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11..E <br />2572 —Klopp ,�rintin¢ Co., Omaha * �' <br />certify that on the 27th day of December,1921,the instrument purporting to be the last will <br />and testament,of Fritz Wiese.deceased,was filed for probate in this Court-That on the 21st day <br />of January.1922,said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated <br />and allowed as the last will and testament of the real personal estate of said Fritz Wiese,de- <br />ceased, and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHERROF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of the County Court this <br />21st day of January 1922. <br />( SEAL) J. H. Mu l l i n <br />County Judge, <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,,NFBRASKA. <br />Xn the matter of the estate of ) <br />i <br />Fritz Wiese, ) FINAL J SCREE. <br />Deceased.. <br />Now, on this 6th day of January ,1923, this cause came on to be <br />heard upon the final report of Charles G.13an.Executor of said estate,and his petition for a <br />final settlement thereof, and it, • appearing from the proof on file herein that due and legal notice, <br />by pubbication,as by law and the orders of this court required,has been given to all persons in <br />terestedin said estate of the filing of said report and the time and place for hearing thereon, <br />which time,has expired,and there being no objections filed to said report,the 'court,upon examin, <br />ation thereof, finds the same to be in all respects correct and that said report should be allowed <br />and approved and the prayer of said petition granted. <br />The court further finds from the proof on file herein that due and legal notice,by publicatio *, <br />Emil Wiese.and same are so awarded to him and to his heirs,devisees,and assigns forever. <br />The court further finds that said deceased died seized and the owner of the northwest quarter <br />as by law and the orders of this court requi red, has been given to all persons having claims <br />against said estate, of the place and time where and within which same should be filed and that <br />said time has fully ex�i rid, that all claims filed aga.inet said estate have been paid by said exe} <br />cutor,and that all other claims not filed,if arty there be,are forever barred and precluded. <br />The court further finds that the said Fritz^ died, Hall County.Nebraska,and while a <br />resident thereof,on December 24,1921,leavirg a last will and testament which has heretofore been; <br />`i <br />duly filed,proven,and admitted to probate in this court,as by law provided. <br />{ <br />The court further finds that the said Fritz Wiese died seized and the owner of the southeast <br />quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Twenty -three (23) and Lots numbered Five (5 ), Six <br />(E).and Seven (7),on Island,in said Section Twenty -three (23),all in Township Ten (10).Range <br />Ten (10) Westin Hall County,Nebraska,;a.lso the souther�.st quarter of the southeast quarter of <br />{ <br />Section Number Thirty -five (35 ), in Township Ten (10).Runge Eleven (11),Wsst, in Hall County.Neb- <br />raska,which said lands and premises were devised by said deceased in his said will to his, daughter, <br />Dora Lilienthal, and same are so awarded to her and to her heirs,devisees.and assigns forever. <br />j <br />The court further finds that said Fritz Wiese died seized and the owner of the northeast <br />i <br />quarter of Section Thirty -silk (36),in Township Twelve (12),North,Range Eleven_ (11) Westin Hall j <br />I <br />County,Nebraska,which said lands and premises were devised by said deceased in his said will to <br />his daughter, Augusta- Arp,and same are so awarded to her end to her heirs,devisees,and assigns <br />s <br />f orev or. <br />The court further finds that said deceased died seized and the owner of the southwest quartet <br />of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the west half <br />of the southeast quarter,all in Section Number Thirty -five (35),Township Ten (10),North,Range <br />Eleven (11) Westin Hall County,Nebraska,also one -half acre of land,being a strip of ground bne <br />i <br />rod wide and eighty rods long along the west boundary line of the northeast quarter of the north-4 <br />I <br />east quarter of said Section 35,Township Ten (10),North,Ru.nge Eleven (11), Hall County, <br />Nebraska. which said lands and premises were devised by said deceased in his said will to his song <br />Emil Wiese.and same are so awarded to him and to his heirs,devisees,and assigns forever. <br />The court further finds that said deceased died seized and the owner of the northwest quarter <br />