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271 <br />State of Nebraska,) - <br />). _.SS. <br />Howard County. I,J.A.J1e_Vga,rt,A Bonded Abstracter in and for said hereby <br />certify that the above and foregoing contains a full, true and correct copy of the last Will and' <br />Testament of Abram C.Sr-yder.deceased.the Certificate of Probate thereof,and the final decree and <br />discharge of the executrix under said..'wilj.,as the same appears of record and on file in the office <br />of the County Judge of said county-1 further certify that all costs of administering said estat 'ie <br />have been paido&nd further that I know of my own knowledge that there was no inheritance tax <br />due from said estate of the devisee of said deceased. <br />Dated at St.Paul.Neb,this 14th day of November,A.D.1922. <br />J. A. Hagg art <br />Bonded Abstracter <br />Filed for record this 15 day of November 1922,ut 9:30 o'clock A.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />FINAL DFCRER. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY. NJORASKA. <br />IN THE MATT7R OF THP 3STATT? <br />OF 71NAL DECREE. <br />FF-FTE "ITIT-FORD G PLOW, T)FC 'MASED. Now on this 1st day of November. 1922. this c&use came on to be <br />heard upon the final report of John E.Gelow,Administr&tor of the estate of Effie Whitford Ga-low, <br />deceased, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said John E.G -elow is the only <br />person now interested in the estate of said deceased L-nd that he has entered his voluntary 4ppeapance <br />herein.wuiving notice of the final settlementof the Estate of said deceased.and that no further <br />notice is necessary,"nd that said hearing may therefore beAinstanter. <br />On examination of said report and of the files in thie m"tter,the Court finds that said Adkinp. <br />istrator has accounted for 411 of the estate of said deceased which came to his possession or <br />under his control,4nd that his report is correct in every respect and ought to be allowed as <br />and for his final account. <br />The Court finds thi,,.t notice was given to creditors of said deceased. in the manner required by <br />law, as to the time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said de. <br />ceased,by publication for four successive weeks. and that the time allowed for filing claims has <br />fully exlDirid; that no claims of any nature were filed or a.11owed against the estate of said de- <br />; aeased.and that all claims outstanding against said deceased or her est"te,if any such exist. <br />are therefore forever Marred and excluded. <br />It is therefore considered by the court that the report of Tohn H-Gelow,administrator be and the <br />. <br />same is approved and allowed as and for his final account and he is discharged of his trust. <br />It is <br />further considered and <br />Ld,lludged <br />by the <br />Lot <br />1 Block 15 11.G.Clarks AdditJ on to Grand Island, in Hall County,, Nebraska. and the Southwest, <br />are forever burred and <br />quarter <br />of the Southwest quarter (SWJBWJ) of <br />Section eleven (11) Township fourteen (14) Range <br />claims <br />ten (10) <br />in Howard County.Nebraska.and under <br />the terms and conditions of the will of said deceaoed. <br />all of <br />said residue was devised to said Nancy <br />Snyder,Zxecutrix and that all of said property is�nor <br />in her <br />possession. <br />"The <br />court further finds thut said estate <br />is fully settled that said executrix has fully per,- <br />formed <br />all the duties required of her by law <br />and that she should be discharged. <br />"It <br />is therefore considered. ordered and decreed by the court that said final account. be,,und the <br />same is <br />hereby approved and allowed.and it is <br />further ordered that said executrix be,and she is <br />here-by <br />discharged. Dated at St. Paul, Neb.June <br />15th.1914. <br />M. D. Smith, County Judge." <br />State of Nebraska,) - <br />). _.SS. <br />Howard County. I,J.A.J1e_Vga,rt,A Bonded Abstracter in and for said hereby <br />certify that the above and foregoing contains a full, true and correct copy of the last Will and' <br />Testament of Abram C.Sr-yder.deceased.the Certificate of Probate thereof,and the final decree and <br />discharge of the executrix under said..'wilj.,as the same appears of record and on file in the office <br />of the County Judge of said county-1 further certify that all costs of administering said estat 'ie <br />have been paido&nd further that I know of my own knowledge that there was no inheritance tax <br />due from said estate of the devisee of said deceased. <br />Dated at St.Paul.Neb,this 14th day of November,A.D.1922. <br />J. A. Hagg art <br />Bonded Abstracter <br />Filed for record this 15 day of November 1922,ut 9:30 o'clock A.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />FINAL DFCRER. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY. NJORASKA. <br />IN THE MATT7R OF THP 3STATT? <br />OF 71NAL DECREE. <br />FF-FTE "ITIT-FORD G PLOW, T)FC 'MASED. Now on this 1st day of November. 1922. this c&use came on to be <br />heard upon the final report of John E.Gelow,Administr&tor of the estate of Effie Whitford Ga-low, <br />deceased, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said John E.G -elow is the only <br />person now interested in the estate of said deceased L-nd that he has entered his voluntary 4ppeapance <br />herein.wuiving notice of the final settlementof the Estate of said deceased.and that no further <br />notice is necessary,"nd that said hearing may therefore beAinstanter. <br />On examination of said report and of the files in thie m"tter,the Court finds that said Adkinp. <br />istrator has accounted for 411 of the estate of said deceased which came to his possession or <br />under his control,4nd that his report is correct in every respect and ought to be allowed as <br />and for his final account. <br />The Court finds thi,,.t notice was given to creditors of said deceased. in the manner required by <br />law, as to the time allowed and place appointed for filing claims against the estate of said de. <br />ceased,by publication for four successive weeks. and that the time allowed for filing claims has <br />fully exlDirid; that no claims of any nature were filed or a.11owed against the estate of said de- <br />; aeased.and that all claims outstanding against said deceased or her est"te,if any such exist. <br />are therefore forever Marred and excluded. <br />It is therefore considered by the court that the report of Tohn H-Gelow,administrator be and the <br />. <br />same is approved and allowed as and for his final account and he is discharged of his trust. <br />It is <br />further considered and <br />Ld,lludged <br />by the <br />Court that <br />all persons <br />are forever burred and <br />concluded <br />from filing or setting <br />up any <br />claims <br />or demands <br />against the <br />estate of said Effie Whit- <br />I <br />I <br />