for the amount due her. <br />The Court- finds that notice was given to all crediftors by publication for four (4) consecutive <br />weeks,as to the time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said de-61 <br />ceased; that the time so allowed for filing claims has lone, since expired and that all claims <br />outstanding; against said deceased and not so filed within the time limited for filing claims are <br />therefore forever barred and excluded;tha.t all claims filed and allowed against the estate of the <br />said James R. Hanna. deceased, have been fully paid and satisfied. <br />The Court further finds that the said James R.Hanna departed .'this life on the 7th day of June,', <br />1920,that he wiam at the time of his death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska, and that <br />he left a Last Will and Testament which instrument was duly proved, allowed. and admitted to probate <br />in this Court or, the 7th day of July,1920,and recorded in this office. <br />The Court finds that the said James R. Hanna.; died seized in fee of the following described real <br />estate: <br />Lot Six (6) in Block One Une Hundred Twenty -two (122) in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to Grand <br />Island, in full County.Nebraska, and that under the provisions of said Last Will and Testament. said <br />real estate did pass and descend at his death to Lora C.Ht..;nna.his widow,in absolute title. <br />The North -east Quarter (NE -t) of Section Eighteen (18) in Township Nineteen (19) in Range Ten (10)'. <br />The South -west Quarter (SW-4L) of Section Seven (7) in Township Eighteen (18) in Range Ten (10). <br />The East Half of Section Twenty -nine (29) in Township Eight"en (18) in Range Twelve (12). <br />The East Half (Ej) of the South -west Quarter (SWI) of Section Twenty-nine (29) in Township Eighteen. <br />(18) in Range Twelve (12) and A Four -fifth (4/5) Interest in the South -west Quarter (SW4) of Section <br />Thi. rty -five (35) in Township Nine -teen (19) in Range Ten (10 ). All in Greeley County, Nebraska. and <br />that under the terms and provisions of said Last Will and Testament all of said above described real <br />estate located in Greeley County, Nebraska. did pass and descend.a,t the death of the the <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />J <br />