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1 <br />1 <br />C <br />l <br />1 <br />0 <br />2572— opp, "Printing Co., Omaha <br />are filed in this Court. <br />6. That said estate was solvent and subject to an Inheritance Tax, upon the legacies going to <br />i <br />e <br />Addie P. Loc kwood and Josephine Schott, and the property devised to Roy R. Loc kwood. That an <br />appraiser was duly appointed by the Court to appraise the property of said estate for inheritance <br />tax, that a time and place for such appraisement were duly fixed and all persons having any <br />interest in said property or in said Inheritance Tax, were duly notified of such time and place <br />as required by law. That said estate was duly appraised, the amount of inheritance taxes thereon° <br />duly determined, levied and assessed as provided by law, and notice of the amount so fixed given! <br />to all persons interested in said property or said tax; and that said inheritance taxes have bee#i <br />4 <br />paid in full by the Executor. <br />7. The Court further finds that the final report of said Executor is a true report of his acts <br />and doings relating to said estate, that he has fully performed his duties as such Executor, and! <br />that his reports and final report as such Executor now on file should be approved and allowed, <br />and the Executor is entitled to be discharged. <br />8. The Court further finds the said Wilbur N.Lockwood never married and that his father and <br />mother both preceded him in deaths and that he left as his sole and only heir at law, a brother <br />Roy.R.Lockwood of Nelson, Nuckolls County, Nebraska. <br />i <br />9. The Court further finds that said Wilbur N.Lockwood died seized and possessed of the legal <br />title to Block Number Eight (8) of the town of Redmond, in Deschutes County, Oregon; and seized <br />1 <br />and possessed by fee simple title of one Block of ground in the town of Uplands, California, <br />and seized and possessed by fee simple title of the following real estate situated in the State <br />of Nebraska, towit: The West 25 feet of Lots 1,4 and 5 in Block 15, of the original town of I <br />k <br />Hebron, in Thayer County, Nebraska, an undivided one -half interest therein. <br />An undivided One -third interest in the West 40 Feet of the East 83 Feet of Lots 7,10 and 11 in <br />Block 10 of the original town of Hebron, according to the original survey and plat thereof, <br />excepting therefrom a certain parcel of land described as follows, towit: Commencing at the <br />i <br />Northwest corner of the East one -half of the middle one -third of Lot 7 in Block 10, thence <br />Wapping South 20 Feet, thence East 16 feet, thence North 20 feet, thence West 16 Feet to the <br />place of beginning. <br />An undivided Cne -third interest in a piece or parcel of land bounded and described as follows: <br />s <br />Commencing at a point in the North line of Lincoln Avenue Twenty -six and Two- thirds Feet mast off <br />the Southwest corner of Lot 12 in Block 10 of the original Town of Hebron, Nebraska, running <br />i <br />thence North at right angles with said North Line of Lincoln Avenue across Lots 12, 9 and 8. <br />I <br />thence East on the North line of said Lot. 8, Twenty -six Feet, thence South across Lots, 8, 9 and <br />12 to Lincoln Avenue thence West 26 Feet to the place of beginning. <br />An undivided One -third interest in the West Four Feet of the following described real estate, <br />namely: Twenty-four Feet and Six inches frontage on Lincoln Avenue, being a part of Lots 8,9 <br />and 12 in Block 10 of the original town of Hebron, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of said Block 10 a distance of 77 Feet and <br />and 2 inches East of the Southwest corner of Lot 12 in Block 10, running thence in a Northerly <br />direction at right angles with the North line of Lincoln Avenue across Lots 12,1_1 and 8 a distant <br />of about 165 Feet to the intersection of said line with the North line of Lot 8 in said Block <br />10, thence West on the North line of said Lot 8, Twenty -four Feet and Six inches, tinence in a <br />Southerly direction at right angles with said North line of Lincoln Avenue across Lots 8, 9 and <br />i <br />12, a distance of about 165 feet to the South line of said Block 10, thence East along the <br />4 <br />North line of Lincoln Avenue 24 Feet and 6inches to the place of beginning. <br />An undivided One -third interest in a 99 year lease on a strip of land lying just East of the <br />-East 30 Feet of the West 56 2/3 Feet of Lots 8,9 and 12 in Block 10 of the original town of ! <br />r <br />Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska, which strip is three inches wide on the South and and 41 inches <br />i <br />