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No. 3. HALL COUNTY <br />270 <br />licaxtion, to the creditors of said estate and that all claims land demands allowed against said g <br />esta.te,the costs and expenses of last sickness and burial of said decea.sed,a,nd of administration, <br />have been paid in full. <br />"The court further finds than after the payment of said costs and expenses there retrains in <br />the hands of said executrix a residue consisting of all the personal property shown by the in- <br />ventory filed herein, also the following described real estate, to -wit: <br />2572 —Slope Printing Co.,_ Omaha <br />WILL AND DECREE <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOWARD COUNTY,NFBRASKA. <br />IN THE FATTER OF THE ESTATE OF } <br />) ,Petition of Nancy Snyd er, f or probate <br />ABRAM C SNYDER,DEMASED. • ) of will and appointment of Executrix, <br />filed Sept.30.1913• <br />COPY OF WILL <br />"LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ABRAM C. SNYDER. r <br />"IN THE NAME OF GOD. "pN: I Abram Q. Snyder of the County of Howard and state of Nebraska. <br />being of sound mind and memory,blessed be God for the same,do make &nd publish this may last will <br />and testament, in manner a.nd form following, that is to say. <br />"First: I direct my executrix hereinafter named, to pay all my just &ebte. funeral expenses and <br />costs of administering my estate out of my personal property. <br />"Second: I Give,Devise and Bequeath to my beloved wife,Nancy Snyder all the rest,residue and <br />remainder of my property, real,personal and mixed, of whatever kind or nature soever and wherever <br />situated, to have and to hold the same to her and her heirs and assigns, to their own use and <br />behoof forever. <br />"Third•I hereby nominate and appoint my said wife Nancy Snyder as sole executrix of this my <br />last will and testament, hereby revoking any a1 all former wills made by me. <br />In Witness ?thereof, I have be•reunto set my hand, this thirty -first (31) day of March, in the <br />year of our Lord, One ' Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten (1910) <br />Abram C. Snyder." <br />"We,whose names are hereto affixed,do hereby certify that the testa,tor,Abram C. Snyder signed <br />the foregoing instrument in our presence and in our presence and hearing declared the same <br />to be his land will and testament,and we,in his presenee,and at his request,and in presence <br />of each other, have signed our nines hereto -& !attesting witnesses." <br />J. A. Haggart, of St. Paul, Neb. <br />E. M. Fr&xe,, of St. Paul, Neb. " <br />"State of Nebraska.) <br />Howard County . <br />On this 20th daay of October, 1913, the within last will and testament of <br />4 <br />Abram C. Snyder. deceased. was duly proven before me,M.D. Smith, County Judge for said county,accord- <br />ing to law,4s the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said deceased,and <br />the same was admitted to probate and duly recorded in my office. <br />I <br />e <br />Witness my hand and offi ci ul seal, hereto a.f fixed, this 20th dray of October,1913• <br />(SEAL) M. D. Smi th, C ounty Judge." <br />---------0--------- <br />s <br />copy of final order. <br />"Fine.l Order" <br />"This cause came on for hearing on the final report and account of Nancy Shy der. Executrix of <br />the last Will and Testament of Abram d. Snyder. deceased. Upon consideration whereof the court <br />finds than Nancy Snyder,the Executrix,is the widow and sole devisee of said deceased and the <br />only person interested in said estate and that she has filed her written waiver of Notice of <br />Hearing on said final account ,asking the court that same be approved and allowed forthwith. <br />"The court further finds from the proofs on file, that due and legal notice was giver, by pub- I <br />licaxtion, to the creditors of said estate and that all claims land demands allowed against said g <br />esta.te,the costs and expenses of last sickness and burial of said decea.sed,a,nd of administration, <br />have been paid in full. <br />"The court further finds than after the payment of said costs and expenses there retrains in <br />the hands of said executrix a residue consisting of all the personal property shown by the in- <br />ventory filed herein, also the following described real estate, to -wit: <br />