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legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and "h ,-t the foregoing atteatati <br />is in due form of law. <br />280 <br />No. 39 HALL COUNTY A, <br />2572 —slope `,Printing Co., Omaha <br />The court further finds that all household furniture belonging to said deceased was given <br />and 'bequeathed to said Sarah Ellen Houser, widow, with the provisions that each of said above <br />named children should have the r [;:it to select any certain article thereof as a, keepsake or <br />reraembrance,a.nd that said household furniture is so awarded to said surviving widow,with said <br />provilege of said surviving children to mike such sel" they may elect. <br />The court further finds that under the i rovisions of said will of said decew3ed the re- <br />mainder over in said above described lands,except said Lot 7 in said Block 18,Arnold & Abbott's' <br />Addition to the city of Grand Island, Nebraska. was devised and passed to said Sarah Ellen Houseri <br />Minnie M. Houser, Alice E. Houser, Sarah .7.0' 3ryan, and Charles W. Ho user, in fee, in equal shares, <br />as tenants in c ommon, subj ect only to the use and life estate of said Sarah Ellen Houser therein, <br />and said remainder is so awarded to them. <br />The court further finds that said deceased left surviving his only heirs at law,the <br />above mimed persons.all of whoy are more than twenty -one years of age, to-wit: Sarah Ellen Houser <br />his widow,11innie M.Houser,Alice E- Houser,and Sarah J.O'Bryan,his daughter5,and Charles W.Houser,,;; <br />y <br />hi-3 son,and that they are the persons named as legatees and devisees in his said will,as above <br />set forth. <br />The court further finds that said executrix has accounted for all and singular of the estate' <br />and property coming into her hands as such exec;utrix,has )"id the costs of administration and <br />other expenses connected with said estate,and t�"t <br />-4- <br />after using Lill of said Dersonal property belonging to said estate there remains ulDpaid the <br />sum of t59.50.exnenses of said administration, which amount the said Sarah Ellen Houser widow, <br />has p aid from her personal funds, and makes no claim for reimbursement therefor. <br />IT IS,THFRFFORE,BY TITLE COURT ADTUDGED,DECREED,AN?? CONSIDERED that the said report of said <br />executrix be and hereby is in all things allowed and confirmed; that all debts or claims not <br />filed against said estate are forever barred; that said above described real estate owned by sai <br />deceased at the time of his: death ; assed and descended, for life, to the said Sarah Ellen Houser, <br />widow of said deceased,a,nd after her death the remainder over as hereinabove found and set fort, <br />4 <br />and is so awarded to said residuary legatees and devisees,to- wit:Lot 7,in Block 18,Arnold & <br />Abbott's Addition to Gr; rd Isiand;Nebraska, to Min rid M. Houser, Alice E. Houser, Sarah 7.01Bry an. <br />and Charles tenants in common,and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, ' <br />the north hLdf of the northwest quarter of Section 35,and the northeast quarter of SecticOn 34, <br />i <br />Township ll,Runge 10 Westin Hall County,,_qual shares to Sarah Ellen Houser,Minnie <br />M.Houser,Alice E.Houser,Sarah J.01r3ryan,and Charles W.Houser,a.s tenants in common,subject to thol <br />life estate of said widow., .s hereinabove set forth said estate is closed.said executrix dis- <br />charged,a.nd her bond released. <br />d <br />J.H.Mullin <br />County Judge. <br />State of Nebraska,,) <br />j as. <br />Hall County <br />In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska. <br />I,J- 11.14ullin,Cqunty Judge of Hall hereby certify that I have compared <br />i <br />the foregoing copy of Lust Will and Testament Lind Certificate of Probate & Final Decree,In the <br />Matter of the Estate of William H.Houser. Deceased. with the original rFccrd thereof,now remain- <br />, <br />ing in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of such <br />original record;t 4t said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto attached; <br />that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own,and tbk-t I am the <br />� <br />C <br />legal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court,and "h ,-t the foregoing atteatati <br />is in due form of law. <br />