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r, <br />the Matter of the estate of Wilbur N.Lockwood, deceased, with the original record thereof, now <br />remaining in said court; that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of <br />said original record; that said court has no clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own <br />name, and that I have the legal custody and control of said original record; that said court <br />is a court of record, has a seal, and that said seal is hereto affixed; and that the foregoing <br />attestation in in due form, according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hard and affixed the seal of said dourt this 6" <br />day of January, A.D. 1923. <br />(SEAL) P.i.Harrison <br />County Judge. <br />Filed for record on the 22 day of January 1923 at 10:30 o'clock A.M. <br />Regisf6r of Dee dss <br />-a-o-a-a-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aro-o-o-o-a-o-a-a- <br />DECREE: <br />IN THE CC UNTY CCURT OF THAYER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILBUR N.LC 10K1YCOD DECEASED. � NO.3095. <br />D E 0 R E E <br />Now on this 10th day of November, 1922, atlO o'clock A.M. this matter came on for hearing upon <br />the petition of Roy R.Lockwood, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Wilbur N.Lockwood <br />deceased, praying for the approval of his final report herein filed by him as such Executor, <br />and for a Decree assigning and distributing the property of said estate as provided in the Last <br />Will and Testament of said deceased, and for the discharge of said Executor. <br />It appears from due proofs on file that due notie of the time place and purpose of this hearing; <br />has been given by publication as provided by law to the heirs of the deceased and to all persons <br />interested in his estate. <br />The Court finds that such due notice has been given as aforesaid, and thereupon hearing is further <br />had to the Court upon the aforesaid petition, and the report and final Report of the Executor: <br />and there being no objeotions filed or trade to the prayer of said petition nor to the said report's <br />of the Executor; both oral and documentary evidence' is introduced by the petitioner, and the cause <br />is subrnittai to the --curt. <br />ttppn due consideration of said petition, reports, files and evidence, the Court finds as follows::' <br />1. That Wilbur N.Lockwood (lied on the 17th day of April, 1921; a resident of Thayer County, <br />Nebraska, unmarried, and left a Last 'Will and Testament. <br />2. That on April 23, 1921, the gwid Vast Will and Testament of said decedent, together with the <br />petition of Roy R.Lockwood for the probate of said will were duly filed in this co-4rt. That there_ <br />upon this Court entered an order fixing upon May 19, 1921 at 10 o'clock A.M., for the hearing of <br />said petition and the proving and allowance of said Will,,. That due notice of the time and place <br />of such hearing were duly given by publication thereof for three weeks as required by law, and <br />thereafter at the time fixed for said hearing, towit: May 19, 1921, hearing was had, and due and legal <br />proof was made and filed, of the death of said Wilbur N.Lockwood and of the due and lawful Execution <br />of said Will, and his said Last Will and Testament was by the Court duly allowed and probated as <br />the Last Will and Testament of Wilbur N.Lockwood, deceased. A true copy of Paid will with the <br />certificate of the probate thereof is hereto attached and made apart of this Decree. <br />3. That on May 19, 1921, Roy R.Lookwood was appointed Executor of said Last Will and Testament, <br />and that he qualified and acted as such Executor. <br />4. That this Court by its order limited the time fur presentation of claims against said estate, <br />which time expired on November 14) 1921, and on the 15th day of November, 1921, the Court made and <br />entered its order forever barring all claims against said estate not theretofore filed. <br />5. That all claims allowed against said estate have been paid and that the legacies bequeathed inI <br />I <br />and by said Last will and Testament have all been paid by the Executor, and his receipts therefor <br />4 <br />