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276 <br />Nos 39 HALL (COUNTY <br />2572— T7iloDD Printing Co., Omaha <br />p &id, and it is <br />HFRFBY ORDERFD Arm AJ)jtTDGED that all claims not filed against the said estate are forever <br />barreFd. <br />8.',Tha,t said administrator +William B. Shafer.filed his account and vouchers and no one appear - <br />ing to ;- object thereto or contest thA same, the Court finds that said account, is just and true <br />and should be and is hereby allowed and approved and ordered recorded as his final account. <br />(wits, the except that the item of $51.36 for small grain sold is cha.rgable to said administrator <br />9.'The Court further finds th"t the said Oliver I3. Shafer left surviving him as his only heirs <br />at 14w the following named persons, to -wit: <br />Mary E. ShL f er, wi d ow Hast i ngs. Neb raska; <br />William E. Shafer, son, "; " <br />,Tohn H. Shafer, son, Juniata,, , " <br />Elf l ed a. 1. Rain forth, daughter, J? ro s s e r, Nebraska; <br />Franklin B. Shafer, s on Doniphan " <br />Maynard R. Shafer, son, Hastings, " <br />Roy H. Shafer, son RFD 3 " " and <br />Virgil V. Shafer, son " " <br />and that he left no other child or children nor the issue of any deceased child him surviving.. <br />la. The Court furtkB r finds , that tie said Oliver B- Shafer died seized in fee of the following <br />described real estate, to -wit: <br />All of Section Seventeen (17).Town Nine (9),Range Ten (10),Hall County,Nebraskra,; <br />South -east quarter (S.E.4) of Section Thirty -three (33) Town Pine (9),Rar_ge Ten (10),Hall <br />County .Nebraska.; <br />South -exist Quarter (S.E.t) Section Thirty -four (34) Town raine (9),Range Ten (10),Hall County;,. <br />Nebraska; <br />Ndrth -west Quarter (N W- J) of Section Three (3 ), Town Eight (8 ), Range Ten (10) Adams County. <br />N eb rws ka; <br />South -east Quarter (S.E.4) of tiection Twenty -two (22),Town Nine (9).Aiorth.Range Forty -five <br />(45) in Phillips County, Colorado; and <br />The East one -half (Et) of Lots Six grid Seven (6 & 7) in Block Fourteen (14) in Moore's Add - <br />itior to the City of Hastings.Adums County.Nebraska <br />the bast described property being the homestead of Uliver B- Shafer and his wife.Mar5 E. Shafer. , <br />at the time of his death. And that there remains in the hands of said administrator for dis- <br />trib4ti on the following described .personal prop erty, to -wit: <br />2nd Liberty Loan uuy 9,1918; 4t,. ;''1000.00 <br />3rd Liberty Loan May 2901918, 4t� 1000.00 <br />4th Liberty Loan Oct.24.1918 4-VII, 1000.00 <br />5 U. S.W"r Saving Certificates 500.00 <br />Note and Mtge of William E•Shafer dated <br />2 -24 -20 for $10,000.00 drawing 5;� int. <br />unpaid balance 9500-00 <br />Note & Mtge of Christian Church dated <br />5 -2 -19 for $3,000.00 5;� int. 3000.00 <br />Note & Mtge of Willies t and Louise Conroy <br />dated 2 -26 -20 for $60OU•00 6,o int. 6000.00 <br />Note & Mtge. of Mina and John Fertig dated <br />1 -28 -19 for $2800.00 unpaid bal. 1725.00 <br />25 shares of Capital Stock of. the State <br />Coal Company of Colorado,par value $10.00 <br />per share <br />4 shares of capital stock in the Hansen <br />Improvement Company of Hansen,Nebr.,per value E <br />$.50.00 per share F <br />Cash in the amount of 2401.57 <br />11-The Court further finds that O.B.Shafer and Oliver B- Shafer are one and the same person <br />and that his real and true name was Oliver B. Shafer. <br />5 <br />12,. The Court further finds that the real estate herein described and the personal property <br />now in the hands of the administrator herein should be assigned to the abov -e named heirs in <br />{ <br />i <br />gccotdance with the laws of the State of Nebraska in such cases made and provided. <br />14. The Court further finds that the value of the shares of said estate descending to the <br />severfa.l heirs in such that they are subject to the payment of an inheritance tux more particular <br />